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Complete transcription and reconstruction of the canon a13 for Christ and his Twelve Disciples on the Apostles Creed. This piece is found in both the Eton Choirbook and the Baldwin Manuscript. This edition contained both the fully... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic EducationMusic History
A transcription of Leonin's "Viderunt Omnes" (c. mid to late 12th century), showing excerpts of the original two sources with comparative variations and a modern transcription. For a recording and score-video see the link below:... more
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      Early MusicMusic Theory PedagogyMusic HistoryMusicology
A Prolation Canon for three voices by Johannes Ciconia (c. 1370 – 1412). this piece is a unique example of irregular prolation from the French Ars Subtilior. Utilizing a 4:3:1 proportion, this piece creates an interesting rhythmic phasing... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyComposition (Music)
A critical and performance edition of Alexander Agricola's chanson "De tous biens plaine" for three voices. The cantus firmus of the tenor is extracted from Hayne Van Ghizeghem's (c. 1445 – 1476 to 1497) eponymous chanson. The text of... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic EducationMusic History
A non-barred critical transcription of Alexander Agricola's motet-chanson "Belles sur toutes - Tota pulchra es" from Florence, Bibliotea del Conservatorio Luigi Cherubini, MS 2439 ff. 63v-64r. For a recording of the music with a... more
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      Music HistoryMusicologyRenaissance StudiesRenaissance
Performance score of Francesco Landini's madrigal, " Musica Son - Già Furon - Ciascun Vuol" transcribed from the Squarcialupi Codex (121v-122r). For a video of the score with a performance see the link below.... more
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      Early MusicComposition (Music)History of Musical CompositionMedieval Music
This is a threefold transcription of Baude Cordier's "circle canon," two versions in rondeau form and one in perpetual canon. Included with the music transcriptions are full translations from Medieval French to English of all the... more
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      Music HistoryMusicologyMedieval LiteratureMedieval History
This is a comparative manuscript edition of Gherardello da Firenze's (c. 1350) caccia "Tosto che l'alba". Herein you can see the difference between the piece's three available sources listed below. For a performable realization of this... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic EducationMusic History
A pedagogical transcription of Richard Sampson's (attr.) motet in double canon, "Salve radix," written to celebrate the union of Henry VIII to Catherine of Aragon and the birth of their daughter, Mary. For a video with recording... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic EducationMusic History
Reviewed by Peter Argondizza
Classical Guitar Magazine
Ashley Marks Publishers
Journal Classical Guitar  June 1997 Volume 15 Issue 10
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      ImprovisationRenaissance Counterpoint
This is a performance edition of Gherardello da Firenze's (c. 1350) caccia, "Tosto che l'alba." This edition is a combination of the three available sources for this piece, selecting those options which are optimal when differences arise... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic EducationMusic History
For an audio-video animation of the manuscript with the modern transcription see the link below: An edition of the anonymous labyrinthine ballade on three canons, "En la maison Dedalus" (In the... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic EducationMusic Theory Pedagogy
This study situates theories of movable counterpoint by the Russian composer and theorist Sergei Ivanovich Taneyev (1856–1915) against current scholarship on Renaissance music. Analytical approaches that draw upon Taneyev’s theories can... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyHistory of Music Theory
A transcription of a lesser known masterpiece from the early 16th century. The only known work by composer Johannes Mittner, this Mass, and particularly its Sanctus movement, demonstrates one of the largest mensuration canons from the... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic EducationMusic History
A critical transcription of the three-voice Caça (“chace” or canon) known as “O Virgo Splendens” (“O splendorous virgin”), the first in the small collection of music from the Llibre Vermell. It is perhaps the oddest of the set, being the... more
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      Early MusicComposition and RhetoricMedieval StudiesComposition (Music)
A scroll edition of Pierre de la Rue's "Agnus dei II" from his "Missa l'Homme arme" featuring his famous 4-voiced prolation canon.

For a recording and score-video of the piece see the link:
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusicology
A non-barred critical transcription of Alexander Agricola's contrafacta motet, "Virgo sub ethereis" (Source: Berlin, Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, MS 40021 ff. 131v-132r) as derived from his "Comme femme desconfortée". For a video of the... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyRenaissance Studies
A transcription of Pierre de la Rue's "Agnus Dei" from his "Missa l'Homme arme," which includes his famous 4 voice prolation canon.

For a recording and score video, see the link here:
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusicology
Edition of Lorenzo da Firenze's caccia, "A poste messe" with english lyrical text underlay. For a video-score of this edition with a recording see the link below: Transcribed from the... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic EducationMusic History
A transcription of Alexander Agricola's (1457/58 - 1506) "Tandernaken." For a recording with a score video see the link below:
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic HistoryMusicology
[Complete Dissertation] Abstract Interval-succession treatises convey idiomatic polyphony by explaining what vertical intervals between two voices could follow one another in improvisation and counterpoint, as connected by specified... more
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      16th Century CounterpointMusic InformaticsTinctorisRenaissance Counterpoint
Overview of canonic techniques in 16th-century English music with particular emphasis on structural processes in Byrd's motets.
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      English sacred musicWilliam ByrdRenaissance Counterpoint
This study applies Kofi Agawu's proposed method for analyzing texted music (1992), in which the music and the text are analyzed separately before they are considered together, to an early madrigal by Willaert. Focusing primarily on... more
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      Renaissance musicAdrian WillaertMusic analysisZarlino
In this essay I will examine the role of extempore counterpoint in the teaching system of Spanish ‘capillas musicales’ during the Renaissance. First, through analysis of the chapter acts of some representative Spanish cathedrals, I will... more
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      Music HistoryMusicologyImprovisation16th Century Counterpoint
j oe optional opening plainsong chant solo oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe O -sa -crum con -vi -vi -um! V # 2 oe oe oe oe oe # oe oe # oe oe oe oe oe oe oe # oe oe oe oe in quo Christ -us su -mi tur : J oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe... more
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      Composition (Music)Music CompositionChoral MusicRenaissance Counterpoint
Transcription of Matteo da Perusio's canonic Gloria from Codex Modena A. For a score-video with recording see the link below.
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyComposition (Music)
A performance and critical edition of Agricola's two voiced polyphonic setting of "Gaudeamus omnes", Introit for the Feast of the Assumption. For two different recordings and video-scores of the piece see the links below:... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic EducationMusic History
A study and critical edition of Agricola's two voiced polyphonic setting of "Gaudeamus omnes", Introit for the Feast of the Assumption. This is intended for teaching various 14th and 15th century mensuration signs and their modern... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic EducationMusic History
Despite the frequently critiqued prolixity in much of his oeuvre, Alexander Agricola (1445/46-1506) crafted music comprehensible enough to elicit great praise from numerous contemporaries. What is then inherently praiseworthy in this... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyRhetoric
A transcription of Alexander Agricola's office hymn to the Virgin Mary, "Ave maris stella." Note the canonic inner tenor voices. This is one of Agricola's unicum. For a recording and score video see the link below:... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic HistoryMusicology
Con este trabajo estudiamos el manuscrito 2044 conservado en la Biblioteca de Reserva de la Universitat de Barcelona, datado a principios del siglo XVI, una colección miscelánea de nociones de teoría musical, ejemplo de lo que se conoce... more
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      Early MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusicology
An open-score transcription of Alexander Agricola's "Agnus Dei" from his Missa Myne Zin. For a recording and video of the score, see the link below.
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusicology
This motet is the second "Salve Regina" motet composed by Alexander Agricola. For a recording and score-video of Salve Regina II see here: For a transcription of his first Salve Regina see... more
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      Music HistoryMusicologyRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
Panel Discussion entitled ‘The Presentation of the Results of the Reconstruction of Missing Parts in Performance, Recording, and Critical Edition’, in which Niels Berentsen, Philippe Canguilhem, Richard Freedman, Marcello Mazzetti, Jessie... more
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      MusicMusicology16th Century CounterpointCounterpoint
En 1482, el músico y teórico Ramos de Pareja, publicaba en Bolonia el primer tratado musical impreso de un autor español, titulado Musica practica. Ramos, nacido en Baeza unos cuarenta años antes, debió cursar estudios en la Universidad... more
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      Cultural HistoryMusicologyLate Middle AgesRenaissance Studies
A transcription of Alexander Agricola's first "Salve Regina" motet by Jordan Key. To view the score with recording visit
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      Musicology16th Century CounterpointRenaissance musicPolyphony
Erschienen in: Maren Goltz/Kai Schabram (Hrsg.): Melchior Vulpius - Beiträge zu Leben, Werk und Wirkung. - Beeskow : Ortus Musikverlag, 2018. Der Autor vergleicht zwei hinsichtlich ihrer modalen, kontrapunktischen und textausdeutenden... more
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      MusicologyRenaissance musicHistorical MusicologyMusikwissenschaft
A scroll realization of Johannes Mittner's "Osanna" 5-voice mensuration canon from the Sanctus of his Missa Hercules Dux Ferrarae. For a recording of the Sanctus with the Osanna, please see the link below.... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic EducationMusic History
Perhaps Walter Frye's most famous piece, "Ave Regina" was a significant work during the early Renaissance. Its idiomatic english style (called Contenance Angloise) helped ignite the transition to tertian polyphony in Burgundy during the... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusicology
A transcription of an anonymous 14th-century French crab canon from Bibliothèque Municipale, Strasbourg, France  [F-Sm], 222 C. 22, fol. 79r.

For a video-score recording, see
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      Early MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyComposition (Music)
Assesses the stacked canonic structure in Palestrina's Missa Sacerdotes Domini against the theories of fuga and modular counterpoint of John Milsom and Peter Schubert respectively. Provides detailed analyses of the openings of the the... more
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      Musical AnalysisPalestrinaRenaissance Counterpoint
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      Composition (Music)ElectronicsString QuartetsMusic Composition
Der Aufsatz ist in folgendem Band erschienen: Maren Goltz/Bernhard Schrammek (Hrsg.): Johann Steurlein 1546-1613. Amtsdiener, Komponist und Poet zwischen Tradition und Innovation (Ortus Studien Band 15), Ortus Musikverlag Beeskow 2014... more
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      MusicologyHistory of Music TheoryRenaissance musicChoral Music
Lo schema numerico del Canone alla Sesta
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      Harmony and CounterpointRenaissance Counterpoint
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      Music EducationMusic Theory PedagogyMusic HistoryMusicology
Med & Ren Conference 2014 - Birmingham
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      Music HistoryMusicologyRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
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      History of Music Theory16th Century CounterpointRenaissance musicRenaissance Music Theory
El cambio de siglo en torno al año 1500 destaca en la actividad musical española por la importante producción de tratados teóricos impresos. Con un carácter eminentemente práctico, estos tratados incluyen entre sus diversos contenidos... more
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      History of Music Theory14th-16th Centuries CounterpointMusic performance and improvisationCounterpoint