This dissertation frames Plato's Republic as an attempt to reform the state of discourse in a politico-discursive crisis that occurred toward the end of the fifth and beginning of the fourth century BCE in Athens, by focusing on the... more
This dissertation frames Plato's Republic as an attempt to reform the state of discourse in a politico-discursive crisis that occurred toward the end of the fifth and beginning of the fourth century BCE in Athens, by focusing on the... more
!is paper explores the role of external factors in the constitution of the Stoic mind. It will show how the external infuences the Stoic mind in several crucial ways: 1) Constitutive Role: the external world acts as a constitutive... more
Aristotle offers us no sustained account of civic friendship (πολιτική φιλία), only remarks scattered throughout the Nicomachean Ethics and Eudemian Ethics.1 In this paper I hope to make clear what his views on civic friendship are.... more
Razmišljajući duže vrijeme o jednom od najpoznatijih i najveličanstvenijih filozofskih odlomaka – “mitu/alegoriji o pećini”, iz Platonovog djela ‘Država’, koji predstavlja osnovu za različita tumačenja, imali smo potrebu skrenuti pažnju... more
There are numerous interpretations of Plato's theory of justice as it relates to the ideal state, deeply intertwined with his political philosophy. This complexity makes understanding his interlocking ideas challenging, as he seeks to... more
The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of PjBL with WBL media as an instructional strategy and direct instructional (DI) strategy on the understanding (intercept) and the concept application of science-integrated learning... more
Εὐδαίμων ὁ Κόρινθοσ' ἔγωγε δ' εἴην Τενεάτης. ΄΄Κόρινθοσ' ἔγωγε΄΄. Η βεβαιότητα που προκύπτει ότι μεταξύ της Τεγέας και της γειτονικής Τενέας ή κατά τον Στέφανο γραμματ. <Γενέα> κερδίζει η <ΤΕΝΕΑ> και είναι σωστό να γράφεται <ΤΕΝΕΑΤΗΣ>.... more
The concept of the idea of the Good is one of the key aspects of Platonic ontology and ethics. Plato introduces the Good in Book VI of the Republic, defining it as the “the highest form of knowledge”. The function of the Good in Plato... more
Pie de página de próxima aparición en Ediciones Sin Nombre. ** Escritora. ©ITAM Derechos Reservados. La reproducción total o parcial de este artículo se podrá hacer si el ITAM otorga la autorización previamente por escrito.
Traducción española del diálogo platónico "Clitofonte".
In this essay, I shall argue that, contrary to common assumptions, Plato's so-called "City of Pigs" (Pl. rep. 372a3–373b1) is by no means an anti-philosophical state. Refuting this assumption, I aim to show that the dialogical context... more
Review of Marina Marin's *Plato and Aristophanes: Comedy, Politics, and the Pursuit of a Just Life*
Pie de página de próxima aparición en Ediciones Sin Nombre. ** Escritora. ©ITAM Derechos Reservados. La reproducción total o parcial de este artículo se podrá hacer si el ITAM otorga la autorización previamente por escrito.
At Republic 414b, Socrates asks “Could we... contrive ... one noble lie ...?” Most plausibly, these words imply that there is one noble lie. Following these words, the Autochthony Claim asserts the Best City’s citizens are equally... more
The Allegory of the Cave (514a-520a of Plato’s Republic) describes how people may come to know the form of the good, or, the good itself. It depicts a prisoner who with great difficulty leaves the cave in which he was bound and enters... more
En el presente artículo se sostiene que la violencia es inevitable en cualquier organización humana, pero que debe ser ejercida a modo de justicia. Según Platón el ser humano debe ser conducido, mediante la motivación y/o coacción, a... more
2023-2024 Güz Dönemi, Anadolu Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Bölümü
FEL331 – Felsefi Metinler III, Mesleki Seçmeli Ders, Teori 4, AKTS 6.0, Türkçe
FEL331 – Felsefi Metinler III, Mesleki Seçmeli Ders, Teori 4, AKTS 6.0, Türkçe
The utopian character of Plato's city in The Republic has been a main subject of discussion, centred especially on the characteristics of the proposed community and its incoherencies when assumed as a concrete political project. The aim... more
Pensar qué es la justicia, qué es lo justo y que no, es como dice Sócrates, de mayor valor que el oro (336e). Y si el oro es difícil de hallar mucho más difícil será la búsqueda de lo que verdaderamente es la justicia. Tal es el panorama... more
Certificate of my participation in the 31st International Conference “The Universe of Platonic Thought”, organised by the Plato Philosophical Society at the Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 22-23... more
This is the PDF-PowerPoint which I used for my talk at the 31st International Conference “The Universe of Platonic Thought”, Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, St Petersburg, Russia. The title of my talk was: "Individuals,... more
I am going to speak on 22 June at the Conference The Universe of Platonic Thought - 31st International Conference, 22–23 June 2023 St Petersburg, Russia. The title of my talk will be: Individuals, Ideas and Dialectic. In my study, I shall... more
Booklet of the 7th International Transdisciplinary Symposium "BIOETHICS AND APORIA OF PSYCHE", Centre for Bioethics of the Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, May 4–5 2023.
Levels of Argument is a comparison of the Republic and Nicomachean Ethics, focusing on the methods and structures of the texts' arguments. In his analysis, Scott's chief point is that in both texts, Plato and Aristotle recognize two... more
The following is a draft of an essay currently under review. The essay examines a crucial passage in Book II of Plato’s Republic (376c7-383c7). In this passage, Socrates asks Adeimantus whether he knows that all gods and human beings... more
The ‘Scala Amoris’ (210a-212b), or ‘Ladder of Love’, constitutes the philosophical and aesthetic centrepiece of Socrates’ encomium of Eros in Plato’s Symposium. Here Diotima describes how a lover ascending up the Ladder directs his erotic... more
No te preguntas cuántos perros forman una jauría. Cómo recuperan su condición puramente animal. Cómo se rebelan a ser domesticados, se entregan a provocar dolor y a dolerse. Una jauría mató a una madre y a su hijo en el Cerro de la... more
Resumo: A literatura é uma prática artística que procura capturar a contingência, a diversidade, o movimento da realidade. A arte literária, de fato, se constitui através de ensaios aproximativos. É arte ensaística. A filosofia, ao longo... more
The utopian character of Plato's city in The Republic has been a main subject of discussion, centred especially on the characteristics of the proposed community and its incoherencies when assumed as a concrete political project. The aim... more
I presented this paper at the 2023 Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association. The paper begins from the observation that, in Books II-VII of Plato’s Republic, Socrates founds three different cities-in-speech.... more
The utopian character of Plato's city in The Republic has been a main subject of discussion, centred especially on the characteristics of the proposed community and its incoherencies when assumed as a concrete political project. The aim... more
It seems necessary and above all logical to demand from researchers in the realm of the Classical Tradition the provision of conclusive proofs of the dependence of literary or artistic works on Greek or Latin models that, after having... more
La reproducción total o parcial de este artículo se podrá hacer si el ITAM otorga la autorización previamente por escrito.
Il libro di Claudia Maggi si apre con una citazione di Pierre Hadot che, assegnato a unafabbrica addetta alla riparazione di locomotive durante la seconda guerra mondiale, ebbea dichiarare di essersi occupato, fino ad allora, di... more
Mixture of philosophy and religion defines Plato's tradition of spirituality known as Platonism. The view of God as a First Principle or Supreme Good rather than a person is based on platonistic doctrine that anything that have... more
In the traditional interpretation, The Republic is a continuation of the discussions in Gorgias, according to which virtue and polis laws are tricks invented by a mass of weak people to capture the lust for power of the best individuals,... more
The Hipparchus features a conversation between Socrates and an un-named companion, at an unknown time and place, about gain (or profit) and whether we should in any way limit our pursuit of gain. Socrates argues intransigently that we... more
do conhecimento como cognições essencialmente distintas e mutuamente irredutíveis. Ademais, uma vez que Sócrates estava preocupado principalmente com a noção de conhecimento como saber o que (é), o que requer uma apreensão de essências ou... more
The aspect of Plato’s theory of the soul: on soul’s constitution, education and developments - PDF-Powerpoint for the NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, DEDICATED TO WORLD PHILOSOPHY DAY - Philosophical Sciences Department at the Union of... more
This is the PDF-PowerPoint which Professor Elena Nikolaevna Sobolnikova and I used for your exposition at the Moscow X Plato Conference, RSSU, 3rd November 2022. The title of our paper was: 'The idea of the soul in Plato's philosophy:... more
The object of my presentation is Plato’s Phaedrus, and, particularly, the interrelation between the metaphysics of the Forms from the Palinode (243e9 – 257b6), and the normative account of rhetoric as soul-leading (ψυχαγωγία) by means of... more
Harari's study is the latest book-length investigation of the Aristotle's <i>Posterior Analytic</i> (<i>APo</i>). But where many recent predecessors-Goldin's <i>Explaining an Eclipse</i> (Michigan, 1996), Ferejohn's <i>Origins of... more
chapter of a book called Dialogues on Immigration and the Open Society
In the Republic, action is grounded on a true, objective knowledge due to the causal function of the intelligible Forms, which accounts for the possibility that political ruling aims at a true good. How to understand this articulation,... more
In my inquiry, I shall analyse some aspects of the association among being, knowledge and soul in Plato. For my investigation, I shall consider passages from Republic, Phaedrus, Phaedo, Timaeus and Laws. My attention will be directed to... more
This paper examines Socrates’ problematic analogy of reading big and little letters in Book II of Plato’s Republic. The examination highlights a significant grammatical detail, which has been almost entirely overlooked in contemporary... more