The Indo-Pacific damselfish Abudefduf vaigiensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825) was first observed in the Hawaiian Islands in the early 1990s and is now clearly established as a breeding population in the Islands. Sightings of fish with color... more
Objective The aim was to examine risk factors for ovarian borderline tumors overall, and according to histological subtype (serous vs. mucinous), in a large Danish population-based case-control study. Methods Ovarian borderline cases and... more
Courtship and mating in the giant hairy desert scorpion, Hadrurus arizonensis (Scorpionida, Iuridae)
Hadrurus arizonensis is a large, long-lived species of North American desert scorpion with lengthy, stereotyped courtship behaviors that lead to sperm transfer via an external spermatophore. Courtship and mating behaviors in H.... more
Background: It is well known that many anurans do not reproduce easily in captivity. Some methods are based on administration of mammalian hormones such as human chorionic gonadotropin, which are not effective in many frogs. There is a... more
Females of the European pine sawfly, Neodiprion sertifer (Geoffr.) (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae), were released and observed inside and outside ( = control) of areas treated with their sex pheromone for the purpose of mating disruption. In... more
Approximately 37 thousand Malians currently reside in France as part of the West African diaspora. Primarily Muslim, both women and men confront challenges to their understandings of Islamic prohibitions and expectations, especially those... more
We criticize a view of maternity that equates the natural with the genetic and biological and show how such a practice overdetermines the maternal body and the maternal experience for women who are mothers through adoption and ART... more
Bolafios, J. and Edmeades, G.O., 1993. Eight cycles of selection for drought tolerance in lowland tropical maize. II. Responses in reproductive behavior. Field Crops Res., 31: 253-268. Drought stress can greatly reduce grain yields of... more
Hormonal control of expression of courtship behavior and of development of structures related to the reproductive behavior in two species of Japanese newts, Cynops pyrrhogaster and Cynops ensicauda, was described. Prolactin (PRL) and... more
The genetic architecture of human reproductive behavior-age at first birth (AFB) and number of children ever born (NEB)-has a strong relationship with fitness, human development, infertility and risk of neuropsychiatric disorders.... more
The population of western lowland gorillas in North American zoos is aging and, as is the case with the aging human population, may have unique physical and social needs. We have documented previously that 25% of aging females (5/22)... more
We studied the reproductive behavior of wild caught and captive-born, first generation offspring of the Lake Malawi fish, Tramitichromis intermedius (Teleostei, Cichlidae), held in aquaria. Spawning behavior includes an exchange of... more
Positive reinforcement training holds great potential for enhancing the management of species for reproduction. This paper reviews a wide range of animal training activities and resultant benefits which could have application to captive... more
Background: Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer in women globally and represents the second leading cause of cancer death among women (after lung cancer). India is going through epidemiologic transition. It is reported that the... more
In this paper I examine the prevailing assumption that there is a right to procreate and question whether there exists a coherent notion of such a right. I argue that we should question any and all procreative activities, not just... more
... Electrosensory system Tricas et al. (1995) found that the electrosensory sys-tem serves an important function in the social and reproductive ... Table 1. (Continued). General behavior and species Descriptions/Notes References ... 9... more
The behavior of Japanese or domestic quail Coturnixjaponica. NEUROSCI BIOBEHAV REV. 21(3) 261-281, 1997. --This paper reviews the literature pertaining to the behavior of the Japanese or domestic quail Coturni;cjaponica. Details are given... more
Species in which females compete more intensely than males for access to mates are uncommon. Sex-role reversal in fishes has been documented only in species in which males bear eggs, such as pipefish and a mouthbrooding cardinalfish. I... more
This study models various pathways linking maternal education and child nutritional status in Bolivia, using a national sample of children. Pathways examined include socioeconomic status, health knowledge, modern attitudes towards health... more
Life history theory aims to explain the relationship between life events, recognizing that the fertility and growth schedules of organisms are dependent on environmental conditions and an organism’s ability to extract resources from its... more
Matriliny has long been debated by anthropologists positing either its primitive or its puzzling nature. More recently, evolutionary anthropologists have attempted to recast matriliny as an adaptive solution to modern social and... more
Prey species show specific adaptations that allow recognition, avoidance and defense against predators. For many mammalian species this includes sensitivity towards predator-derived odors. The typical sources of such odors include... more
We perform a content analysis of twenty marriage and family textbooks published between 1950 and 2000 to study how the voluntarily childless are presented in undergraduate courses. Throughout the time period studied, independence, pursuit... more
Adolescence is the developmental epoch during which children become adults-intellectually, physically, hormonally and socially. Brain development in critical areas is ongoing. Adolescents are risk-taking and novelty-seeking and they weigh... more
Although dinosaur eggs were first discovered and identified in the late 1800s, limited attention was given to the scientific value of oological fossils in contrast to observations based on skeletal features. Here, we offer a review of... more
Information on mating season is of paramount importance for our understanding of reproductive behavior, yet little is currently known about the breeding season of Xenarhtra as a whole and sloths in particular. A pair of maned sloths was... more
The energetic resources in an organism's environment are essential for executing a wide range of life history functions, including immunity and reproduction. Most energetic budgets, however, are limited, which can lead to trade-offs among... more
Rationale Methamphetamine (Meth) is a highly addictive psychostimulant associated with enhanced sexual desire, arousal, and sexual pleasure. Moreover, Meth abuse is frequently linked with the practice of sexual risk behavior and increased... more
On the basis of terror management theory, the authors hypothesized that reminders of mortality (mortality salience) should promote the desire for offspring to the extent that it does not conflict with other self-relevant worldviews that... more
Background: Smaller family size and voluntary childlessness has been reported in IBD; however, the disease-related reasons for this from a patient viewpoint are not described. The aims were to 1) determine whether IBD patients'... more
La trucha arco iris tipo iridiscente, oriunda de la región del río Sacramento, en la costa oeste de los Estados Unidos de América, fue traída por primera vez a Costa Rica entre 1927-1928 por iniciativa privada para poblar los ríos... more
In polygynous species, male reproductive success is predicted to be monopolized by a few dominant males. This prediction is often not supported, suggesting that ecological and alternative mating tactics influence siring success. The... more
a b s t r a c t Aquatic organisms exposed to endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) at early life-stages may have reduced reproductive fitness via disruption of reproductive and non-reproductive behavioral and physiological pathways.... more
The reproductive biology of the endemic to Greece Abies cephalonica Loudon, including the phenology of the reproductive life cycle, cone production in relation to plant age and the required seed germination conditions, was studied. All... more
There are profound maternal effects on individual differences in defensive responses and reproductive strategies in species ranging literally from plants to insects to birds. Maternal effects commonly reflect the quality of the... more
Background: Enabling women living with HIV to effectively plan whether and when to become pregnant is an essential right; effective prevention of unintended pregnancies is also critical to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality as well... more
Female distribution exerts a major impact on male mating tactics. Giraffe cows have a reproductive cycle, and a social system, that should favor a male roaming reproductive tactic. We conducted a 2-year study of female Rothschild's... more
CONTEXT: Iran's culture and religion prohibit sexual contact prior to marriage. Due to the sensitivity of the topic, little is known about the sexual activity of unmarried adolescent males or about their knowledge of, and attitudes... more
Oblective 9 In 1996, India included Adolescent Health ~n Reproductive and Chtld Heatlh Programme This Task-Force Study was planned to test the awareness level of adolescents regarding vanous reproductive health tssues and to tdentlfy... more
The health issues of young adulthood have received relatively little attention compared with those of adolescence, although the critical issues in young adulthood parallel those of adolescence. Young adults often fare worse than... more
We undertook a field study to determine whether comb cell size affects the reproductive behavior of Varroa destructor under natural conditions. We examined the effect of brood cell width on the reproductive behavior of V. destructor in... more
The invasive storage pest, the larger grain borer (LGB) Prostephanus truncatus (Horn), was introduced into the maize-deficit, semi-arid areas of the eastern region in Kenya in the early 1980s. In spite of containment efforts and the... more