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Nowadays, biomass is considered as one of the main sources of energy for both developed and developing countries. Malaysia with a large amount of biomass residues as a source of electricity generation is considered as one of the potential... more
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      ManagementEngineeringRenewable EnergyBiomass
Importance of PV based energy systems cannot be denied with quickly increase in renewable energy demand. Due to inherent uncertainties and non-linear behaviour of grid tied PV system, conventional control strategies are unable to provide... more
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      Control EngineeringRenwable sources of energy
Malaysia is situated at the equatorial region with an average solar radiation of 400-600 MJ/m 2 per month. It has a promising potential to establish large scale solar power installations; however, solar energy is still at the infancy... more
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      PhotovoltaicsMalaysiaEnergy efficiencySolar PV Systems Installation
This project was chosen to exploit an alternative and renewable source of energy. Water was chosen as a raw material which is present in the plentiful amount on Earth to produce Hydrogen. Hydrogen is then expected to be consumed as fuel... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyProcess ControlFuel Cells
The bad impacts of fossil fuel on the environment and climate change have been increased in the recent years. Its primary advantages deal with Biodiesel being one of the most renewable fuels currently available and it is also non-toxic... more
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      BiomassBiodieselAlternative FuelsBiofuels
Electric energy has been the integral part of industrialization and socioeconomic development of a country. Electric power generation in Malaysia significantly depends on three major fossil fuel sources, namely coal, natural gas and... more
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      Renewable EnergyMalaysiaPower GenerationRenwable sources of energy
Настоящата стратегия е разработена въз основа на нашите познания за нетрадиционните енергийно-суровинни ресурси и спецификата на природните условия на Черно море. Тук не се разглеждат класическите енергоресурси като нефт и газ, които са... more
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      Black SeaRenwable sources of energyAlternative Energy Sources
Indagine delle criticità e delle possibili soluzioni del sistema energetico internazionale attuale. Motivazioni teoriche dell'intervento pubblico nel settore energetico in generale, nell'innovazione e nel campo delle fonti energetiche... more
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      Public EconomicsEconomics of InnovationManagement of InnovationResearch and Development
—the purpose of this paper is to identify the root causes of Ferroresonance phenomena occurring in the power systems along with its implications on the transformer during no loading and loading conditions. The results of the technical... more
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    • Renwable sources of energy
Inspiring stories of communities coming together to harness their own solar energy, and how you can do it too!  Download a free copy of the ebook at
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      PhotovoltaicsRenewable EnergyEnergySolar Cell
Malaysia is situated at the equatorial region with an average solar radiation of 400-600 MJ/m 2 per month. It has a promising potential to establish large scale solar power installations; however, solar energy is still at the infancy... more
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      EngineeringPhotovoltaicsNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Malaysia
Wind energy is one of the fastest growing sources of power generation in the world. While general public and political support for wind energy is often high, siting wind farms frequently raises concerns in local communities, and... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyBiogasAlgal Biofuels
— The selection of site wind farm is an important element in building a wind power generation to get a site that is capable of produce maximum energy, economic and environmental agreeable. It is obtained if proposed alternative sites has... more
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      Electrical EngineeringArtificial Neural NetworksRenwable sources of energy
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    • Renwable sources of energy
Nowadays, the proposal of biofuels introduction to the existing energy network of European countries is directed through the recent European Legislation. The above proposal's implementation would be successfully materialized by exploiting... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringBiochemical Engineering
Despite the fact that Asian economies have experienced robust economic growth in recent decades, rising pollution emissions have raised worries among policymakers about the long-term stability of this output growth. Knowing this fact, the... more
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    • Renwable sources of energy
Biomass is one of the major natural resources and biomass has always been a major source of energy for mankind and it is presently estimated to contribute of the order 10-14% of the world energy supply. The more efficient use of biomass... more
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      BioengineeringBiomedical EngineeringFermentation TechnologiesBiomass
This paper presents the concept of using energy generated from the cold fusion process in water treatment distillation. Even if solar energy remains the greenest one, the huge energy liberated from the cold fusion phenomenon suggests its... more
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      Water and wastewater treatmentCold FusionDrinking WaterDistillation
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      Electric VehiclesForeign Direct Investment ( FDI )Renwable sources of energyTransmission and Distribution
Sanitary landfills have been and continue to be one of the most common ways to dispose of urban waste although such landfills inevitably generate waste management problems. Landfills are an important source of anthropogenic CH 4... more
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    • Renwable sources of energy
Building Sector is not only the largest consumer of energy and producer of emission gases but also, will experience the highest growth in energy cost amongst other sectors by 2035 (EIA). Thus, huge efforts headed for renewable energy and... more
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      Wind EnergySustainable Building DesignDistributed GenerationParametric Design (Architecture)
The issue of the introduction of new environmental friendly and economical fuels to the everyday energy-consuming human activities is controversial and imperative. The recent European legislation, relative to the introduction of biofuels... more
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      Information SystemsEngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical Engineering
The issue of the introduction of new environmental friendly and economical fuels to the everyday energy-consuming human activities is controversial and imperative. The recent European legislation, relative to the introduction of biofuels... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringBiochemical Engineering
The rating system adopted is unconventional, and not a conventional unity / over-unity rating. It is merely designed to weigh the merits of one perpetual motion machine compared to another.
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringPhysicsMechanics
One of the main challenges of the microgrid (MG) operation in autonomous mode is the uncertain output due to the fluctuating nature of renewable energy resources (RES). This study investigates the effects of RES uncertainties to the... more
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      Smart GridMicrogridSolar EnergyPower system stability
The issue of the introduction of new environmental friendly and economical fuels to the everyday energy-consuming human activities is controversial and imperative. The recent European legislation, relative to the introduction of biofuels... more
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      Information SystemsEngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical Engineering
The solar water heater system is compared with electric water to quantify the environmental and energy benefit of the system using life cycle assessment. In this paper consider the 100 lpd solar water heater available at Chennai,... more
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      Renewable EnergyRenewable energy resourcesRenwable sources of energy
Fuel cells generate electricity and heat during electrochemical reaction which happens between the oxygen and hydrogen to form the water. Fuel cell technology is a promising way to provide energy for rural areas where there is no access... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringEnergy EconomicsTechnologyRenewable Energy
chapter in the book:
Leo Granbeg, Kjell Adersson and Imre Kovách editors
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      Romani StudiesLocal governancePoverty StudiesRenwable sources of energy
After the Fukushima Daiichi I accident in Japan, 2011, the challenges that nuclear energy faced around the world were related to: the safety of the power plants, if there were any measures capable to prevent or deal with accidents; the... more
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      German StudiesRenewable EnergyRenwable sources of energyEnergiewende
The issue of the introduction of new environmental friendly and economical fuels to the everyday energy-consuming human activities is controversial and imperative. The recent European legislation, relative to the introduction of biofuels... more
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      Information SystemsEngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical Engineering
Because of changing fossil fuel prices, sources and environmental consciousness, Malaysian utilities have been forced to change the type of energy sources to generate electricity. This new policy of electricity generation companies will... more
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      Carbon DioxideMalaysiaCoalrenewable Energy sources
This paper proposes a hybrid observer scheme for power systems by exploring the special features of the nonlinear power system model. Rather than directly applying the existing nonlinear observer theory to the 6th order nonlinear power... more
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      Renwable sources of energyWater Wheel
OCLC in 2003 conducted a study on “perceptions of libraries and information resources”. The major findings of this study revealed that only one percent of users and two percent of college students begin their search going to a library... more
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      Life CycleRenwable sources of energyElectronic Resources ManagementInternational Journal of Library and Information Science (IJLIS)
At present there are many applications which use hot water in the range of 45 0 C to 60 0 C like in medical labs, paper industries, fermentation industries, etc. Many conventional and non-conventional methods are used to achieve this. Now... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRenewable EnergyEnergySolar Concentrators
We are witnesses of everyday changes, which can bring the world into the question of survival. On the other hand, the progress and the speed of changes are the keys of success. What is important is that we have to change the human being's... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringRenewable EnergyEnergy
links and books
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    • Renwable sources of energy
This research study emmission gas and engine performance in a bi-fuel, petrol and liquid petroleum gas (LPG), system using motorcycle engine with carburetor type. In this case carburretor is only regulating the premium petrol while the... more
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    • Renwable sources of energy
We are witnesses of everyday changes, which can bring the world into the question of survival. On the other hand, the progress and the speed of changes are the keys of success. What is important is that we have to change the human being's... more
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      BusinessEngineeringMechanical EngineeringRenewable Energy
Malaysia is situated at the equatorial region with an average solar radiation of 400–600MJ/m2 per month. It has a promising potential to establish large scale solar power installations; however, solar energy is still at the infancy stage... more
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      EngineeringPhotovoltaicsMalaysiaEnergy efficiency
Wind energy is one of the fastest growing sources of power generation in the world. While general public and political support for wind energy is often high, siting wind farms frequently raises concerns in local communities, and... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyBiogasAlgal Biofuels
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      Wind EnergySustainable Building DesignDistributed GenerationWind turbine
In last few years, research on renewables were shifted from integrating renewable energy (RE) with buildings into integrating renewable energy (RE) within urban environment due to the large occupies of urban areas in comparing to the... more
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      Renewable EnergyLandscape ArchitectureUrban PlanningUrban Studies
People may need help in understanding, selecting and acquiring new technologies. Enabling, disruptive and renewable technologies may offer significant potential benefits, but whether or not larger organisations and Governments quickly... more
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      Renewable EnergyProcurementManagement of InnovationProductivity
The issue of the introduction of new environmental friendly and economical fuels to the everyday energy-consuming human activities is controversial and imperative. The recent European legislation, relative to the introduction of biofuels... more
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      Information SystemsEngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical Engineering