Religious Toleration
Recent papers in Religious Toleration
Monarchia della verità indaga una componente ideologica fondamentale della Controriforma: l’ossessione ecclesiastica per la 'veritas', concepita nella versione dogmatica di 'doctrina' e ortodossia in opposizione alla formulazione... more
Introduction and first chapter of a new book: Even though ‘the crisis of secularism’ was declared decades ago, it remains unresolved. This book argues that its roots are internal to the liberal model of secularism, which emerged from the... more
De ophef over het boek dat islamitische basisscholen gebruiken voor lessen over seksuele voorlichting, laat de spanning zien tussen tolerantie voor religie en voor homoseksualiteit, schrijft Jan Waszink.
Het is niet waar dat we de vrijheid van meningsuiting bevorderen door onwelgevallige personen of groepen te beledigen, zoals sommige opiniemakers en cartoonisten, maar ook politici sinds de eeuwwisseling lijken te denken. Integendeel:... more
Today, politicians and intellectuals warn that we face a crisis of civility and a veritable war of words polluting our public sphere. In liberal democracies committed to tolerating diversity as well as active, often heated disagreement,... more
Resumo. Desde que foi publicada em abril de 1689, a Carta sobre a Tolerância nunca deixou de despertar atenção. Já nos primeiros meses depois de vir a lume, ela obteve uma recepção considerável: (i) três projetos tradutórios para línguas... more
Cílem konferenčního příspěvku bylo poukázat na příbuzenské vazby evangelických pastorů, později evangelických farářů, kteří do Čech a na Moravu po vydání Tolerančního patentu přicházeli především z Uher, aby spolu se založenými sbory... more
"What is secularism? Can secularism be compatible with post-colonial democracies? In the last years, a wide literature emerged in post-colonial societies has been focused on the notion of secularism and its relation with democracy. In... more
Toleration plays a central role in debates about the accommodation of religious beliefs and practices in liberal democracies. This chapter addresses one such debate, which concerns whether liberal societies ought to tolerate... more
Cuando Miguel Santana, racionero de la Catedral de Caracas, publicó en 1826 el folleto La Serpiente de Moisés, renovó la discusión pública alrededor de unas de las máximas políticas centrales de la sociedad que se proyectaba: la... more
The way the Ottoman administration has treated its non-Muslim subjects is often regarded as an example of toleration. However, the elements of time and space are often forgotten in using the term toleration for the Ottoman Empire. Hence,... more Convened following Napoleon’s defeat in 1814, the Congress of Vienna is remembered as much for the pageantry of the royals and elites who gathered there as for the landmark... more
* Desidero ringraziare Carlo Borghero e gli amici del Groupe Rousseau, in particolare Bruno Bernardi, Andre Charrak, Gabriefle Radica e Celine Spector, per i commenti e le critiche a una prima versione di questo lavoro. 1 R. N. Sellali,... more
A thematic study of the reception of the Pantheon considered in relation to the: (1) Spread of Religious Tolerance, (2) Birth of Modern Science and Medicine, (3) Rise of Democratic Government, (4) Public Museum, (5) Public Library, (6)... more
In this article, I examine the meaning of the concept of ‘civility’ for Roger Williams and the role it played in his arguments for religious toleration. I place his concern with civility in the broader context of his life and works and... more
So-called New Atheists say that religion is an irrationally held proto-scientific cosmological hypothesis, a primitive theory, supplemented by an equally irrational moral code, that led to the worst evil in the history of the human kind,... more
La tesis que intentaremos sostener a lo largo de nuestro trabajo es que las producciones filosóficas de Sébastien Castellion, Jean Bodin y Michel de Montaigne, y las diversas posiciones asumidas por cada uno en particular frente al... more
This article rethinks the problem of religious (in)tolerance by analyzing the 2015 deportation of three " Hindu priests " from a Caribbean nation for the practice of obeah. Defined popularly as " witchcraft " or " African tradition, "... more
From ""Whoever needs an act of faith to elucidate an event that can be explained by reason is a fool, and unworthy of reasonable thought." This line, spoken by the notorious 18th-century libertine Giacomo Casanova,... more
In this paper the author presents and philosophically analyses how, respectively, Spinoza in the TTP, Bayle in the Commentaire philosophique, and Locke in the Epistola de tolerantia and other texts, conceive of the possible metaphysical... more
Resumo: O propósito do presente artigo é apresentar a defesa da tolerância realizada por John Locke na Carta sobre a Tolerância e avaliar se ela pode ser interpretada como uma reivindicação da laicidade do Estado. De modo mais específico,... more
By rigorously distinguishing between crime and sin, the Enlightenment philosophers and jurists involved in the secularization of criminal law didn’t merely applied in this area the major achievements of the Locke’s concept of religious... more
La libertad de comercio se convertirá, por su parte, un factor crucial para el progreso del principio de la tolerancia: la prosperidad comercial era un argumento quecomo el sosiego político-resultaba poderosamente convincente, aún más que... more
Il comitato assicura attraverso un percorso di double blind peer review la validità scientifica dei volumi pubblicati I lettori che desiderano informarsi sui libri e le riviste da noi pubblicati possono consultare il nostro sito Internet:... more
In Baptist histories, English preacher Matthew Caffyn (1628-1714), thanks to his unorthodox Christology, is regularly identified as a theological deviant, and one working under the influence of ‘eighteenth-century rationalism’ or other... more
I argue that in the seven "dogmas of the universal faith," which are introduced in chapter XIV of the 7heological-Political Treatise, Spinoza reinterprets the traditional view of a minimal credo required for salvation. The dogmas are... more
Abstract Beginning from the consciousness of the difficulty of applying to the ancient times a concept born in the modern age, this article aims at laying a methodological back- ground for a research on the attitudes of pagan polytheism... more
Two years after the publication of Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, he sought advice from his Irish friend, William Molyneux, concerning improvements for the second edition. This discussion resulted in the most substantial... more
An Italian translation of John Locke's Epistola de Tolerantia conducted on the original Latin text.
Why should we be tolerant? What does it mean to ‘live and let live’? What ought to be tolerated and what not? Toleration: A Critical Introduction is a comprehensive and accessible philosophical introduction to toleration that focuses on... more
40 essays by Ronnie Hsia, Ulrich Leinsle, Marius Reiser, Thomas Marschler, Trent Pomplun, Jean-Louis Quantin, William O'Brien SJ, Stefania Tutino, Carl Trueman, Andreas Beck, Willem van Asselt, Eric Carlsson, Stephen Hampton, Benjamin... more
Eine Sammlung von drei Aufsätzen, die thematisch eng miteinander verbunden sind und eine kritische Analyse des Begriffs "Neuzeit" bieten. 1. Die Neuzeit als Spiegelbild des antiken Christentums (S.1-50) Spiegelbild, insofern... more
La via dritta della salute. Tolleranza e convivenza nell'Europa dell'età moderna di michaeLa vaLente «Quanto più in questa mia ultima persecuzione m'ha scacciato il mondo, tanto più ho io sentito che Dio m'ha abraciato», così scriveva... more
One of the defining features of the English Revolution is 'its astonishing intellectual fertility'. 1 In contrast to other contemporary upheavals in Scotland, Ireland, France and Spain, the revolution in England generated an unprecedented... more
This chapter examines some central features to liberal conceptions of toleration and liberty of conscience. The first section briefly examines conceptions of toleration and liberty of conscience in the traditions of Locke, Rawls, and... more