Recent papers in Relevance
Topic detection with large and noisy data collections such as social media must address both scalability and accuracy challenges. KeyGraph is an efficient method that improves on current solutions by considering keyword cooccurrence. We... more
Recommender Systems have emerged to guide users in the task of efficiently browsing/exploring a large product space, helping users to quickly identify interesting products. However, suggestions generated with traditional Recommender... more
2.1. Enterprise projects GERAM [7] proposes a three-axis reference framework, summarized in Fig. 1, which is interpreted here as follows. This framework formalizes the aspects that actors need to take into account when they manage such... more
This paper proposes and evaluates the use of linguistic information in the pre-processing phase of text classification. We present several experiments evaluating the selection of terms based on different measures and linguistic knowledge.... more
Aim: This paper profiles a study that explored nursing students' information and communication technology competence and confidence. It presents selected findings that focus on students' attitudes towards information and communication... more
Aim: This paper profiles a study that explored nursing students' information and communication technology competence and confidence. It presents selected findings that focus on students' attitudes towards information and communication... more
L'ingénierie système traite de systèmes artificiels conçus par les êtres humains. Ces systèmes sont des combinaisons d'éléments visant un ou plusieurs buts définis. Un système sociotechnique comprend une partie technique, relevant de... more
Relevance and irrelevance, it is argued, is constitutive to our access to “information objects” on three interconnected levels: (1) access to the information object itself, (2) the information gained from it, (3) the use of that... more
This study examined the effects of right brain-damage (RBD) on oral discourse production using a multi-layered discourse processing model. Narrative and procedural discourse samples from participants with RBD and no brain damage were... more
Theories in Communication are widely discussed in the research arena; how Media exposure influence on audiences’ behavior and perception about TV program, movie, talk show or any reported news story. More importantly, theories are used in... more
L’approche réflexive de l’étude des jeux de rôle en ligne massivement multi-joueurs demande au chercheur d’adopter un regard critique, non seulement sur le parcours qui l’a amené à entreprendre ses recherches, mais aussi sur l’approche... more
The paper examines the relationship between and the relevance of second language acquisition (SLA) and language testing (LT). Based on three dimensions of potential contributions of LT to SLA [(1) de®ning the construct of language... more
This paper aims to contribute to the burgeoning area of investigation into cinematic discourse with special attention devoted to the discrepancies in the comprehension process which is consequent upon the level of perception of humorous... more
Consumer psychology faces serious issues of internal and external relevance. Most of these issues originate in seven fundamental problems with the way consumer psychologists plan and conduct their research-problems that could be called... more
The professional literature in mathematics education is replete with calls to use tasks that are 'authentic', 'relevant' and related to 'real life' and the 'real world'. Such activities are frequently advocated for their potential to... more
The present paper draws upon Sperber and Wilson's ([1986] 1995) Relevance Theory to undertake a pragmatic analysis of situation comedy (sitcom) discourse. More specifi cally, special attention is paid to the cognitive interpretative paths... more
Teaching ESP is a real challenge to the English teachers. Not only should they have a very good command of English, but also have some knowledge on the topics they are introducing to their students as part of their reading, listening,... more
This article presents a socio-cognitive perspective in relation to information science (IS) and information retrieval (IR). The differences between traditional cognitive views and the socio-cognitive or domain-analytic view are outlined.... more
using a near-statistical dependency approach Using a near-statistical DepenDency approach in testing non-native speakers' ability to recover english conversational implicatUres by hussain al sharoufi and munir mahmood this study describes... more
The increasing involvement of government in enticing higher education out of its ivory tower is indisputably part of a global trend. According to the 1997 White Paper on Higher Education (DoE, 1997), higher education is expected to... more
Obviously, the relevance of SMEs in the economy cannot be overemphasized and this has necessitated policy reforms and responses in many countries. This paper employed descriptive approach to assess the relevance of SMEs in state and... more
The purpose of this article is to map and review the governance of public investment projects in Ethiopia and to identify the most important front-end challenges of public investment projects in the country. The research focuses on the... more
Revitalisasi Pasar Klewer dilihat dari aspek relevansi, efisiensi, efektifitas, keberlanjutan dan dampak
Introduction The purpose of this book is to provide a theoretical and practical foundation for mastering some specific analytical skills relating to the construction and criticism of arguments about disputed questions of fact. It is not a... more
Freemasonry, by banning the topics of Religion and Politics in lodge room settings, has neutered it's ability to perform the most modern call of the Fraternity.
This review article explores the Higher Vocational education Reform: Matching Skills to Markets in China, and to propose plausibly and concrete steps policymakers and educational leaders can take to address those challenges to ensure the... more
Almost three decades have elapsed since the publication of Dan Sperber and Deirdre seminal and most influential book Relevance. Communication and Cognition, and exactly two since the publication of its second edition . In them, the... more
Translation has recently been analysed in the terms of modern cognitivepragmatic theory (relevance theory) as an interlingual interpretive use of language (Gutt 1991(Gutt /2000. But Gutt's account primarily addresses the principles and... more
In this article, I explore the main theoretical issues facing researchers in conversational humor today. In particular, I address (1) the structure of humorous discourse; (2) the forms of conversational humor: jokes, anecdotes, wordplay,... more
Information retrieval systems centrally build upon the concept of relevance in order to rank documents in response to a user's query. Assessing relevance is a non-trivial operation that can be influenced by a multitude of factors that go... more
The Spanish translation of Haack's very successful book, PHILOSOPHY OF LOGICS (1978). This book covers virtually every important topic in philosophy of logic.
The version here is a scan of a second-hand copy, but all seems to be legible.
The version here is a scan of a second-hand copy, but all seems to be legible.
for a volume on Unstructured Content edited by Cameron Domenico Kirk-Giannini, Andy Egan, Peter van Elswyk, and Dirk Kindermann
This paper advances an approach to relevance grounded on patterns of material inference called argumentation schemes, which can account for the reconstruction and the evaluation of relevance relations. In order to account for relevance in... more
This article introduces the concept of relevance as viewed and applied in the context of IR evaluation, by presenting an overview of the multidimensional and dynamic nature of the concept. The literature on relevance reveals how the... more
Humour has constantly intrigued scholars and has been extensively analysed from disciplines as varied as anthropology, sociology, psychology, neuroscience or linguistics. Within this, it has received due attention from discourse and... more
Over almost thirty years, relevance theorists have sought to answer many intriguing questions regarding human ostensive communication and have analysed an incredibly overwhelming number of linguistic and communicative phenomena with the... more
Strategy is about making winning choices and sustainably implementing them with both efficiency and effectiveness in the long run. Some research findings suggest that this might be successfully achieved by people having a situational... more
ABSTRACT Metaphorical meaning can be analyzed as triggered by an apparent communicative breach, an incongruity that leads to a default of the presumptive interpretation of a vehicle. This breach can be solved through contextual... more
Una característica de los argumentos suposicionales es que presentan como razón para aceptar su conclusión, no solo aserciones o enunciados, sino argumentos. Para dar cuenta de los argumentos suposicionales diversos autores (Freeman,... more
U Un ni iv ve er rs si it ty y o of f P Pr re et to or ri ia a e et td d, , A Ad de eo og gu un n A A O O ( (2 20 00 06 6) ) x U Un ni iv ve er rs si it ty y o of f P Pr re et to or ri ia a e et td d, , A Ad de eo og gu un n A A O O ( (2... more
The paramount objective of the present work is to analyse selected types of jokes in the light of Relevance Theory. The point of departure for the empirical investigation is Yus’ (2008) taxonomy of canned jokes. The work is divided into... more