Religion and Politics: Navigating superbly for the present ShareFacebookTwitterEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
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"In The Cypresses Believe in God & Graham Greene’s Monsignor Quixote: Through the lens of J. Philip Gleason and Contending with Modernity", by Rick Regan, explores the themes of faith, ideology, and modernity in "The Cypresses Believe in... more
This short article analyses how religion and politics are webbed with each other.
This article aims to show how modern Turkish discussions on science are used to achieve certain social and political goals. Since the Young Turks, the conflict hypothesis −the view that science and religion are necessarily and inevitably... more
This essay explores the debate among Muslims about whether Islam can be authentically itself without control of the state in the name of Islam. A range of Muslim voices are considered. Ali Abd al-Raziq (in the 1920s) and Abdullahi Ahmed... more
This paper attempts to understand how BJP has dealt with the Muslim question in Assam. It argues that while Muslims have remained as Hindutva's primary political Other in Assam, the frames of religion and indigeneity have shaped BJP's... more
After ‘secularism’, ‘Social Justice’ is a very important concept in India, about which social scientists and Indian politicians differ much in perception and application of such precept in practice. The concepts of Social Justice and... more
Al centro della crisi afghana vi è l'ostilità tra India e Pakistan, due paesi dotati di armi nucleari che si sono confrontati in ben tre guerre, l'ultima delle quali, nel 1971, ha provocato la secessione dell'ala orientale del Pakistan,... more
Religion has traditionally provided individuals with a sense of identity and meaning. However, globalisation has disrupted its centrality, giving rise to alternative frameworks. Increasingly, people identify as ‘spiritual but not... more
Translators usually keep themselves quite busy getting texts from a source language into a target language. In this article I would like to mix it up a bit more and consider third language material, ie, the presence in a work being... more
Both supporters and opponents of the headscarf ban in Turkey refer to the freedom of the individual. This case makes it necessary to address the headscarf problem in the context of discussions on freedom. This study aims to evaluate the... more
In this study, I explore the area of possibility of a historiography that recognizes and incorporates the sacred as an essential part of how reality is conceived. The opportunity is the crisis of the secularization thesis and the... more
This chapter explores the correlations between religion and film studies and the geographies of religion. Using perspectives from the latter to foreground overlooked aspects of the former, I argue that investigations of the religious... more
The rationale behind the formulation of this thesis, titled “Challenging Atatürk? Kemalist’s laicism mitigation policies in 1950s in Türkiye” stems from the discernible trend of receding secularist principles within the state apparatus,... more
only by intentions…" n.d., p. 11) -a Prophetic Ḥadīth narrated by al-Nawawī (d. 1277) While Sherman Jackson is well-known for his research and theorisation on Islamic law and African American Islam 2009;, this monograph proves that... more
Religijos kritika kaip kritika embrioninėje formoje: mistifikacijos ištakos ir perspektyvos Savo pranešime pagrinde sieksiu trijų dalykų: identifikuoti ankstyvojo K. Marxo santykį su religijos kritika, paaiškinti šio santykio... more
Kendine özgü laiklik anlayışıyla din ve devletin kesin hatlarla birbirinden ayrıldığı Fransa’da, eğitim sistemi de bu anlayış doğrultusunda yapılanmış, din ve inançlara resmi eğitim sistemi içerisinde yer verilmemiştir. Ancak, Fransa’nın... more
This paper examines how changing social values in Western societies have affected public discourse, motivating social exclusion and cancel culture. It critiques both contemporary progressive movements and liberal ideologies. What we now... more
A guiding assumption of the interfaith movement is that, if harnessed in particular ways, religious traditions can be a force for the common good. Many in a secular society doubt this, given the violence and abuse that has been done in... more
Semanticsdeals withthestudy ofmeaning."Meaning'' is awarenessofcultural context and the relationship between a word with other words in a text. This article analyses the meaning of"beneficence'' only in the Holy... more
magistro grato memorique animo 1 Desde un punto de vista geográfico, Europa es un continente que no existe. Su condición peninsular la convierte en realidad en un apéndice de Asia (Dawson 1945: 15), con una unidad geográfica que no le es... more
This paper undertakes a critical and analytical examination of the transformative dimensions of translation as conceptualized by the Moroccan philosopher Taha Abdurrahman. Central to Abdurrahman's intellectual project is the call to... more
This article discusses the reasons, why, unlike their Serb and Croat neighbors, the Bosniaks embraced Islam. Though somewhat gradual, the process was both collective and earnest, amounting to a phenomenon rarely witnessed in the latter... more
While the scholarship on premodern Chinese Buddhism has explored the tradition’s rich diffusion throughout various realms of sociocultural life, the study of modern Chinese Buddhism leans heavily towards its monastic, institutional, and... more
The Bharatiya Janata Party garnered sweeping electoral gains in the North East in the recent Lok Sabha elections. Its victory run, if it has to continue, will depend on keeping its ethno-regional allies together and divert resentment... more
Army tattoos have become a significant form of expression for military personnel and veterans. These tattoos often symbolize bravery, sacrifice, and a deep connection to one's service.
The process of secularization can be defined as a shift in the focus of European thought from the transcendent God, the otherworldly, and the suprahuman, towards immanence, that is, towards the world and the human condition in the world.... more
The study deals with the difficulties and challenges being faced by the practice of baptism in contemporary secular society. Based on empirical research on the practice of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, the author argues for an... more
By disrupting pernicious claims to transcendence, atheist political theologies can help us redress suffering in particular places while keeping hope for radical transformation.
Bu çalışma, Ali Fuad Başgil ve Sıddık Sami Onar gibi iki önemli Türk hukuk insanının Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında vuku bulan önemli siyasal, hukuksal ve toplumsal olaylar hakkındaki düşünce ve görüşlerinin Joakim Parslow tarafından... more
The notion of personhood has been a central concern across disciplines, especially gaining prominence amidst the challenges of the 20th century: secularism, global conflict, and existential insecurity. This paper explores various... more
This paper examines the critique of Voegelin in Kelsens "Secular Religion". While Kelsen sets out with the false premise that secular world view can in principle have no religious character, his critique of Voegelin remains largely... more
ÖZ II. Dünya Savaşı ertesi değişen uluslararası konjonktürle birlikte Türkiye'de Kemalist modernleşme sorgulanmaya başlanmış, demokratikleşme yönünde yeni bir sürece girilmiştir. Bu süreçte liberal/muhafazakâr söylemler eleştiri ve... more
Incendiul care a cuprins catedrala Notre Dame din Paris a constituit un șoc și o palmă pe obrazul creștinătății. Un șoc, dată fiind locația, măreția catedralei și viteza amețitoare cu care a fost înghițită de foc; o palmă pentru că... more
Umjetnost u navještaju tematizira posredničku ulogu umjetnosti, ulogu premosnice između vjere i života. U tom se okviru ističe kršćanski navještaj istine, koja je u svojoj najdubljoj biti spasonosna, sučeljava s izazovima postmoderne... more
Recensión sobre el laicismo y la discriminación religiosa contemporánea en México y en otros países de Hispanoamérica.
The theory of the modern state considers that freedom consists in the absolute autonomy of the individual. This consideration of politics and law as a relationship between "absolute equals" - with revolutionary roots - besides... more
A binaristic approach to the phenomenon of the secular and religious has long been considered axiomatic in conceptualizing Turkish republican history. This chapter problematizes this binaristic sca old through a genealogical-historical... more
This book is the outcome of my doctoral study that I conducted at the University of Coimbra from 2017-2023. It analyses an Indian case study that explores how Hindu nationalists challenged the established discourse of human rights and... more
Background and Aim: Increasing age increased the risk of acute and chronic diseases, but decreased functional capabilities of individuals and the power of the senses and perception. The changes in the areas of biological, psychological... more
(1) Background: As a common problem, Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) is vastly experiencing by the present world and which is severe in Bangladesh. Nowadays the road traffic accidents have occurred by the tobacco consumption habits where... more
Koexistenz von säkularen und religiösen Diskursen in Deutschland am Beispiel der Jüdischen Theologie
Zwei Einsichten sollen von mir aus der Sicht des Judentums näher beleuchtet werden: zum einen der Irrtum, dass die Moderne dem Säkularismus zum Siegeszug verholfen hätte. Hier möchte ich gerne die Unterscheidung von säkularem Staat und... more
In this contribution, I discuss under the heading "inversed hermeneutics" a process wherein the conceptual, classificatory terms of a foreign knowledge system are used to interpret one's own concepts and their underlying assumptions. A... more
began when people started reading newspapers."-"Modernity came to an end when people stopped smoking." 1 The coffeehouse has become a place of nostalgia. Evoking one of modernity's dreams of itself, it appears as the quintessential... more