Relative Phase

130 papers
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Relative phase refers to the difference in phase angle between two periodic signals or waveforms, often expressed in degrees or radians. It is a critical concept in fields such as physics, engineering, and signal processing, influencing interference patterns, resonance, and the synchronization of oscillatory systems.
We investigate the group velocity of the probe light pulse in an open V-type system with spontaneously generated coherence. We find that, not only varying the relative phase between the probe and driving pulses can but varying the atomic... more
The behaviour of the Ã-system has been studied theoretically in the context of atom localization. In addition to the probe field and the standing wave driving field, a microwave field is introduced to couple the two lower states, and as a... more
Todo proceso hacia el logro de una habilidad motora comporta un aprendizaje, un control y una coordinación motora. La coordinación motora es generalmente definida como las relaciones espacio-temporales que existen entre diferentes... more
Relative phase was recently suggested as a key variable for the dynamical modeling of coordination in both quadruped locomotion and undulation swimming in ®sh. Relative phase analysis has not yet been applied, however, to the behavior of... more
This study aims to test the hypothesis that handwriting is governed by the dynamics of non-linear coupled oscillators. Accordingly, its first goal is to identify preferred, basic graphic shapes corresponding to spontaneously stable... more
This study aimed to examine young swimmers' behavioral flexibility when facing different task constraints, such as swimming speed and stroke frequency. Eighteen (five boys and 13 girls) 13-to 15-year-old swimmers performed a 15 × 50-m... more
Using data from the E791 fixed-target hadroproduction experiment at Fermilab we have studied the Cabibbo-favored but phase-space suppressed decay, D 0 → K − K − K + π +. We find the decay rate for this mode to be (0.54 ± 0.16 ± 0.08) × 10... more
In rowing, perfect synchronisation is important for optimal performance of a crew. Remarkably, a recent study on ergometers demonstrated that antiphase crew coordination might be mechanically more efficient by reducing the power lost to... more
General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide... more
Chronic low back pain patients have been observed to show a reduced shift of thorax-pelvis relative phase towards out-of-phase movement with increasing speed compared to healthy controls. Here, we review the literature on this phase shift... more
We investigate the effect of quantum interference in the phase-dependent spectra of a V-type three-level atom where both transitions from the upper states to the lower state are driven by a single coherent field. In addition, the atom is... more
A change in cadence during walking or running might be indicated for a variety of reasons, among which mobility improvement and injury prevention. In a within-subject study design, we examined whether walking or running cadences are... more
We study the quantum Fisher information (QFI) of a system of several particles which is in a superposition of a GHZ and two W states with arbitrary relative phase. We show that as the number of particles increases from 3 to 4, the... more
The regeneration phase of K S relahve to K L has been redetermmed using new data for the total K + and Kcross sectwns. We now find cos qbf = 1.06 + 0.09. If this result is combined with measurements of the interference between regenerated... more
We exploit the quantum coherence between pair-produced D 0 andD 0 in ψ(3770) decays to make a first determination of the relative strong phase differences between D 0 → K 0 S π + π − andD 0 → K 0 S π + π − , which are of great importance... more
Bimanual in-phase and anti-phase coordination modes represent two basic movement patterns with distinct characteristics-homologous muscle contraction and non-homologous muscle contraction, respectively. A method to understand the... more
Bimanual in-phase and anti-phase coordination modes represent two basic movement patterns with distinct characteristics—homologous muscle contraction and non-homologous muscle contraction, respectively. A method to understand the... more
In earlier work [1] a dynamic theory of behavioral and neural patterns was developed, that was based on collective variables (or order parameters) and their (intrinsic) dynamics. Observed patterns were mapped onto attractors of the... more
In our recent reports motor coordination of human lower limbs has been investigated during pedaling a special kind of ergometer which allows its left and right pedals to rotate independently. In particular, relative phase between left and... more
The accuracy of an atomic clock depends in part on the bandwidth of the relevant atomic transitions. Here we consider an ensemble of atoms whose transition frequencies have been independently perturbed by environmental effects or other... more
As one of the hallmarks of human activity and cultural achievement, bimanual coordination has been the focus of research efforts in multiple fields of inquiry. Since the seminal work of Cohen (1971) and Kelso and colleagues (Haken, Kelso,... more
Visual information plays an adaptive role in the relation between bimanual force coupling and error corrective processes of isometric force control. In the present study, the evolving distribution of the relative phase properties of... more
Paper presents the quantified assessment of stroke-affected upper extremity (UE) coordination via continuous relative phase (CRP) analysis. 14 post-stroke patients were divided into 3 groups based on the severity of impairment according... more
We study the propagation of two weak light pulses with the same temporal shape, symmetrically detuned from a stronger cw pump, in a two-level system which decays via a shelving state. We show that the group velocity of the weak pulses can... more
We study the dynamical effects induced by a squeezed vacuum field interacting with the atoms of a standard single mode optical bistable system. We show that by varying the relative phase between the squeezed vacuum field and the coherent... more
In this paper, we are presenting an alternative approach to the investigation of lower extremity coupling referred to as a dynamical systems approach. In this approach, we calculate the phase angle of each segment and joint angle. Pairing... more
early work will be used as the standard definition. Sherrington defined proprioception as the culmination of all neural inputs originating from joints, tendons, muscles, and associated deep tissue proprioceptors. These inputs are... more
Superheterodyned NMR spectrometers which are useful over a wide frequency range and have four rf pulses with phases differing by 90" and quadrature detection require a number of circuits which split an incoming signal into two outputs... more
We detail a method for the preparation of atomic coherence in a high density atomic medium, utilising a coherent preparation scheme of gigahertz bandwidth pulses. A numerical simulation of the preparation scheme is developed, and its... more
College of the Holy Cross Perception of relative phase and phase variability may play a fundamental role in interlimb coordination. This study was designed to investigate the perception of relative phase and of phase variability and the... more
The objectives of this communication are to present the methods used to calculate mean absolute relative phase (MARP), deviation phase (DP) and point estimate relative phase (PRP) and compare their utility in measuring postural... more
The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of a modification of an intrinsic capacity (plantar flexor strength) on the implementation of in-phase and anti-phase mode of coordination. Analysis of hip and ankle relative... more
Introduction: The purpose of present research was the study of the effect of sensory feedback on speed of the relative phase transition in anti-phase bimanual coordination pattern across old adults. Materials and Methods: Therefore 15... more
The present study addressed the role of head movements in the coordination of the homologous upper or lower limbs in supine normal subjects. Consistent with previous research, in-phase mirror symmetrical movements were performed more... more
Optical bistability and multistability behaviors are investigated in a tripod four-level atomic configuration, including a unidirectional ring cavity. We find that optical bistability and multistability can be obtained by changing the... more
In previous studies focusing on the bargaining between two players in one-on-one interpersonal competitions, the relative phase of the velocity shows a certain characteristic. Studies have shown that the phase switches depend on the... more
This study aimed to develop insight into the lower extremity joint coupling motions used in the maximal velocity phase of sprint running. Two-dimensional coordinate data were used to derive sagittal plane joint angle profiles of sprint... more
Optical bistability and multistability behaviors are investigated in a tripod four-level atomic configuration, including a unidirectional ring cavity. We find that optical bistability and multistability can be obtained by changing the... more
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Reduced joint proprioception plays an important role in the initiation and progression of the knee osteoarthritis. The present study aims to evaluate postural sway in three different positions and analyze its... more
The current study investigated the influence of resistance to motion and trial duration on the stability of bimanual coordination patterns and attentional demands. Seven participants performed in-phase and antiphase coordination patterns... more
We show experimentally and theoretically how the relative phase in a short, linearly polarized microwave pulse consisting of two phase-locked frequencies is effective for strong-field quantum control of He Rydberg atoms when the frequency... more
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly... more
The method of controlling a spacecraft formation using mean relative states as the inputs is an effective technique if control actuation is sought to be reduced. In this paper, we extend the efficacy of this method by including the... more
The existence of relative pitch perception in animals is difficult to demonstrate, since unlike humans, animals often attend to absolute rather than relative properties of sound elements. However, the results of the present study show... more
We consider a duplicated two-level system where each two-level subsystem is driven by a strong resonant femtosecond pulse and a weak resonant femtosecond pulse connects cross transitions. Strong interference effects are induced in such a... more
Paper presents the quantified assessment of stroke-affected upper extremity (UE) coordination via continuous relative phase (CRP) analysis. 14 post-stroke patients were divided into 3 groups based on the severity of impairment according... more
Both intrapersonal and interpersonal coordination dynamics have traditionally been investigated using relative phase patterns of in-phase (ϕ = 0°) and/or anti-phase (ϕ = 180°). Numerous investigations have demonstrated that coordination... more
Exit times for stochastic Ginzburg-Landau classical field theories with two or more coupled classical fields depend on the interval length on which the fields are defined, the potential in which the fields deterministically evolve, and... more