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The Infrastructure for Integration in Structural Sciences (I2S2) Project is funded under the Research Data Management Infrastructure strand of the JISC's Managing Research Data Programme, with a duration of 18 months (Oct 2009 to March... more
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      Earth SciencesComputer ScienceAlgorithmsOperating Systems
Son zamanlarda Türkiye'de sosyal bilim araştırmalarında sosyal medya ortamları üzerine yapılan araştırmalarda, özellikle bu ortamlardan kullanıcıların arayüzeydeki içerik üretimleri çeşitli uygulamalarla toplanmakta, veriler çeşitli... more
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      Research EthicsSocial MediaResearch Data ManagementData Ethics
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
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      EntrepreneurshipManagementEngineeringElectrical Engineering
This book is a guide to clarify the legal protection applying to research data under Dutch and European Union law, intended for researchers who need to know what they can do with other people’s data. The opportunities opened up by ICT... more
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      CopyrightResearch Data Management
Die Forschungsphase bestand aus zwei Projekten, wobei sich das eine eher dem Digitalisierungszentrum DIZ zuordnen lässt, und das andere dem Bereich Forschungsdatenmanagement, das keiner Abteilung angehört, derzeit aber am ehesten ins Team... more
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    • Research Data Management
The DaMSSI team would like to extend their thanks to the DCC and members of the RIN Information-Handling Working Group, including representatives from Vitae and SCONUL, for their feedback, support and continuing promotion of DaMSSI's... more
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      Research Data ManagementSkills Training and Development
Gegenstand der vorliegenden Ausarbeitung ist es anhand von online verfügbaren Forschungsdaten zur „musikalischen Früherziehung“ die Veränderungen in der mu-sikpädagogischen Methodik von 1960-heute zu untersuchen. Zu Beginn führt ein... more
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    • Research Data Management
This paper examines the problems and challenges of small farmers and agriculture in Punjab . It covers general background of Punjab , problems of farmers , role of information technology , trends in agricultural growth, cultivation... more
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    • Research Data Management
In the last two decades, due to the vast quantities of born-digital data produced in a wide variety of forms (texts, images, audio and video recordings, codes a.s.o.) and file formats and to the evolution of tools for dealing with,... more
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      Academic LibrariesLibrary and Information ScienceResearch Data Management
This presentation was delivered at the Elsevier Library Connect Seminar on 6 October 2014 in Johannesburg, 7 October 2014 in Durban and 9 October 2014 in Cape Town and gives an overview of the potential role that librarians can play in... more
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      Information ScienceAcademic LibrarianshipAcademic LibrariesLibrary and Information Science
The study tackled the significance of research data management in developing scientific researches being a new topic in research societies. The study aims to identify research data curation as well as explaining concept, objectives, and... more
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      Research Data ManagementResearch dataResearch Data Curation
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to describe key factors in sustaining effective business value chains for companies operating in the electronic industry and identify their potential future challenges.Design/methodology/approachThe... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsResearch MethodologyData Management
The concept of data curation has been a well-known term for scholarly communities. The understanding of data curation itself is necessary for research institutes that manage any kinds of research data set. Yet, research institutions have... more
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      Data ManagementData curationResearch Data ManagementDigital Data Curation
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      Knowledge ManagementInformation SecurityLibrary and Information ScienceResearch Data Management
A brief and succinct account on what the techniques for collecting data are, how to apply them, where to find data of any type, and the way to keep records for an optimal management of cost, time and effort.
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyResearch Methods and MethodologyData Collecting and AnalyzingData Mining
This paper attempts to present a brief overview of several Research Data Management (RDM) issues and a detailed literature review regarding the RDM aspects adopted in libraries globally. Furthermore, it will describe several tendencies... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation RetrievalResearch Data ManagementData Sharing
The conference also hosted an exciting poster/demo session that showcased the excellent work of some colleagues; presentations by students seemed especially impressive. The Poster Award went to Jamin Koo and Carol Chou for their... more
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      Digital CurationTraining and DevelopmentData curationResearch Data Management
At the University of Pretoria (UP), Pretoria, South Africa, a team consisting of members of the IT and Library departments has evaluated several research data repository platforms in depth. A list of criteria was developed based on other... more
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      Data and Document RepositoriesResearch Data ManagementResearch data repositories
With the advent of new technologies integrated with research data management tools has led to a great revolution in the automation and digitization in libraries to provide innovative services that cater to the modern “smart” users’... more
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      Information RetrievalMetadataBest PracticesResearch Data Management
European archaeology has recently started to employ largescale databases of field data for a purposeful research of settlement history in the long-term perspective. Projects of this kind target topics like the demography of past... more
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      Theoretical ArchaeologyResearch Data Management
This paper attempts to present a brief overview of several Research Data Management (RDM)issues and a detailed literature review regarding the RDM aspects adopted in libraries globally. Furthermore, it will... more
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      Information RetrievalResearch Data ManagementData SharingResearch Data Sharing Through Open Acces and Enhanced Publications
Austin CC; Brown S; Fong N; Humphrey C; *Leahey A; Webster P (2015). IASSIST Quarterly. Data sharing is increasingly recognized as integral to scientific research and publishing. This requires informed and thoughtful preparation from... more
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      Institutional RepositoriesDigital repositoriesRepository softwareResearch Data Management
This paper presents about the reference management software's (RMS) as a boon to changing the scholarly communication. With the rapid applications of ICT in academic and research area to scientific writing and scholarly communication,... more
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      Research MethodologyResearch Data ManagementDigital LibraryBibliometric and citation analysis
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      Academic LibrariesTrainingResearch Data Management
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      Digital HumanitiesDigital CurationAcademic LibrariesCollaboration
A list of my papers and presentations. These will be uploaded as and when requested.
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      Data MiningInstitutional RepositoriesData AnalysisBlended And Mobile Learning
Background: Public engagement in health and biomedical research is being influenced by the paradigm of citizen science. However, conventional health and biomedical research relies on sophisticated research data management tools and... more
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      Participatory ResearchResearch EthicsCommunity Engagement & ParticipationPublic Health
RESUMEN: El nuevo modelo de ciencia abierta requiere de una infraestructura adecuada para preservar y compartir los datos de investigación. Ello ha implicado un desafío tanto para los investigadores como para las universidades y centros.... more
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      UsabilityInformation ArchitectureResearch Data ManagementBibliotecas Universitarias
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      Research Data ManagementData Sharing
Von den meisten Fördergebern im wissenschaftlichen Bereich wird heute Forschungsdatenmanagement erwartet. Eine Grundlage dessen ist die Zugänglichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit der Daten. FAIR Data Principles und möglichst auch Open Access zu... more
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      EthnographyResearch EthicsSocial and Cultural AnthropologyResearch Data Management
The purpose of this study was to assess Research Data Management (RDM) capabilities at the University of Ghana (UG). The study focused on four key capability elements: policy framework, technological infrastructure, skills and knowledge,... more
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      Research Data ManagementOpen science
The research was aimed at evaluating how research data are being managed in research institutions in Zimbabwe. The study also sought to assess the challenges that are faced in research data management by research institutions in Zimbabwe.... more
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      Research Data ManagementData Science
La base de datos contiene una sistematización de las fuentes de información hemerográfica, utilizadas por el autor, para estudiar permanentemente la coyuntura de dominación polìtica y manipulacion ideológica del sexenio presdiencial de... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial SciencesMexican Studies
What is the best way of managing access to sensitive data? This is not a straightforward question, as it involves the interaction of legal, technical, statistical and, above all, human components to produce a solution. This paper... more
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      Research Data ManagementConfidentialityData Access
A characteristic of recent decades of scholarly work in the social sciences has been the increased amounts of empirical research. Access and availability of data are prerequisites for further research, replication work, and scientific... more
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    • Research Data Management
Es un acervo de fuentes de informacion documental (primarias y secundarias) para estudiar los procesos de oposición derechista al cambio organizacional socialmente comprometido, en IES públicas. Hay énfasis en el caso de la Universidad... more
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      Media StudiesSociology of EducationHigher EducationSocial and Cultural Anthropology
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      GeographyMetadataGeoinformaticsData Management
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      Computer SciencePublishingData ManagementResearch Data Management
Digital libraries can be deployed at many points throughout the life cycles of scientific research projects from their inception through data collection, analysis, documentation, publication, curation, preservation, and stewardship.... more
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      Digital LibrariesData ManagementResearch Data ManagementLibrary and Information Studies
Objective: Evaluate and examine Data Literacy (DL) in the supported disciplines of four liaison librarians at a large research university. Methods: Using a framework developed by Prado and Marzal (2013), the study analyzed 378 syllabi... more
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      Library ScienceAcademic LibrariesOpen DataResearch Data Management
Editions – a specific genre of scientific literature – play a central role not only in philology, but also in archaeology as comprehensive publications of material. Their importance for archaeological knowledge production has been... more
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      ArchaeologyTranslation StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesResearch Data Management
ICT has not only effected its format, contents, methods of production and delivery of information products but has also changed the role of Abstractlibrary and information professionals from intermediary to facilitators. In this perfectly... more
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      Research Data ManagementDigital Library
S Gesing/J. Krüger (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG 2016). Rome, Italy, June 8-10, 2016. – Nowadays, the daily work of many research communities is characterized by an increasing... more
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      MetadataResearch Data ManagementKnowledge Communities
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      Academic LibrariesTrainingResearch Data Management
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      Information ScienceResearch Data ManagementData StructuresForschungsdatenmanagement
Abstract (ger): Im Zeitraum vom Juli 2013 bis Juli 2014 fanden 17 Interviews mit Wissenschaftlern der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin zum Thema Forschungsdaten statt. Das Ziel der Interviews war, tiefere Einblicke in den Umgang mit... more
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      Open AccessScholarly CommunicationLibrary and Information ScienceResearch Data Management
/ Metadaten.html DARIAH-DE (Hrsg.) Daten-und Metadatenformate in den Fachdisziplinen. Archäologie (2015) wiki/ pages/ viewpage.action?pageId=20058856 Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation e. V. (Hrsg.
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      Political ScienceResearch Data Management
The research was aimed at evaluating how research data are being managed in research institutions in Zimbabwe. The study also sought to assess the challenges that are faced in research data management by research institutions in Zimbabwe.... more
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      Research Data ManagementData ScienceData Format