Research Data Management
Most cited papers in Research Data Management
Background: Public engagement in health and biomedical research is being influenced by the paradigm of citizen science. However, conventional health and biomedical research relies on sophisticated research data management tools and... more
What is the best way of managing access to sensitive data? This is not a straightforward question, as it involves the interaction of legal, technical, statistical and, above all, human components to produce a solution. This paper... more
Research Data Management (RDM) promises to make research outputs more transparent, findable, and reproducible. Strategies to streamline data management across disciplines are of key importance. This paper presents results of an... more
A characteristic of recent decades of scholarly work in the social sciences has been the increased amounts of empirical research. Access and availability of data are prerequisites for further research, replication work, and scientific... more
In this commentary, I propose a framework for thinking about data quality in the context of scientific research. I start by analyzing conceptualizations of quality as a property of information, evidence and data and reviewing research in... more
In the context of open science, good research data management (RDM), including data sharing and data reuse, has become a major goal of research policy. However, studies and monitors reveal that open science practices are not yet widely... more
This article gives an overview of the findings from the first phase of the Jisc Journal Research Data Policy Registry pilot (JRDPR), which is currently under way. The project continues from the initial study, ‘Journal of Research Data... more
Austin CC; Brown S; Fong N; Humphrey C; *Leahey A; Webster P (2015). IASSIST Quarterly. Data sharing is increasingly recognized as integral to scientific research and publishing. This requires informed and thoughtful preparation from... more
The emergence of social media, including social networking technologies, has had a profound impact on almost all human activities. Social media's application in research is the most recent occurrence, as the technologies have gained... more
Incremental is one of eight projects in the JISC Managing Research Data programme funded to identify institutional requirements for digital research data management and pilot relevant infrastructure. Our findings concur with those of... more
Research data as an integral part of the scholarly record is increasingly attracting attention of all stakeholder groups. Higher education institutions, funding agencies, policy makers as well as the public at large see benefits in... more
The Open Science (OS) agenda has potentially massive cultural, organizational and infrastructural consequences. Ambitions for OS-driven policies have proliferated, within which researchers are expected to publish their scientific data.... more
Die Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin hat im Spätsommer 2012 damit begonnen, ein institutionelles Konzept zum Forschungsdatenmanagement zu erarbeiten. In diesem Rahmen wurde im 1. Quartal 2013 eine breit angelegte Umfrage durchgeführt, die... more
This article considers digital curation in doctoral study and the role of the doctoral supervisor and institution in facilitating students' acquisition of digital curation skills, including some of the potentially problematic expectations... more
Leahey A, Webster P, AUSTINC CC, Fong N, Friddell J, Humphrey C, Brown S, Stewart W
Management and curation of digital data has been becoming ever more important in a higher education and research environment characterised by large and complex data, demand for more interdisciplinary and collaborative work, extended... more
To develop robust research support services across the entire research life cycle, individuals and units from across the university, including the library, must collaborate across internal silos. Effective social interoperability—the... more
The purpose of this study was to assess Research Data Management (RDM) capabilities at the University of Ghana (UG). The study focused on four key capability elements: policy framework, technological infrastructure, skills and knowledge,... more
"Abstract (english): Nearly all academic institutions are presently facing the challenge of ever-growing amounts of digital research data. A comprehensive survey on current research data holdings and researchers needs in supporting their... more
This book is a guide to clarify the legal protection applying to research data under Dutch and European Union law, intended for researchers who need to know what they can do with other people’s data. The opportunities opened up by ICT... more
Dieser Beitrag skizziert vor dem Hintergrund der Diskussionen um den Aufbau einer nationalen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) in Deutschland die Arbeitsweise und Merkmale des Rats für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten (RatSWD).... more
"What do researchers need from archives? What do archives need from researchers? These questions cover two types of researchers that encounter data archives: those who create the data (data creators) and those who re-use it (data... more
This paper attempts to present a brief overview of several Research Data Management (RDM)issues and a detailed literature review regarding the RDM aspects adopted in libraries globally. Furthermore, it will describe several tendencies... more
RESUMEN: El nuevo modelo de ciencia abierta requiere de una infraestructura adecuada para preservar y compartir los datos de investigación. Ello ha implicado un desafío tanto para los investigadores como para las universidades y centros.... more
The effectiveness and impact of social science research is under constant review. From the sharing, reuse and archiving of social science research data to the outcomes, reach and impact of research, social science professionals are under... more
In large systems, data management is only possible through the use of replication techniques. In order to improve availability and ensure fast and efficient access, we propose in this paper a dynamic replication algorithm which takes into... more
The Infrastructure for Integration in Structural Sciences (I2S2) Project is funded under the Research Data Management Infrastructure strand of the JISC's Managing Research Data Programme, with a duration of 18 months (Oct 2009 to March... more
Open-access data associated with research efforts depend upon managing, packaging, and pre- serving data for sharing with collaborators and the public. The U.S. Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network, established in 1980, provides... more
Im gemeinsamen Austausch der vom BMBF geförderten Projekte eeFDM Jena, FDMentor, FOKUS, PODMAN und UniLLAB wurde deutlich, dass die gewonnenen Erfahrungen im Forschungsdatenmanagement-Kompetenzausbau trotz differierender Ansätze und... more
At the University of Pretoria (UP), Pretoria, South Africa, a team consisting of members of the IT and Library departments has evaluated several research data repository platforms in depth. A list of criteria was developed based on other... more
In this paper we provide a case study of the creation of the DCAL Research Data Archive at University College London. In doing so, we assess the various challenges associated with archiving large-scale legacy multimedia research data,... more
With the advent of new technologies integrated with research data management tools has led to a great revolution in the automation and digitization in libraries to provide innovative services that cater to the modern “smart” users’... more