Renaissance Portraiture
Recent papers in Renaissance Portraiture
a c t a s d e l c o n g r e s o i n t e r n a c i o n a l p r o c e e d i n g s o f t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l s y m p o s i u m Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado, octubre de 2 01 1 Edición a cargo de stephan f. schröder Madrid, Museo... more
The Habsburgs: Images and Portraits II, Renaissance Society of America, Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida, 22-24 March 2007. Jooris van der Straeten: Habsburg Court Portraitist in Portugal, Spain and France. New Notes and Attributions... more
Le présent article traite d'un portrait retrouvé d'un membre de la famille Millet par Giovanni Caracca, peintre de la cour de Savoie à la fin du XVIe siècle.
"In his De visione Dei, Nicholas of Cusa addresses two aspects of divine vision: my desire to see God and God’s capacity to see me. The latter aspect is distinguished by absolute power: God’s gaze is all-seeing. To explain this peculiar... more
Titian’s so-called Flora is a picture that is as well-known as it is controversial for its iconography, characterized by the nude breast and a handful of flowers. Thus, in the seventeenth century the woman portrayed in this masterpiece... more
Essay on the newly discovered portrait of Juan of Austria as a young prince at the Spanish court painted by Alonso Sânchez Coello in 1559 or 1560 in Toledo.
Petrarca im Schatten des Vesuv: Jacopo Sannazaro, Francesco Laurana und der Mythos von Donna Laura "Fortunata, inquam, et invidiosa Neapolis, literarum domus augustissima", mit diesen emphatischen Worten hat Petrarca die Hauptstadt des... more
Book Review of 'The Renaissance Revised, Expanded, Unexpurgated' by D. Medina Lasansky (editor), 2014
The National Gallery of Art's painting of Giuliano de' Medici by Sandro Botticelli (Samuel H. Kress Collection, 1952.5.56) is arguably the most well-known portrait from Quattrocento Florence. Commissioned, in all likelihood, shortly after... more
The article looks at the inscription on the frame and at the possible original function of the portrait.
Inwieweit die Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird der Versuch unternommen, in der typologischen Ähnlichkeit beider Porträtgattungen einen Ansatzpunkt zu finden. Darüber hinaus weisen die Beispiele aus der Porträtpraxis darauf hin, dass dem... more
Портрет Франциска Скорины. К 550-летию со дня рождения книгоиздателя (1470–2020) / Pranciškaus Skorinos Portretas. 550-ąsias gimimo metines minint (1470–2020) / Portrait de Francisk Skorina. Еn commémorant le 550e anniversaire de sa... more
What happens when we look at a canonical painting from the perspective of its non-human occupant? This article explores that question through the case of the dog in Jan van Eyck's "Arnolfini Portrait." Not only is the dog in The Arnolfini... more
It is the fourth chapter of the "Michelangelo Buonarroti, Jacopino del Conte, Daniele Ricciarelli: ritratto e figura nel manierismo a Roma", by Andrea Donati, 2010. According to the documents, it is clear that Daniele made twice the... more
Gli articoli presentati alla rivista sono sottoposti a peer review.
on portraiture. theory, practice and fiction. from francisco de holanda to susan sontag NEW DATES – 18, 19 and 20 January 2022 | Faculty of Fine-Arts, University of Lisbon | Grande Auditório In person and online event - Due to recent... more
Магистерская работа посвящена прежде всего итальянскому и южнонемецкому станковому профильному портрету XV века. Целью работы является определение региональных особенностей и эволюции типа станкового профильного портрета в Европе в XV... more
This is the chapter III of the publication "Michelangelo Buonarroti, Jacopino del Conte, Daniele Ricciarelli: ritratto e figura nel manierismo a Roma", San Marino, 2010, pp. 259-297.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo el estudio de las máscaras mortuorias desde una perspectiva doble: por un lado, busca desarrollar una teoría de la máscara mortuoria que nos permita organizar algunos de los elementos... more
Raffaello è circondato da numerosi mecenati, i Papi Giulio II e Leone X, ma anche uno dei banchieri più potenti d'Europa, temibile uomo d'affari e tesoriere della Curia: Agostino Chigi.
1560-1 oil on panel; 120 × 92 cm Rome, Galleria Borghese, inv. 444
In: Settis, Salvatore; Anguissola, A. and Gasparotto, D. (eds.): Serial / Portable Classic. The Greek Canon and its Mutations. Milan: Fondazione Prada. 2015. pp. 153-160.
The discovery of a possible workshop model preserving a cast life-mask of Piero the Unfortunate, son of Lorenzo de' Medici and a hypothesis concerning the terracotta Bust of a Youth at the Museo Nazionale del Bargello.
L'articolo propone di identificare i due dipinti di Paolo Veronese oggi conservati a Philadelphia e Dresda come ritratti di Matteo Calergi, nobile cretese e patrizio veneziano, capitano di Galea e committente di Veronese. Nelle stanze di... more
If Parmigianino was one of the most prolific portrait painters of the first half of the 16th century, he was also one of the most inventive. Proofs of that particular talent are many paintings which associate the painter’s own thinking... more
The portrait miniatures of Elizabethan England (ca. 1560-1600) served as the ideal vehicle for the symbolic communication of intimacy and devotion. Only a few inches in height, miniatures contain detailed paintings of kings, queens, and... more
Schede n. 3.37 (Tintoretto, Ritratto di Jacopo Soranzo, Milano, Castello Sforzesco); 3.38 (M. Robusti, attr., Autoritratto? Roma, Galleria Borghese; 3.39 (M. Robusti, Autoritratto (?), Firenze, Uffizi), pp. 316-318.
An examination of a number of group and individual portraits by Domenico Ghirlandaio, including those found in the Tornabuoni and Sassetti Chapels, the single portrait of Lucrezia Tornabuoni, and the double portraits of the Old Man and... more
In the Sonnets, Shakespeare explores the crucial problems of Renaissance portraiture, probing the ways that the self of the Fair Youth is constituted through family lineage, social roles, and its own unique essence. These explorations of... more
This paper focuses on the decoration of the Alcazar palace in Madrid during the reign of Philip II of Spain, concentrating on the king's portrait collection and other pictorial cycles deployed to decorate principal reception rooms and the... more
Marquis puis ducs de Ferrare, Modène et Reggio, Niccolò III, Borso et Ercole I d’Este firent l’objet d’une ou de plusieurs effigies équestres. Synthèse inédite sur la problématique du portrait équestre Estense entre le milieu du XVe... more