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Relationships are an integral part of the design of a database. Comparing and integrating relationships from heterogeneous databases requires that the relationships be mapped to each other or to a common classification. Identifying... more
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      SemioticsOntologyApplied OntologyRelationships
Queensland has been the last Australian jurisdiction to reform its law of criminal defences to try and take account of the difficulties faced by victims of domestic abuse in satisfying the traditional elements of self-defence. Section... more
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      PsychologyRelationshipsMurderPartial defence of provocation
Kiegan Lloyd, "Foul Play Awareness Virtue and Accountability in South of the Border West of the Sun by Haruki Murakami," Writing Waves 9, no. 3 (2021): 1-7.
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      Japanese LiteratureAccountabilityEnglishRelationships
Ontario A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Science degree in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
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ABSTRACT Previous research has documented a tendency for people to make more risk-seeking decisions for others than for themselves in relationship scenarios. Two experiments investigated whether this self-other difference is moderated by... more
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      Behavioral Decision MakingRisk TakingRelationshipsMultidisciplinary
This paper calls into questions some assumptions about citizenship which are more or less taken for granted in academic, political and social contexts. Such assumptions include: That there is a clearly defined conceptual link between... more
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      SociologyValuesRelationshipsBusiness and Management
Popular books on heterosexual relationships often present gender--dichotomized views of behavior. To test predictions derived from gender schema and social role theories, relationship suggestions from Men are from Mars, Women are from... more
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      PsychologyRelationshipsUnited StatesGender Difference
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      MarketingHuman ResourceRelationshipsBusiness and Management
This article explores polyamorous women’s potential to enlarge the concept of sexual subjectivity through their engagement in nontraditional relationships and their attempts to reject sexual objectification. Polyamorous people openly... more
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This study aimed to link two fields of research: conflict management and forgiveness. Adult participants (n = 122) and a validating sample of significant others (n = 122) completed measures of disposition to forgive, conflict style,... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCommunicationInterpersonal Communication
With their increased popularity, games open up possibilities for simultaneous learning on multiple levels; players may learn from contextual information embedded in the narrative of the game and through the risks, benefits, costs,... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceInstructional DesignEducational Technology
This paper investigates relationships between men's testosterone and family life in a sample of approximately 350 Jamaican fathers of children 18– 24 months of age. The study recognizes the role of testosterone as a proximate mechanism... more
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      SexualityGender and SexualityGenderLife history
Human violence has generated a lot of discussion and led to so many attempts, both scientific and philosophical, to understand its prevalence. Why do human beings inflict voluntary suffering or death to others? This is the eternal problem... more
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      French LiteratureFrench StudiesRelationshipsTragedy
Today's working adults often display different leadership orientations, as well as moderate to severe levels of stress depending on the situation and various demographic traits. In order to explore the stress, task orientation and... more
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      LeadershipCultureStressStress Management
Purpose – Literature on spin-offs still lacks a thorough understanding of the forces governing spin-off performance. The purpose of this paper is to fill this gap by taking a network perspective. Design/methodology/approach – The paper... more
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      MarketingRelationshipsNetworkBusiness and Management
Although organizational identification is founded on social identity and symbolic interactionist theories, current theories emphasize a social identity whereby organizational members categorize themselves and others based on roles and... more
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      Organizational BehaviorPsychologySocial NetworksSocial Identity
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Background Providing written educational materials to stroke survivors is a key recommendation in many international stroke guidelines. Yet, sexual concerns are generally overlooked in current stroke rehabilitation and the content of... more
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We are in the midst of a technological revolution whereby, for the first time, researchers can link daily word use to a broad array of real-world behaviors. This article reviews several computerized text analysis methods and describes how... more
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An interesting and accessible introduction to ethical issues raised by various forms of human use of animals. This textbook avoids moral lecturing and presents a range of ethical viewpoints without defending or applying any specific... more
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      EthicsQuality of lifeRelationshipsWildlife Conservation
Abstract: Sister Carrie was a reflection of Hermann Theodore Dreiser’s own life. There were many incidents in Dreiser’s life which he incorporated in his works. His sisters’ lives also provided him the necessary inspiration as remarked in... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial Psychology
This study applies network theory for the first time to the economically and socially important area of sport and examines relationships between National Governing Bodies (NGBs), media and corporate sponsors. Issues of power, dependency... more
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This article presents a rationale for delivering training in play skills to groups of foster carers and adopters, and others who work with children and young people in the care system. The aim is to emphasise the relevance of play for... more
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Stuttering impacts on the child in a variety of ways, notably in terms of communicative impairment and psychosocial impact. In addition, the stuttering disorder has a holistic impact, affecting those with whom the child who stutters... more
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      Fluency disordersRelationshipsStutteringMixed Methods Research
Engagement with the school community is always a challenge for principals and school leaders, especially when contact is instigated from the school. This article looks at the ways one school and its community developed new ways of... more
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      Social CapitalCommunityRelationshipsLearning
For many years, research and management thinking has focused on understanding business relationships and networks. Now, the focus is shifting to managing business relationships and networks. This new approach focus poses two questions.... more
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      ManagementMarketingBusiness NetworksComplexity
Research of positive psychology interventions has expanded dramatically in recent years, and many novel positive psychology interventions may be useful in couples therapy. The present work identifies, summarizes, and suggests adaptations... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive SciencePositive Psychology
The effect of light on different understory plant groups (herbs, ground floor bryophytes, trunkdwelling bryophytes and seedlings) was studied in a deciduous-coniferous mixed woodland in Western Hungary. The correlation of cover and... more
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      Plant EcologyPlant BiologyEcologyBiodiversity
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      Business EthicsApplied EthicsCare EthicsConstructions of femininity
Stoichiometry is one of the most basic, central, yet abstract topics in chemistry. It is essential for understanding quantitative and qualitative aspects of chemical reactions as well as for solving many types of problems in high school... more
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      RelationshipsLearningProblem SolvingStoichiometry
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      CommunicationVideo Learning in the ClassroomAttachment TheoryRelationships
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      EducationValuesEducational ResearchEvidence
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Because love is related to thoughts in the distant future and lust triggers thoughts related to the present, based on construal level theory, we propose a link between love and a global processing style as well as a link between lust and... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCognitionSocial Interaction
Over the past several decades, the agricultural marketplace has transitioned from a completely price driven, homogeneous, commodity market towards a more differentiated and fragmented product market characterized by heterogeneous... more
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The present research uses a behavioral observation methodology to examine emotional and behavioral reactions to threatening interpersonal situations in married couples. The research shows that although anxious attachment can hinder... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceBehavior
All organizations have relationships with their environments that can be described as their social capital. The development of this social capital is a crucial public relations activity. Taking a cue from the late French sociologist... more
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      Public RelationsSocial CapitalRelationshipsPower
Markets are affected by strong competition in terms of continuous innovation of products and processes, high customer satisfaction and low cost of production. In order to achieve these strategic results it is recommended, or necessary, to... more
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      EngineeringCustomer SatisfactionRelationshipsMathematical Sciences
In a series of laboratory experiments, we tested the inXuence of strategically displaying positive, negative, and neutral emotions on negotiation outcomes. In Experiment 1, a face-to-face dispute simulation, negotiators who displayed... more
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      Organizational BehaviorEmotionDispute ResolutionSocial Interaction
For most of us, break-ups and post-romantic etiquette are as much a part of our romantic love lives as our most loving and fulfilling relationships are. Yet, in the philosophy of love, our dialogue lacks a critical discussion focusing on... more
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      EmotionEthicsPersonal RelationshipsLove
The aims of the study are to determine: 1) the significant relationships between students' empowerment, accounting technical skills and students' performance, 2) the significant difference between female and male students' perception on... more
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      Social SciencesRelationships
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      Social WorkLife courseRelationships
Nowra says of his play The Golden Age: It must be pointed out that The Golden Age is no polemic about civilisation and nature. The play is not saying that nature is good and civilisation is evil. It is also not saying that the group is... more
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This paper examines the nature of the relationship between tourism and cultural heritage management in the established urban destination of Hong Kong. In the past, conflict theory has formed the basis of most of the studies of... more
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      MarketingTourism ManagementCultural HeritageCultural Tourism
The success of any organization is highly dependent on its workforce. Especially the ITeS BPO industry needs to be flexible enough to develop commitment and talent in their workforce. They need to adopt a strategy to improve the employees... more
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      RelationshipsWork-Life BalanceFamily lifeWork Life