Repatriation of Indigenous Human Remains
Recent papers in Repatriation of Indigenous Human Remains
This article addresses the recent attempts to integrate evolutionary history in the US national narrative. Focusing on the cultural, legal, and scientific controversy over Kennewick Man, the ancient human remains discovered in Washington... more
The purpose of this chapter is to briefly discuss the implementation of NAGPRA in the state of Hawaii. Where others might emphasize the successes of NAGPRA, it would be a dereliction of my duty as an academic and cultural practitioner to... more
The specter of Kennewick Man has loomed large over North American archaeology. In his wake, a wide array of issues relating to tribal sovereignty, reburial, and repatriation have dominated the relationship between archaeologists and... more
This chapter is concerned with the human rights of the deceased victims of mass atrocity. It addresses these rights in the context of forensic anthropological work to establish the individual and collective identities of the victims. This... more
The extensive analytical literature on human remains in museums has thus far been dominated by questions of repatriation and reburial. But how should those remains that are retained be treated? In this piece authors with different... more
Opinion Article for 'History and Theory'. Published version at
This book draws on over twenty years’ investigation of scientific archives in Europe, Australia, and other former British settler colonies. It explains how and why skulls and other bodily structures of Indigenous Australians became the... more
This PowerPoint deals with sensitive issues related to the ethical treatment of the dead and repatriation of human remains and grave offerings. The ppt file is meant to be educational, especially to raise issues for discussion in classes... more
THIS IS THE LAST LESSON OF THE COURSE Archaeology of Death E-learning Dear Colleagues, As the Covid-19 safety measures are limiting our communication, please use the following web link to download presentation of the Archaeology of Death... more
The changing history of skeletal remains is a large part of my autobiography. In 1984, I was the first biological anthropologist in Australia to argue publicly for Indigenous control over their heritage, including the bodies of their... more
Many Southern African countries, including Namibia, continue to wrestle with repatriation demands due to the lack of clear guidelines and policies on negotiations, handling and managing these returns. The development of these tools will... more
El deseo patrimonializador continúa el legado de la historiografía nacionalista del siglo XIX que apropió a los tehuelches como “indios argentinos” y consideró a los mapuches como foráneos invasores. A comienzos del siglo XXI, se fue... more
Schoolbook on the importance of cultural heritage for civic education. Among the topics: the importance of cultural diversity; cultural heritage in wartime, looting and destruction; opportunities and risks of reconstruction; cultural... more
John Henry Merryman’s influential 1989 article “The Public Interest in Cultural Property” proposed that all decisions about the fate of cultural artifacts should be based on consideration of a property triad of core values: preservation,... more
Alongside research concerning the provenance of human remains and ethical issues, a scientific discourse about repatriation must also take into account political questions. Remains of the dead have always been effective political symbols... more
摘 要 1992年聯合國教科文組織(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural... more
Overview of implementation status of U.S. Federal repatriation laws (NMAI Act and NAGPRA), and comments on U.S. repatriation activity during the Trump administration.
The skull was discovered on June 17th 1921 in a cave of the largest mine in the country at Kabwe situated 650 miles north of Bulawayo, the industrial centre and second-largest city in Zambia. During the survey of the outcrop of an... more
Every collected object is tangled in a complex web of familial, historical, social, political, and legal roots.
Course Objectives • Attendees of this hands-on workshop will learn proper search and recovery methods used to locate, document, and recover scattered and buried human remains. *Improper recovery techniques, however well intentioned, have... more
Introduction du numéro thématique de Monde(s)
Museums have increasingly been exploring inclusion and diversity work and engaging in “decolonizing” educational programming. Complicating this undertaking are the fraught and violent histories that live within many museum collections.... more
Ronald Booysen. She leads the Gamtkwa Khoisan Council and has organized projects in local cultural empowerment, such as the Naniqua Jewellery Project which aims to revive traditional art forms of jewellery making. Gamtkwa Khoisan Council:... more
State practice in both International and National Fields, as outlined in this study, show substantial agreement on the principle of return of expatriated cultural heritage. This norm is nowadays sufficiently well established to amount to... more
International repatriations of colonial human remains have generated numerous questions regarding the status of indigenous communities, the responsibility of museums, and the importance of retrieving the histories... more
Kaleikini v. Thielen is one of several recent cases that illustrate the difficulty in balancing “Hawaiian cultural and religious beliefs as well as the legal rights and interests of private landowners.” It highlights the ongoing tension... more
Patrimonio es un concepto que, en los últimos años, ha sido ampliamente debatido; se lo ha discutido en el campo de las ciencias sociales y las humanidades y en el ámbito de la gestión y administración pública, se lo ha vinculado con el... more
Since African nation-states began to gain their independence in the midtwentieth century, they have fought for the repatriation of cultural artifacts and human remains as an integral part of continental processes of decolonization. Using... more
The possible contamination of repatriated Indigenous human skeletal remains by persistent pesticide residues containing metallic compounds of arsenic, lead and mercury and the organic compound DDT, were investigated for the purpose of... more
How authentic are the concepts of the “universal” or “encyclopaedic” museum? A commentary on the idea of the "universal museum" as a myth invented in the 21st century.
This article explores the role that the worldwide movement of repatriation of human remains and cultural heritage from museums and other institutions to minorities and indigenous populations plays in contemporary identity politics. Beyond... more
In Deutschland wurden im späten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert Sammlungen menschlicher Überreste außereuropäischer Herkunft angelegt, die auch heute noch Teil der Bestände von Museen, Universitäten und anderen wissenschaftlichen... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
This article explores the current debates around repatriation and argues that Germany is poised at an opportune time to expand the 'coming to terms with the past' discourse to more fully embrace its own colonial past. It explores how 2019... more
The article argues that although the application of NAGPRA in Hawaii is problematic, it is imperative that Native Hawaiians include the care of ancestral remains and cultural objects as integral components of their cultural and political... more
(MA Thesis) The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 sought to empower Native communities to reattain their ancestral human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony. Issues... more
An opinion piece urging support for
The treatment of human remains has become a very contentious issue, with a range of legal, moral and political pressures now weighing on archaeologists and museum curators. Attempts to respond to this changing cultural context have often... more