Renaissance magic and astrology
Recent papers in Renaissance magic and astrology
Contained within the twenty-two picture cards of the Visconti-Sforza Tarot is a sacred open secret. 2 The Major Arcana is a visual representation of an ancient mnemonic system the formation of which is the central operation of the seminal... more
Il "Gruppo Dante" dell'Adi sta organizzando, già dal 2016, incontri e seminari su temi danteschi di ampia portata, sia attinenti al versante della didattica nelle scuole superiori, sia a quello della ricerca e in particolare delle... more
This study surveys the introduction of astrology into East Asia with a primary focus on the Buddhist experience of Indian and Iranian astrology during the eighth and ninth centuries. It is argued that prior to the introduction of Esoteric... more
Yohanan ben Isaac Alemanno (1435-1505?) was an Italian kabbalist, philosopher and physician. In his less known autograph, Paris, BnF héb. 849, he incorporated contemporary Christian magic sources with kabbalah, providing a practical... more
Medici patronage in quattrocento Florence plays a pivotal role in the aesthetic articu-lation of the analogy between horticulture and culture. As an acorn fortunately planted may grow to an oak tree, a seed of an idea properly cultivated... more
The International Conference The Impact of Arabic Sources on Divination and the Practical Sciences in Europe and Asia was held in Erlangen (2014 January 21-23) at the International Consortium for Research in the Humanities, in... more
La fantasia popolare è stata sempre affascinata dalla possibilità che tra le pagine di antichi manoscritti si celassero arcani segreti, la cui rivelazione potesse conferire poteri occulti. Libri costati enormi sacrifici, che erano stati... more
La Trilogía cósmica —conformada por Más allá del planeta silencioso, Perelandra. Un viaje a Venus y Esa horrible fortaleza— expone desde la fantasía algunas de las reflexiones filosóficas más relevantes del académico y literato C. S.... more
Presentazione del progetto di edizione critica per il dramma dell'"Ismenia, opera reale e pastorale" (1639) di Giovan Battista Andreini, al crocevia tra vari generi teatrali, in particolare con l'intenzione di gettare luce sui rapporti... more
Cyclone Burevi was media hyped to reach India as a cyclonic storm and cross the southern districts of Tamilnadu and Kerala and move into the Arabian sea on 3rd,4th of December as per earlier weather forecasts.But suddenly on 3rd... more
Il volume è il risultato di una ricerca sull’atteggiamento di medici e filosofi di fronte alla peste, dalle prime reazioni nel ‘300 fino al maturo ‘400, con particolare attenzione all’umanesimo fiorentino e alla figura di Marsilio Ficino.... more
Why did Giordano Bruno let himself be led to the stake by the Holy Office on 17 February 1600? A new, compelling and documented reconstruction that reopens one of the most celebrated court cases in our history. Perché Giordano Bruno si... more
""Abraxas is a bi-annual journal of contemporary esoteric art and culture printed in a high quality format. The first special issue, titled ‘Charming Intentions: Occultism, Magic and the History of Art’, will be launched on 25 May, 2013.... more
In 1805, Goethe identified the plant held by Albrecht Dürer in his Self Portrait of 1493 as an Eryngium. For the last two hundred years, debates surrounding the occasion for the portrait and the meaning of its inscription have been based... more
Die Tagung des Arbeitskreises Astronomiegeschichte in der Astronomischen Gesellschaft (AKAG) in Göttingen, 17.–18. September 2017, stand unter dem Thema Astronomie und Astrologie im Kontext von Religionen – im Kontext des 500jährigen... more
ТОЛЬКО ОЗНАКОМИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ФРАГМЕНТ, электронная версия не распространяется. Саплин А. Ю. История астрологии: с древнейших времен до наших дней / предисл. Б. К. Двинянинова; послесл. М. М. Фиалко; под науч. ред. А. А. Шимбалева. — СПб.:... more
This collection of articles will illustrate the close relationship between music and magic that existed from 1100 and 1600, especially in the West. The question which we seek to answer here is not: "Did there exist a relationship between... more
If you want to contribute with an entry, please write to [email protected] Gives accurate and reliable summaries of the current state of research. It includes entries on philosophers, problems, terms, historical periods, subjects and... more
For further informations on this volume Micrologus is a Journal of the S.I.S.M.E.L. Florence All articles published by Micrologus are reviewed in Mirabile. Digital Archive for Medieval Culture... more
La prima traduzione italiana integrale del trattato Astrologia Cristiana di William Lilly, comparso a Londra nel 1647 e subito diventato opera di riferimento fondamentale per la storia e la pratica dell’astrologia oraria. In questo... more
Artikelentwurf zu der fiktiven Gestalt des Juden Abraham von Worms und dem ihm zugeschriebenen Magietext Anmerkung: In dem Entwurf heißt es, »Abraham von Worms« lasse sich als deutsche Bezeichnung für den fiktiven Verfasser des... more
MONTANER, Alberto, "Entre la brujería y la teúrgia: formas de la magia en el Siglo de Oro", unpublished slide presentation of a plenary lecture at the conference on «Esoterismo y Brujería en la Literatura del Siglo de Oro» held at the... more
This volume contains Czech translations of two short, yet significant works by the Renaissance Platonist Marsilio Ficino (1433–1499), On Light (De lumine) and On the Sun (De sole), together with their Latin text and an introductory study... more
ТОЛЬКО ОЗНАКОМИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ФРАГМЕНТ, электронная версия не распространяется. Сибли Э., Хокли Ф. Ключ к магии Соломона. Том I. СПб.: Издательство «Академия исследований культуры», 2021. — 352 с. (200 с. : ил. [152] с. ил.) — (Серия Code... more
Kemp's "Leonardo loonies" end up down rabbit holes because there are rabbit holes to go down. Keepers of the Leonardo myth patrol the boundaries of insanity with bullyboy tactics.
Avant-propos: Agostino Paravicini Bagliani. Textes: Jean-Patrice Boudet, Marina Montesano, Vittoria Perrone Compagni, Francesco Santi, Jean-Marie Spieser, Julien Véronèse, Nicolas Weill-Parot
Nas primeiras décadas do século XVI, a atenção de diversos homens de letras da Europa voltou-se massivamente para o tema dos limites da teoria da influência dos corpos celestes sobre o mundo sublunar. A chamada astrologia judiciária teve... more
Nell'inverno tra il 1522 e il 1523, i principati di Mirandola e Concordia, nell’Italia centrale, furono sconvolti da una intesa campagna persecutoria anti-stregonesca, che condusse al rogo, con l’accusa di illecito commercio con il... more
Here, are some easy remedies by Best Vedic Astrologer Master Deepak Ji, that will diminish the effects of Negative Rahu and bring in positivity and success. Master Deepak Ji is a renowned and dynamic Vedic Astrologer an expert in... more
ARCANA NATURAE is an annual journal published by Agorà & Co. that follows a double-blind peer review process. The official working languages of the journal are French, English and Italian. It deals with all “secret” disciplines, namely... more
The human aura is simply the manifestation of the effulgence of the seven bodies of man.
This is the story of Adam and Eve after they had gone out of Paradise. And Adam knew his wife 2 Eve and went upwards to the sun-rising and abode there eighteen years and two months. And 3 Eve conceived and bare two sons; Adiaphotos, who... more
Hans Baldung Grien, the most famous apprentice and close friend of German artist Albrecht Durer, was known for his unique and highly eroticised images of witches. In paintings and woodcut prints, he gave powerful visual expression to late... more
ТОЛЬКО ОЗНАКОМИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ФРАГМЕНТ, электронная версия не распространяется. Доктор Джон Ди (сборник) / Т. Ф. Дибдин, У. Флетчер Младший, Г. М. Хорт / Пер. с англ. и лат., коммент. Ю. Ф. Родиченкова; предисл. Б. К. Двинянинова; послесл. В.... more
The whole tremendous subject of Witchcraft, especially as revealed in its multifold and remarkable manifestations throughout every district of Southern and Western Europe from the middle of the thirteenth until the dawn of the eighteenth... more
The composite miscellany London, British Library, Sloane 3853 is an important witness to the transmission and reception of late medieval magical practices in early modern England. Bringing together a considerable variety of necromantic... more