Renaissance History
Recent papers in Renaissance History
This is the original version of an article now edited and translated into English (updated with additional illustrations) and republished in "Food, Social Politics and the Order of Nature in Renaissance Europe" (2019), a volume of my... more
Ellen Widder: Herzog Gian Galeazzo Visconti (1378-1402). Die Machtentfaltung Mailands gegen die italienischen Signorien, in: Nur eine finstere Krisenzeit? „Das dramatische 14. Jahrhundert“ – Ereignisse und Trends, hg. v. Florian Schuller,... more
Contributor in the exhibition catalogue.
Un'analisi degli studi condotti su Nicolò III d'Este nell'ultimo secolo
in La mémoire et la cité. Modèles antiques et réalisations renaissantes, Edizioni scientifiche italiane, Perugia, 1997, p. 95-115 1. Démunicipalisation et dépolitisation d'un discours historiographique dépassionné ? 1 Une célèbre... more
Besides showing a strong interest in ancient Rome and its institutions, 15th century historiography gives a special place to the theme of the Western Roman Empire’s decline. In this light, some sections of the Laudatio Florentinae urbis... more
Primo studio comparato della terminologia architettonica e prospettica in Piero della Francesca, Leonardo e Raffaello
Cardoso A. C., Sequeira J. (2020). Michele da Colle’s account books (1462-63): the first example of double entry in Portugal?. De Computis - Revista Española de Historia de la Contabilidad, 17 (1), 158-190. doi:... more
... an oldie but a goodie ...
Una sera di ottobre di cinque secoli fa: il Granduca Francesco I de' Medici e la Granduchessa sua seconda moglie, la patrizia veneziana Bianca Cappello, muoiono in circostanze misteriose a poche ore di distanza uno dall'altra nella villa... more
Ao avaliar então as hipóteses mais plausíveis para explicar a existência dos índios no Novo Mundo, José de Acosta acredita que os mesmos não teriam migrado por vontade própria, pois os mesmos não conheciam a agulha de marear (bússola),... more
""" In this informative and lively volume, Margaret L. King synthesizes a large body of literature on the condition of western European women in the Renaissance centuries (1350-1650), crafting a much-needed and unified overview of... more
I am very excited to announce the publication of a Special issue on “The Uses of History in Religious Controversies from Erasmus to Baronio” (Renaissance Studies, 35, 2021, no. 1). The journal can be accessed by clicking here (FREE... more
Why did Giordano Bruno let himself be led to the stake by the Holy Office on 17 February 1600? A new, compelling and documented reconstruction that reopens one of the most celebrated court cases in our history. Perché Giordano Bruno si... more
Around the 1485 was born in Villaescusa de Haro Sebastián Ramírez de Fuenleal (c. 1485-1547), in a family which has dedicated all its best men in the progress of the Kingdom of Castilla. Sebastián Ramírez will life to see the... more
"""By far the best collection of sources to introduce readers to Renaissance humanism in all its many guises. What distinguishes this stimulating and useful anthology is the vision behind it: King shows that Renaissance thinkers had a lot... more
Orné d’une grande émeraude flanquée de pierres précieuses et de décors émaillés, le pendentif dit de « Catherine de Médicis » est un exemple remarquable de l’orfèvrerie de la Renaissance française. L’objet fut réalisé à la demande de la... more
Hans Baldung Grien, the most famous apprentice and close friend of German artist Albrecht Dürer, was known for his unique and highly eroticised images of witches. In paintings and woodcut prints, he gave powerful visual expression to late... more
Dear readers, I have now made available the inventory that should have been included with this article. I apologize for that oversight. I transcribed and translated the inventory (shown above on, Published with appendix, 3... more
This research will describe the first major operation launched by an Italian army against a heavily fortified city after the assimilation of the French style artillery into the warfare of the Peninsula. The paper will examine, in... more
George Huppert’s After the Black Death: A Social History of Early Modern Europe is an interdisciplinary analysis of European society from the fourteenth to the eighteenth century. The text examines peasants, nobles, and clergy in rural... more
This essay is concerned with the economic evolution of the Upper Valdarno between the 12th and 15th centuries. In these four centuries, this corner of Tuscany saw a remarkable evolution of the productive activities, of the settlements and... more
If you want to contribute with an entry, please write to [email protected] Gives accurate and reliable summaries of the current state of research. It includes entries on philosophers, problems, terms, historical periods, subjects and... more
The exhibition "Dressed for Success" is built around the fashion diary of Matthäus Schwarz (1497-1574), head accountant of the immensely rich and influential Fugger company, headed by Jacob Fugger and later on his nephew Anton. From 1520... more
En el presente trabajo abordamos cómo Rodrigo y Mencía de Mendoza, padre e hija, I y II marqueses del Cenete, respectivamente, fueron, además de excelentes mecenas, dos de los más destacados protagonistas en la introducción del... more
The term Utopia in Renaissance philosophy originates from and refers to Thomas More's 1516 work: Libellus vere aureus, nec minus salutaris quam festivus, de optimo reipublicae statu sive de nova insula Utopia ("A truly golden little book,... more
The altarpiece of Saints Catherine of Siena and Thomas Aquinas, formerly placed above the first altar on the right in the church of Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venice, but destroyed by fire in 1867, is perhaps one of Giovanni Bellini’s most... more
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Pensamiento Contemporáneo. RESUMEN: En la presente investigación se trabajará en torno a la relación entre religión y política en Nicolás Maquiavelo. En su obra, encontramos que la religión... more
Oxford Bibliographies article on the Holy Roman Empire in the late medieval and early modern period.
Stefano Dall’Aglio sheds new light on the notorious Florentine Lorenzino de’ Medici (also known as Lorenzaccio) and on two of the most infamous assassinations of Italian Renaissance history. In 1537 Lorenzino changed the course of history... more