It is well-established that those facing homelessness suffer severe harms and deprivations. Homeless persons are among the worst-off people in any given society. And yet homelessness is a relatively undertheorized issue in ethics and... more
The idea of a 'tobacco-free generation' promises to make smoking a thing of the past by making cigarettes unavailable to birth cohorts in the future. If implemented, such a generational ban would lead to a society in which some... more
Limit 5 pages single spaced.
In this paper, I develop a novel relational egalitarian theory of social exclusion that explains how society fails to treat socially excluded individuals -- such as people experiencing homelessness, individuals with substance use... more
Justice Across Ages offers an attractive account of justice between the young and the old that brings together three notable principles of age-group justice: complete-lives equality, relational equality, and prudence. Yet, the book says... more
What does a "City of equals" look like? What does it mean to embody the egalitarian spirit? What makes a city attractive to people who are egalitarian? Drawing on both theoretical and practical research, the book City of Equals aims to... more
This article develops a theory of what a relational egalitarian society owes to individuals whose agential capacities are impaired due to mental health issues. I argue that the social condition of impaired agents generates a tension... more
Justice Across Ages offers an attractive account of justice between the young and the old that brings together three notable principles of age-group justice: complete-lives equality, relational equality, and prudence. Yet, the book says... more
Integration is a pivotal concept in migration studies. Yet, over time critiques have been formulated that question the very assumptions that the concept of integration rests on. Willem Schinkel, one of the major criticasters explains what... more
This paper draws from a unique database spanning over 35 years of Canadian CEOs' compensation to explore the interplay among: the information available to boards of directors of Canadian companies for making executive pay decisions, the... more
In international comparison, the level and the performance sensitivity of executive pay in Japan are low. Both characteristics can be related to the prevalence of internal labor markets. These not only select the ones who will be promoted... more
Changes in Equality Problem Types Across Four Decades in Four Second and Sixth Grade Textbook Series
Textbooks can serve as artifacts that provide insights into how content was presented historically. In this study, we examined the equal sign and relational equality in four widely adopted textbooks (Grades 2 and 6) over a longitudinal... more
In this paper, I criticize two views on how political equality is related to equally distributed political power, and I offer a novel, pluralist account of political equality to address their shortcomings-in particular, concerning their... more
Background: Mathematical equivalence is a critical element of arithmetic understanding and a key component of algebraic thinking which is necessary for success in all levels of mathematics. Research studies continue to highlight... more
The debate over the extent and causes of rising inequality of American incomes and wages has now raged for at least two decades. In this paper, we will make four arguments. First, the increase in the incomes and wages of the top 1 percent... more
This study examined students' conceptions about the equal sign in light of historical findings with an international comparison group. Textbooks for preparation of students as mathematics teachers were examined. Participants were... more
This study reports findings from comparative samples of sixth-grade Chinese and U.S. students' interpretations of the equal sign. Ninety-eight percent of the Chinese sample correctly answered 4 items indicating conceptions of equality and... more
Existing studies of the political determinants of top incomes and inequality tend to focus on developments within individual countries, neglecting the role of potential interdependencies that transcend national borders. This article... more
Why has US income inequality surged to unprecedented heights since the 1970s? The rise in inequality was not simply the natural result of differential rates of return but was powerfully driven by politics and policy. This article explores... more
This chapter serves as an introduction to the collected volume. In the first section, we aim to provide background on important themes in social egalitarianism and to set the context for understanding which significant questions the... more
Changes in Equality Problem Types Across Four Decades in Four Second and Sixth Grade Textbook Series
Textbooks can serve as artifacts that provide insights into how content was presented historically. In this study, we examined the equal sign and relational equality in four widely adopted textbooks (Grades 2 and 6) over a longitudinal... more
We measure the size and evolution of the wage premium for a job in finance. In thirteen developed countries, wages, especially high wages, increased at a sustained pace in this sector during the 1990s and 2000s, contributing strongly to... more
The objective of this paper is to analyse matemathics education students' understanding of the equal sign, their strategies in solving the equivalent equations and the relationship between the two. Data were collected through responses... more
Limit 5 pages single spaced. Background/context: Description of prior research, its intellectual context and its policy context. Mathematical equivalence is a foundational concept of algebraic thinking that serves as a key link between... more
There is widespread disagreement about what equality of opportunity in education requires. For some it is that each child is legally permitted to go to school. For others it is that each child receives the same educational resources.... more
This volume brings together a collection of ten original essays which present new analyses of social and relational equality in philosophy and political theory. The essays analyze the nature of social equality, and its relationship with... more
In this essay, I offer a philosophical–ethical analysis of inequalities in global health partnerships. Using literature from medical anthropology and the health sciences as a basis, I begin by distinguishing two categories of concern.... more
Increasing inequality cannot be a long-run steady state – i.e. a trend that can continue indefinitely. Because the bottom 99% and top 1% in the U.S. and Canada have had very different rates of growth of market income among since the... more
EREK PARFIT'S DISTINCTION BETWEEN telic and deontic egalitarianism has stimulated a large amount of discus-sion concerning the value of equality. Recently, egalitarians have argued that his distinction does not capture many of the... more
In his recent Lindley Lecture, "The Diversity of Objections to Inequality," 1 T. M. Scanlon reopens the debate on equality with the claim that it is not an independent ideal, as many egalitarians think; rather, it is needed only in order... more
It is well known that the distribution of income in the United Kingdom has widened considerably in the last three decades. This rise has been a result of a widening at both the top and bottom of the wage distribution. More recently, most... more
This paper examines the compensation package of the CEO of both the Nordic and US markets and their roles in the organization. The paper contains the comparison between the compensation package of Nordic and US CEOs along with the harmony... more
The prediction of students' achievement in algebra in eighth and ninth grades has become a research interest for practical issues of placement. A group of simple, easily accessible variables was used to predict student performance in... more
Background: Mathematical equivalence is a critical element of arithmetic understanding and a key component of algebraic thinking which is necessary for success in all levels of mathematics. Research studies continue to highlight... more
Algebra is a focal point of reform efforts in mathematics education, with many mathematics educators advocating that algebraic reasoning should be integrated at all grade levels K-12. Recent research has begun to investigate algebra... more
When we appraise others as talented or virtuous, we esteem them: we register admiration of their traits and virtues. It is generally believed that, unless they involve a violation of respect, distributions of esteem are not a concern from... more
Relational egalitarians argue that democratic institutions are justified by appeal to relational equality. According to the skeptical challenge, equality of political power is not required for relational equality, and the relational... more
The world we live in is unjust and the existing political institutions fail to adequately address the current injustices. In this paper, I will discuss the role and the responsibilities of individual citizens in affluent countries 1 in... more
The teacher as an educator plays an important role in the process of forming a concept image of students about the equal sign in learning mathematics. Teachers must have an equal sign meaning in accordance with the capacity, learning... more
In this chapter, Fourie identifies and systematizes the impairments associated with having privilege and evaluates their implications for theories of relational equality and distributive justice. Having certain social privileges, for... more
This is the revised June 2020 version of my review of Private Government (2017) by Elizabeth Anderson. The first version of this review appeared online through the official Anarcho-Syndicalist Review website as a special bonus to issue... more