René Guénon
Recent papers in René Guénon
The world, and first and foremost the West, is in crisis. A crisis that is at once financial, monetary, economic, social, geostrategic, political, scientific, energy, and at the same time sees an erosion of morals and morals as well as an... more
sub numele Mircea V. Diaconu] Tradiție și migrație primordială Calapodul hindusocentric de interpretare a culturilor și religiilor, specific gândirii guenoniste, închide toată gândirea europeană în determinațiile generale specifice... more
Cet article paru dans la revue Page 19 reprend les éléments d'une communication donnée dans le cadre des "Doctoriales 2019" du Centre d'histoire du XIXe siècle de l'Université Paris 1/Sorbonne. L'ouvrage de Jules Michelet paru en 1864,... more
A szív és a barlang szimbólumainak és kapcsolatának tradicionális értelmezése.
Frithjof Schuon avalia que se deve aplicar à doutrina da Eucaristia a mesma doutrina aplicada às duas naturezas do Cristo, a divina e a humana. O fato de que, segundo a teologia, Cristo é o Logos, e o Logos é Deus, não impede que Jesus... more
Anteprima dal testo Pātañjala Yogasūtrāṇi, gli Yoga Sūtra di Patañjali, Il ‘punto di vista’ Yoga Vol I, a cura di Fabio Milioni. Il testo, in fase di redazione, sarà pubblicato il prossimo autunno. Dall’Uno della Tradizione ai Sistemi... more
This dissertation attempts to critically analyse the influence of Carl Schmitt on the thought of Aleksandr Dugin’s Neo-Eurasianism. It highlights Dugin’s use of Schmitt’s thought in three key ways: an analytical framework of the... more
Esta é uma seleção brilhante de textos seminais e às vezes provocativos, um livro que nenhum leitor sério pode se dar ao luxo de perder. –Wolfgang Smith, professor da Oregon University (EUA) e autor de Ciência e Mito e Cosmos and... more
Kitap Tanıtımıdır.
Jacob Needleman, distinguished religious scholar and philosopher, will be known to most perennialists because of his anthology published in the Penguin Metaphysical Library series (of which he was the general editor) titled "The Sword of... more
Rene Guenon was without a doubt one of the most enlightened and insightful luminaries of the 20th century. His rich writing style and original philosophy stood against the unquestioned dogmas of progress, materialism, and so-called... more
As political parties collapse, Traditionalist philosophy is on the rise. Mark Sedgwick assesses the political topography of our strange new days
A hal szimbolikája, amely számos tradícióban, köztük a kereszténységben is megtalálható, rendkívül komplex, és nagyon sok aspektusa van, melyeket élesen meg kell különböztetni egymástól.
Aliquid est in anima quod est increatum et increabile; si tota anima esset talis, esset increata et increabilis; et hoc est Intellectus." (There is something in the soul which is uncreated and uncreatable; if the whole soul were such, it... more
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN The intellectual adventurer Franz Hartmann (1838-1912), writing in English in the late 19th century while residing in North America, felt moved to set forth his... more
Résumé : René Guénon est l’un des penseurs les plus importants de l’ésotérisme européen. Il a contribué à faire connaître le soufisme en Occident et a favorisé la conversion de beaucoup d’Européens. Cet article vise à décrire son héritage... more
Is there a traditional view concerning sexuality? If so, how should one approach sexual love from the perspective of the universal and perennial wisdom? What are the substantive differences in approach between ordinary theology, or... more
Padre Pio, cheique Alawi, Alce Negro, René Guénon e outras histórias de mestres espirituais contemporâneos. Os leitores conhecem bem os "homens maus" de nossos tempos. Hitler, Stálin, Pol Thot e a turma do Estado Islâmico são alguns... more
Recent academic research on mysticism is entrenched in an ideological clash between two schools of interpretation of mysticism: perennialism (essentialism, or decontextualism), on the one hand, and anti-perennialism (constructivism,... more
Published as "Guénon en Russie : le Traditionalisme d'Alexandre Douguine" (in French) in Politica Hermetica 34 (2020-21), pp.135-178
El texto introduce a una panorámica de la metafísica de Rene Guenon atendiendo a su metacomprensión y hermenéutica de la pluralidad de tradiciones espirituales y religiosas. Tras esta exposición el texto elabora una crítica de su... more
Compilación de artículos sobre simbolismo, espiritualidad y mitología.
Ce mémoire, centré sur Platon, examine les liens entre la théorie de la connaissance et les conceptions politiques de cet auteur et s’interroge sur la dimension spiritualiste de cette pensée. Notre réflexion s’appuie sur l’analyse... more
An edition of "Risāla al-aḥadiyya" by Shaykh ‘Abdullāh al-Balyānī (d. 1284); also commonly but erroneously attributed to Ibn ‘Arabī (d. 1240) under different titles such as "Risāla al-aḥadiyya", "al-Risāla al-Wujūdiyya", "Risāla... more
In this masterful treatise of Sufi spirituality and metaphysics, Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari maps out the mystical journey to God as an initiatic progression through seven degrees of realization, or readings, of the divine Name... more
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN Contemplation of a new book in Russian on the hypothetical linguistico-philosophical construct long ago named the “Language of Adam”—with its supposed extra-worldly powers... more
Research Master's Thesis / University of Amsterdam / Center for the History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents, Department of History, European Studies and Religious Studies / 2019. Mots-clés: sabbataïsme, frankisme, crise de civilisation, dönmeh, spiritualité, histoire, occident, René Guénon, kabbale, guematria,... more
Bu çalışmada Geleneksel Ekol içinde önemli bir yer edinen René Guénon'un ezeli hikmet konusundaki düşünceleri ve düşünce tarihinde ortaya çıkan benzer görüşler değerlendirilmiştir. Guénon'un ezeli hikmet ile ilgili görüşlerinden hareketle... more
Paper (*rough draft*) written for the seminar "Occult Trajectories II: Modern Western Esotericism and Politics" at the Center for the History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents (University of Amsterdam), supervised by Prof. Marco... more
Pier Paolo Pasolini e stato un Poeta con la P maiuscola, capace cioe di lanciare il suo sguardo oltre la pura evidenza delle cose. Della sua sterminata opera, viene qui analizzato un episodio specifico della produzione cinematografica,... more
In The New Age of Russia: Occult and Esoteric Dimensions, Birgit Menzel, Michael Hagemeister and Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal, ed.s. Munich: Otto Sagner, 2011, pp. 273-92.