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Technological resources have gradually appeared in schools as potentially useful instruments to better communicate information to families. This communication is essential to improve the relationship between parents and teachers and to... more
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      Family CommunicationRelations Between School and Family
Els estudiants d’origen marroquí són actualment el primer col·lectiu d’alumnat estranger a Catalunya. Això significa, que és molt més probable trobar-se a alumnes d’origen marroquí a les aules que d’altres orígens estrangers. I certament,... more
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      CataloniaExpectationsSchool SuccessRelations Between School and Family
O estudo da relação escola-família continua pertinente devido às mudanças realizadas no sistema educativo Português, sobretudo desde a década de oitenta do século passado. A regulação partilhada entre Estado e comunidades locais, embora... more
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    • Relations Between School and Family
559 revista española de pedagogía año LXV, n.º 238, septiembre-diciembre 2007, 559-574 La participación de las familias en la escuela La participación de las familias en la escuela por Sonia RIVAS BORRELL Universidad de Navarra revista... more
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      Family-school partnershipsRelations Between School and Family
Numerosas políticas públicas, así como docentes e investigadores, atribuyen el menor rendi-miento escolar de las clases populares a la falta de implicación parental y ésta a su menor valoración de la escolaridad. Otros autores lo... more
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      Sociology of EducationSociología De La EducaciónRelations Between School and FamilyFamilias y escuela
RESUMEN El estudio se propuso determinar la relación entre el apoyo parental y las emociones de los estudiantes asociadas a las tareas escolares. De forma no probabilística se seleccionaron a 495 estudiantes de escuelas secundarias... more
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    • Relations Between School and Family
Resumen: La comunicación eficaz entre padres y maestros es esencial para fomentar el buen entendimiento entre ambos agentes y garantizar un mayor éxito educativo del alumno. El presente artículo recoge, siguiendo la estructura de las 6W... more
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      CommunicationRelations Between School and Family
Strong communication and cooperation between the family and the school is one of the most important factors contributing to students’ learning, identity and well-being. Recently, research has indicated significant differences in... more
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      Early Childhood EducationPostcommunismSchool-family partnershipRelations Between School and Family
Each year 25,000 pupils in France, are summoned to attend disciplinary boards. More than two thirds of those disciplinary boards lead to permanent school expulsion. From interviews with expelled individuals, this paper sheds light on the... more
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      Educational ResearchEducation PolicySciences de l'éducationSociologie de l'éducation
O papel que o aluno desempenha na relação entre escola e famílias surgiu como tema de interesse após a elaboração de uma tese sobre as apropriações dos papéis que professores e pais podem assumir na educação, no contexto dos novos modos... more
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      StudentsRelations Between School and Family
O que une mais uma vez, depois de treze anos, diversos pesquisadores, no âmbito da Sociologia da Educação, em torno de um mesmo tema? Evidentemente, pode-se argumentar a proximidade de perspectivas ou de interesses de investigação. No... more
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      EducationScience EducationBrazilian StudiesFamily
Based on two case studies of Third Sector Organizations (TSOs) working with schools and parents in Catalonia and London, this paper aims to discuss some of the implications of ‘participative’ programmes aimed at involving those migrant... more
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      Third SectorImmigrationParticipationPublic Private Partnerships
A coordinated approach involving both school and families is essential for education to be successful. Mutual support and the satisfaction to teachers and parents alike are particularly important in the area of education in values. We... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityFamilyPositive Youth DevelopmentParental Behavior
The paper presents the representations that future elementary school teachers have in a University of Ñuble region for the family and parental roles assigned to them in education. In line with the objective, a comprehensive interpretive... more
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      Sociology of EducationRelations Between School and Family
No quadro de um modo de regulação do sistema educativo assente na ideologia da performatividade mediante um trabalho escolar intensificado, este texto centra-se na recente experiência de reintrodução dos exames no 4.º ano em Portugal.... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodChildrenAcademic achievementRelations Between School and Family
Full bibliographic details must be given when referring to, or quoting from full items including the author's name, the title of the work, publication details where relevant (place, publisher, date), pagination, and for theses or... more
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      Third SectorImmigrationParticipationPublic Private Partnerships
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      Teaching and LearningYouth StudiesEarly Childhood EducationICT in Education
Strong communication and cooperation between the family and the school is one of the most important factors contributing to students' learning, identity and well-being. This research aimed to support Serbian policy makers and school... more
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      Democratic EducationCross-Cultural educationFamily & Community Engagement in schoolsRelations Between School and Family
En el estudio de la participación de las familias en los centros educativos es indispensable analizar qué canales de comunicación se utilizan entre padres y docentes, ya que éstos se consideran uno de los principales factores que influyen... more
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      Intercultural EducationCultural DiversityInformation and Communication TechnologiesSchool-family partnership
A coordinated approach involving both school and families is essential for education to be successful. Mutual support and the satisfaction to teachers and parents alike are particularly important in the area of education in values. We ca... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityFamilyPositive Youth DevelopmentParental Behavior
A coordinated approach involving both school and families is essential for education to be successful. Mutual support and the satisfaction to teachers and parents alike are particularly important in the area of education in values. We... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityFamilyPositive Youth DevelopmentParental Behavior
Recent school counseling literature and initiatives by the Education Trust and American School Counselor Association (ASCA) to transform school counseling have promoted an integral role for school counselors in school-family-community... more
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      Psychotherapy and CounselingSchool Guidance and CounselingParent InvolvementSchool effectiveness and school improvement
Children have increasing access, and at younger ages, to ICT. This results from state policy measures, or from families having progressively provided ICT access to their children, or both of these influences. As a critical approach to the... more
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      Children and FamiliesTics and educationRelations Between School and Family