Reproductive behavior

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Reproductive behavior refers to the set of actions and strategies employed by organisms to attract mates, engage in courtship, and successfully reproduce. This field of study encompasses the biological, ecological, and evolutionary aspects of mating systems, parental investment, and the influence of environmental factors on reproductive success.
Desde 1998, ano em que ofereci na pós-graduação em Demografi a do Cedeplar/UFMG, pela primeira vez, a disciplina Métodos Qualitativos Aplicados à Demografi a, eu acalentava o sonho de, um dia, sob forma de livro, reunir artigos baseados... more
Within an interdisciplinary context of public health, reproductive health, and women's rights, this book chronicles the interaction of public policies and private reproductive behavior in the 28 formerly socialist countries of Central and... more
Young, rural Indian women lack sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information and agency and are at risk of negative sexual and reproductive health outcomes. Youth-focused interventions have been shown to improve agency and... more
Background: During the 1980s, approximately three million people migrated from Afghanistan to Pakistan and sought refuge in several cities including the city of Karachi. After the initial settlement of the refugees, the international... more
Over the past several years we have developed a research program to increase knowledge of giant panda behavioral biology to facilitate efforts to reproduce giant pandas in captivity, particularly at the Wolong Breeding Center in Sichuan,... more
Here we use sexual selection theory to develop a logistically simple, yet effective, method for the manipulation of female reproductive behavior for conservation goals. Mate choice leading to nonrandom mating patterns can exacerbate the... more
Este artículo revela algunos dilemas enfrentados por mujeres entre el desempeño del rol materno y de actividades laborales. Se parte de una caracterización de la dinámica de la población objeto de estudio demostrándose la existencia de... more
We conducted field studies to investigate the involvement of volatile cues in early-season host plant colonization by striped cucumber beetle, Acalymma vittatum (F.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Wind-directed traps were baited with male... more
To understand reasons for persistent high fertility rate, we explored perceptions and influences of fertility motivation among young people from Uganda. Qualitative inquiry was used, data were organised using NVivo 2 package and latent... more
An agonistic display by a white shark was observed and photographed during a cage dive at Guadalupe Island in November 2015. Exhibiting exaggerated pectoral fin depression, agonistic behaviors have been previously observed and described... more
We studied sexual and habitat-specific variation in herbivores' host exploitation patterns and tested for a hypothesis on sex-specific adaptation in replicated landscapes. The hypothesis has not to our knowledge been previously tested... more
En 1978, le Sénégal avait participé au projet Enquete Mondiale sur la Fécondil~ afin d'accéder å une meilleure connaissance de la fécondité et de ses déterminants. En vue d'enrichir les données eollectées à cet effet et d'apprécier... more
The Renauld's Ground-cuckoo l :snot common in aviculture and is not kept by the average aviculturist. Only if one has a very large aviary and is looking for a challenge, does one acquire this challenging bird. The Renauld's or... more
In an experiment performed to characterize the reproductive behavior of the discus fish in captivity, couple formation with two females was observed. The observations were carried out in captivity, based on ad libitum methodology. Adult... more
The blue discus (Symphysodon aequifasciatus) is often sold for ornamental purposes. It is a neotropical cichlid from South America, which is native to the rivers of the Amazon basin of Brazil, Peru and Colombia. The purpose of this study... more
Objetivo: Avaliar o nivel de conhecimento dos profissionais intensivistas de um hospital da cidade de Santos a respeito da pneumonia associada a ventilacao mecânica (PAV), e elaborar um plano de orientacoes acerca da tematica apos a... more
The Phayre troop consisted of two adult males, four adult females (including the hybrid), two juveniles, and three infants. The identified adult hybrid female in the forest patch of Dargakona Tea Estate had mixed morphological features... more
Globally, adolescent pregnancy constitutes a serious public health problem of a multifactorial nature. Specifically for women, it entails various educational, economic and social implications that affect their life project and widen the... more
Selection clearly focuses on differences in reproduction, but studies of reproductive physiology generally have been carried out in a near vacuum of modern evolutionary theory. This lack of contact between the two fields may be about to... more
This study examined how health professionals signify the religiosity and faith of patients under cancer treatment and how they themselves experience such phenomena. This is a qualitative-descriptive study, using the phenomenological... more
This study examined how health professionals signify the religiosity and faith of patients under cancer treatment and how they themselves experience such phenomena. This is a qualitative-descriptive study, using the phenomenological... more
saúde da mulher Laqueadura tubária em mulheres entre 20 a 25 anos de idade atendidas em uma UBS de Pimenta no Bueno-RO no período de 2005 a 2006 Este estudo de caráter descritivo e abordagem quantitativa objetivou analisar a frequência da... more
We study a generic reaction-diffusion model for single-species population dynamics that includes reproduction, death, and competition. The population is assumed to be confined in a refuge beyond which conditions are so harsh that they... more
The frequency of definitive childlessness in women with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) may be higher than in the general population. MS may also affect decisions on the delivery procedure and on breastfeeding issues. Aim of the study was to... more
The frequency of definitive childlessness in women with multiple sclerosis (MS) may be higher than in the general population. MS may also affect decisions on the delivery procedure and on breast-feeding issues. Aim of the study was to... more
In this paper intergenerational dimensions of reproductive behavior are studied within the context of the experience of a mid-sized Spanish town just before and during the Demographic Transition. Different indicators of reproduction are... more
Mating and reproduction behaviors and strategies are fundamental aspects of an organism's evolutionary and ecological success. In locusts, intra-as well as inter-phase reproductive interactions among gregarious and solitarious locust... more
The total fertility rate has declined in certain countries, dropping below the replacement level. The attitudes and desires of some families regarding having children have also shifted. To cultivate positive societal views on... more
The Life Journeys of Young Women Project is the first population-based study to examine the role of economic uncertainty throughout early adulthood on age at first childbirth. A retrospective cross-sectional component was added to an... more
To gain a better understanding of the relationship between the female rat reproductive system and preproenkephalin (PPE) expressing neurons under physiological conditions, we examined changes in PPE mRNA levels in the mediobasal... more
Mitochondrial DNA fragments comprising more than 400 bases of the 16S rDNA from nine spider species have been sequenced : Cupiennius salei, C. getazi, C. coccineus and Phoneutria boliviensis (Ctenidae), Pisaura mirabilis, Dolomedes... more
Approximately 37 thousand Malians currently reside in France as part of the West African diaspora. Primarily Muslim, both women and men confront challenges to their understandings of Islamic prohibitions and expectations, especially those... more
Family. When someone says that word, the first images that come to mind consist of a mother, father, and siblings. However, this is not always the case. For example, what if it was one of the parents that were being asked, "how's the... more
Intergenerational Transmission of Reproductive Behavior during the Demographic Transition Is fertility between parents and their children positively correlated? Although the ªrst study of intergenerational fertility was conducted more... more
Mechanisms that influence body temperature patterns in blacktailed prairie dogs are not well understood. Previous research on both free-ranging and laboratory populations of black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) has suggested... more
Synopsis Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) controls the reproductive physiology and behavior of vertebrates by stimulating synthesis and release of gonadotropin from the pituitary gland. In 2000, another hypothalamic neuropeptide,... more
Synopsis Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) controls the reproductive physiology and behavior of vertebrates by stimulating synthesis and release of gonadotropin from the pituitary gland. In 2000, another hypothalamic neuropeptide,... more
Since the discovery of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in mammals at the beginning of the 1970s, it was generally accepted that GnRH is the only hypothalamic neuropeptide regulating gonadotropin release in mammals and other... more
This article analyzes the available morphological (morphometric, meristic, and coloration patterns) and molecular evidence that supports the taxonomic validity of Austrolebias reicherti. The species can be differentiated from A. charrua... more