Recent papers in Regionalisation
Suvremeni županijski ustroj Republike Hrvatske kao i strateško autocestovno povezivanje hrvatskih regija, posebice srednjeg i južnog dijela jadranskog priobalja kroz lički prostor, određuju nove funkcionalne poveznice središnjeg dijela... more
This paper aims at showing that the regionalization, innovations, smart specialization and sustainable tourism development like contemporary basis of rural tourism development can significantly contribute to increasing the competitiveness... more
Depuis la fin des années 90, le Maroc est rentré dans une phase de profondes transformations à la fois économiques, sociétales et politiques dont rend compte en partie ce livre. Ces transformations ont eu des conséquences, entre autres,... more
ntroduction W ater is one of the most important resources needed for the development of a country or region. Every aspect of development, from the growing of foodstuffs to the production of industrial goods and hydroelectricity, depends... more
A look at the political framework of regional integration in ASEAN, and the higher education initiatives at the regional level arising from these frameworks. Examining how regional integration can further advance harmonisation of higher... more
The chapter deals with peculiarities of establishment of the regional nuclear nonproliferation regime in the Asia Pacific as well as its condition in the modern period. From the standpoint of research methodology, the paper actively... more
Office of the Higher Education Commission
ARALIK 2009 ISPARTA ÖNSÖZ Bu proje, 2509 kodlu TÜBİTAK ile Fransa Dış İşleri Bakanlığı "Programme of Integrated Actions (PIA)-Bosphorus" İşbirliği Programı çerçevesinde gerçekleştirilen bir çalışmadır. Proje numarası 107K336'dır ve... more
Автореферат на защитена дисертация в научно направление 3.9 „Туризъм”. Целта на докторската й теза е анализ и оценка на ресурсния потенциал за устойчиво развитие на туризма в община Ботевград. Обект на изследване е туристическият... more
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, le fait régional et l’action régionale semblent s’être fortement développés en Europe. La promotion de l’Europe des régions a été sur le devant de la scène dans la conclusion de nouveaux traités jalonnant la... more
La communication montre le rôle de la région comme collectivité locale à créer dans l'atténuation des déséquilibres régionaux et dans le processus du développement territorial en Tunisie. Communication au Séminaire "Urbanisme et services... more
This project examines the feasibility of proposals recommended by a number of significant reports published over the past 5 years, namely: 'Improving Efficiency, Interoperability and Resilience of our Blue Light Services'; and 'Facing the... more
This report examines student mobility from various countries and regions to Turkey with regard to the trends, rationales, policies implemented by Turkey’s higher education institutions (HEIs) and the outcomes of the scheme. The report... more
Nous étudions « l’union sacrée » des syndicats de salariés, du patronat, de l’Etat et du Conseil Régional en région Lorraine à l’occasion de la crise économique mondiale de 2008. Ces acteurs ont décidé à l’unanimité d’une action de... more
Il s'agit d'un compte rendu de lecture de l'ouvrage de Daniel Bach, Regionalism in Africa, Genealogies, Institutions and Trans-State Networks, Abingdon, Routledge, 2016
In this chapter, we look at how economic, political, social, cultural and biological influences work together within the space of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) political, economic and social ‘community’ experiment,... more
How do regional changes affect the process of global governance? This article addresses this question by examining how the International Monetary Fund (IMF) responded to the challenges presented by Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)... more
The Isan region of Thailand, and especially its Mekong riparian border towns, has in recent years come under the influence of the Asian Development Bank-Greater Mekong Sub-region (ADB-GMS) regional development scheme, its aim being to... more
This paper analyses the dynamics of the multilevel governance of migration flows between West Africa and Europe. Firstly, I examine bilateral, multilateral and inter-regional frames of cooperation on human mobility.... more
In order to frame the analysis of the BRI’s regional implementation, this special issue draws on Freeman’s (2018) conception of China’s “regionalism foreign policy” and Zhou and Esteban (2018) “regional multi-lateral cooperation.” Freeman... more
Résumé Cet article explore les évolutions de la politique de sécurité sociale en Belgique dans le cadre d’un fédéralisme en constante évolution et actuellement instable au chapitre des interactions qui se nouent entre les différents... more
À l'heure où « l'affaire du rabotage des quais des gares » défraie la chronique, Juliette Maulat et Arnaud Passalacqua analysent le système complexe du rail français. Ils mettent en perspective la réforme ferroviaire engagée depuis trente... more
This special issue examines the impacts and implementation of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in the Asian and European regions towards which the initiative is primarily directed. Introduced by President Xi Jinping in a pair of... more
Il s'agit d'une journée d'étude concernant la relation migration et développement local; organisée par Néo-Maroc et Réseau Marocain Transnational Migration & Développement. La région concerné est Béni Mellal - Kénifra (Maroc)
Une réforme de la carte des régions françaises, à la fois collectivités territoriales dotées d'un conseil élu et circonscriptions administratives à la tête desquelles se trouvent un préfet nommé par le pouvoir central, est intervenue en... more
The paper discusses the post-communist development and evolution of the regionalization process in Romania.
Today, 'special technology infrastructure' [STI] represents a new process of economic development and has been used as a tool of regional development. It is a region that generates sustained and propulsive economic activity... more
Author through historical experience discusses, that the legalhistorical facts indicate the necessity of the provinces. Without provinces, it is not possible to effectively ensure that segment of the constitutionally guaranteed state... more
Over the past three decades, the V4 shifted from a normative conformity with the West to pursuing a counter-hegemonic strategy in relation to the EU following the adoption of the Council Decision on resettlement quotas. What becomes... more
The Middle East is often considered to demonstrate a case of weak regionalism. This article suggests that the continued prevalence of Arab identity as the hegemonic component of regional consciousness contributes to this. The dominance of... more
The article compares educational regionalisation in Europe and Latin America. This analysis unveils the influence of three social phenomena in the two case studies, namely power, fields of activity and knowledge. Mostly, it focuses on... more
This special issue highlights the present state of development of the global competition between high-tech centres. Special attention is paid to science parks as a development policy option and the extent to which this policy has been... more
The adoption of administrative boundaries as approximations of housing markets has long restricted the scope for housing market analysis and planning policy development to be undertaken within a functional housing market framework in... more
The Malaysian government recently commented on the o?cial use of the national language, Bahasa Malaysia (BM), internationally. It has been suggested that ASEAN adopt BM as its "second o?cial" language. Depending on how all ten member... more
This paper looks beyond the negative response to the reversal of Globalization. I highlight the intercultural clash between the values imposed through the uneven process of West-led Globalization and Islamic and (Confucian-)Socialist... more
Despite the global power shift from West to East and almost everyone in the EU recognising that the importance of Asia is growing, there has been a lacking willingness to devote time, energy and resources to deepening relations with the... more
To cite this keynote conference: Calzada, I. (2021), Smart City-Regions’ Citizenship: Data Devolution in Pandemic Times. The making of city-regions: Mobility, innovation and networks. SwissLab_2021. Lugano-Locarno (Switzerland). 9-10... more
The paper deals with the development of the administrative system in Hungary with a special focus on centralisation and decentralisation processes. The paper considers the historical patterns and the geographical characteristics in... more
Federalisation, regionalisation and local governance has been an important issue of legal and administrative sciences. Although the differences of decentralised and federal systems have remained , several transformations could be observed... more
As the new programming period is starting, the Assembly of European Regions (AER) is willing to look into the role that regional authorities actually play in European politics and in Europe in general in 2014. To what extent is the... more
Article is an analysis of the processes leading to partial or full political emancipation of Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland as unintended consequences of the devolution reform since 1997
In: Subba and Sinha (Eds.): Nepali diaspora in a globalised era. Routledge. p. 108-130
En analysant les discours produits par les institutions, les acteurs économiques et les médias, cet article reconstitue la définition du projet eurorégional à partir de positions énonciatives variées et indépendamment des langues et des... more
This article aims to analyse the advancement of regional film agencies in Norway, with the creation of 11 agencies during the 2000s and 2010s. This regionalisation does not only involve a territorial change in the film production... more