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      Gender StudiesFascismUkrainian StudiesNationalism
Survival, Bucharest: Centre for Visual Introspection, 2010, 240 pp., ISBN 978-973-0-09406-0 by Daniela Calciu in Colloquia. Journal for Central European History, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Institute... more
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      Gender StudiesFascismNationalismCommunism
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      Eastern European StudiesGender StudiesEconomicsDevelopment Economics
"Heresy" is developed here as an analytical term for the criminalization of speech questioning the basic tenets of a belief system, such as internal criticisms of state socialism or denial of the applicability of the term genocide to some... more
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      Gender StudiesAcademic FreedomHuman RightsGenocide Studies
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      Gender StudiesArchitecturePolitical TheoryCzech History
Editado en el año 2000, por la Cruz Roja Mexicana con una segunda impresión en 2003, a la que se incorpora la presentación del doctor José Antonio Fernández Arena, Director General de la Cruz Roja Mexicana (2003-2005). El texto es del... more
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      Search and RescueRed CrossInternational movement of the Red CrossRescate
The Relationship of Czech State to the Empire in the Middle Ages and its Use and Abuse in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia The relationship of Czech state and the medieval German Empire is the core of the dispute between the... more
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      European HistoryGender StudiesLegal HistoryFascism
English translation of the testimony given by Maurits van Thijn (1922–2011) and Catharina van Thijn-Blitz (1924–2018) in Dutch and published as Chapter 2 in: Steffie van den Oord, "Liefde in oorlogstijd" (Love in wartime).... more
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      TestimonyMemory StudiesHolocaust StudiesHolocaust education
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      SecurityCrisis ManagementRescue and ResistanceRescue
Сборник воспоминаний «Мы благодарны Вам за жизнь» посвящен подвигу спасения евреев Крыма и других регионов СССР их соседями – русскими, украинцами, крымскими татарами, представителями других народов – в период «окончательного решения... more
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      Holocaust StudiesHolocaustCrimeaJews and Gentiles
In the past few years, there have been several accidents of children falling into abandoned bore wells in India. Abandoned bore wells that have turned into death pits for children. The problem is all over India. Rescue teams spend hours... more
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      Rescue ArchaeologyPreventive and rescue archeologySearch and RescueCold water drowning and rescue
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      Polish HistoryJewish HistoryHolocaust StudiesModern Jewish History
REZUMAT Obiectivul principal al cercetării este acela de a analiza și de a pune în evidență componenta profund etică din filigranul proiectului prozastic nedelcian. Urmărind ilustrările tensiunilor de ordin moral și identitar care... more
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      Eastern European StudiesRussianEast European studiesRomanian Literature
While leadership scholars increasingly acknowledge the influence of followers in the leadership process, less attention has been paid to their role in the destructive leadership process. Specifically, the current debate lacks a... more
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      Organizational BehaviorBusiness EthicsChristianityNew Religious Movements
With regard to the percentage of Jewish victims and survivors during the Shoah, France and the Netherlands are each other’s counterpart: 25 per cent of the about 320,000 Jews in France did not survive the persecutions, whereas 75 per cent... more
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      HistoryComparative HistoryTransnational HistoryHolocaust Studies
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      HistoryGender StudiesGenocide StudiesFascism
This paper forms a response to Manfred Gailus' call for 'micro-histories' to examine the heterogenous nature of religious response, and to his notion of the first year of Nazi rule as a 'Protestant experience' (1933 als protestantisches... more
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      ChristianityHistoryGerman StudiesGerman History
My doctoral dissertation examines the experiences of the Italian volunteers in the Waffen-SS troops using in-depth interviews with former volunteers as the main primary source. This phenomenon, even if significant in size (depending on... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistoryEuropean HistoryEuropean History
In 1947 the Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural and Education Centre in Winnipeg held a memoir contest. Sixty-four memoirs were submitted, and most of them are still preserved in Oseredok’s archives. I examined all extant submissions in order to... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychologyGender StudiesNarrative
The article deals with the controversial author’s preface to the novel Fabulatory treatment by Mircea Nedelciu, as a particular case of compromise between literary production and the field of power, in the context of the highly... more
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      Cultural StudiesComparative LiteratureGender StudiesLiterature
A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978 0 7486 5586 1 (hardback) ISBN 978 0 7486 5587 8 (webready PDF) ISBN 978 0 7486 5589 2 (epub) ISBN 978 0 7486 5588 5 (Amazon ebook)
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      Critical TheoryPost Modern LiteratureHistoryCultural History
This article has been peer reviewed through the journal's standard double blind peer-review, where both the reviewers and authors are anonymised during review.
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      Holocaust and Genocide StudiesHolocaust History and HistoriographyRescue and ResistanceHistory of Holocaust Survivors In the Aftermath of World War II
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural History
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      HistoryCultural HistoryGerman StudiesJewish Studies
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      History of Childhood and YouthHolocaust StudiesRescue and Resistance
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      Discourse AnalysisEuropean HistoryEastern European StudiesGender Studies
The present article is an attempt to reveal the underlying theoretical and symbolic structure of space with the “optzecist” writer Mircea Nedelciu. Especially focusing on a particular category of topoi which can be associated with Michel... more
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      Comparative LiteratureGender StudiesLiteratureFascism
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      LanguagesHistoryGender StudiesWomen's History
The paper addresses the ways contemporary history (the "short 20th century ", 1914-1989) is represented in the national museums of post-communist East-Central Europe. It focuses particularly on the Hungarian House of Terror, and draws on... more
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      Gender StudiesMuseum StudiesFascismNationalism
shaping particular types of national movements. In the regions where the Ottomans had ruled for centuries, ethnic particularity was expressed in the tradition of the millet-system. It represented the unity of the ethnicity with the... more
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      Gender StudiesContemporary HistoryFascismNationalism
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      LanguagesReligionHistorySocial Geography
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Préface en prose È a voi che parlo, uomini degli antipodi, parlo da uomo a uomo, con il poco che in me rimane dell'uomo, con il poco di voce che mi rimane in gola, il mio sangue è sulle strade, possa esso, possa esso non gridare vendetta!... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryGender StudiesPoetry
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      Gender StudiesEthicsMulticulturalismFeminist Theory
This article recounts a little-known episode in which Yugoslav partisans, led by the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, rescued some 2,500 Jews from the former Italian camp for Jews in the northern Adriatic in the autumn of 1943. By focusing... more
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      YugoslaviaJewish HistoryCommunismResistance (Social)
The words 'next year in Jerusalem' are recited at the end of every Passover celebration. But, what would have happened if Albania had become the Jewish Homeland instead of Palestine? A far-fetched question, you might exclaim, but now... more
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      Jewish StudiesAlbanian StudiesBalkan StudiesBalkan History
The following article presents a literary model of settling accounts with Nazism in German prose based on a metaphorical configuration of two main protagonists, a woman and a man, and on their mutual relationships determined by eroticism.... more
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      German LiteratureGender StudiesFascismNationalism
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      Military HistoryGender StudiesFascismNationalism
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      Cultural StudiesPsychologyGender StudiesNarrative
The number of Ottoman humanitarians directly involved in the rescuing of the victims of the Armenian Genocide was significant. However, in many cases, researchers have focused on individual rescuers who were, more often than not, in... more
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      Holocaust StudiesArmenian GenocideHolocaust and Genocide StudiesRescue and Resistance
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      German StudiesGender StudiesSocial AnthropologyHuman Rights
This paper considers the manner in which connections were formed to the Nazi state, and argues the usefulness of the categories of 'Vernunft' (reason/rationality) and 'Gefuhl' (feeling/emotion) in analysing and categorising such... more
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      HistoryGerman StudiesGerman HistoryHistoriography
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      HolocaustWomen and Gender StudiesHolocaust and Genocide StudiesHistory of Slovakia
Tot ce e în farfurie//trebuie trăit." 2 Iată așa-zisa Formulă a lui Orlando care îi inspiră lui Gheorghe Crăciun textul final din Doi într-o carte (fără a-l mai socoti pe autorul ei) 3 , un text în memoria lui Mircea Nedelciu 4 scris,... more
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      Gender StudiesLiteratureRussianFascism
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      Holocaust StudiesFamily historyModern Greek StudiesHolocaust and Genocide Studies
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      Jewish StudiesCentral European historyJewish - Christian RelationsHolocaust Studies
“The Stigmatization of Dedicated Polish Women Rescuers during the Second World War and Its Aftermath,” This should be relevant to anybody working on the history of rescuers of Jews in Poland/Eastern Europe, gender, antisemitism and... more
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      Polish HistoryAntisemitism (Prejudice)Eastern European historyJewish History
This chapter examines the history of the Bund, a socialist reform group that saved several Jews from death in the German city of Essen during World War II. Established in Essen in 1924 by Artur Jacobs and graduates of his adult education... more
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      Holocaust StudiesRescue and Resistance
*This book is at *. With an epic historical sweep, “Genocide in the Middle East: The Ottoman Empire, Iraq, and Sudan,” reveals how the struggles by nations and empires to establish their regional supremacy resulted... more
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      Gender StudiesOttoman HistoryGenocide StudiesKurdish Studies
""Lithuania ranks among the countries with the largest percentage of Jewish victims during the Holocaust. Of the approximately quarter of a million Jews who lived within its borders at the beginning of Operation Barbarossa in June 1941,... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesPsychology