Regional identity
Recent papers in Regional identity
Příspěvek pojednává o regionální identitě, procesu formování územních identit a o institucionalizaci regionů. Cílem je aplikace a diskuze teoretických rámců vzniku a formování regionální identity (zejména podle A. Passiho) na příkladu... more
В статье обосновывается необходимость методологического рассмотрения сибирской региональной идентичности в качестве конструкта. Показано, что, несмотря на современную политизацию сибирской идентичности, отмечаемое этносоциологами активное... more
This paper deals with the question of how was the regional identity of the European part of the Russian North transforming during twenty years of the Barents Euro-Arctic Region operation. The first section describes the general political... more
The article addresses the concept of regional names and of their importance in regional studies. The first section tries to define the position of the name as a part of the symbolic shape of the region in the context of the “new”... more
Landmarks are developed with a specific name, form, thematic references and concept. Public discourses negotiate the references of each landmark. In the process, the landmark is represented in various media, including merchandise and... more
Alue, paikka ja identiteetti ovat nousseet 1990-luvulta alkaen eri puolilla maailmaa akateemisen tutkimuksen ja yhteiskunnallisen keskustelun avainkäsitteiksi. Tämän kehityksen keskeinen tausta on globaalin talouden muutos, jonka myötä... more
"CHROMÝ, P. (2000): Historickogeografické aspekty vymezování pohraničí a jeho geografické analýzy. Geografie, 105, 1, s. 63–76. ISSN 1212-0014 [Historical-geographical aspects of delimitation of the borderland and of its geographical... more
One of the lacunae of traditional music scholarship in England has been the lack of systematic study of folk song and its performance in discrete geographical areas. This thesis endeavours to address this gap in knowledge in a small way,... more
This article is the first academic study of a significant twentieth-century periodical genre, the county magazine. Through a content analysis of a successful example, Lancashire Life magazine, it introduces regional differentiation into... more
Regional identity has become an important category in the ‘Europe of regions’, and one that is often taken as self-evident in the relations between a group of people and a bounded region. The movement of people, capital and information... more
В статье рассматривается история формирования сибирской идентичности и множественность оттенков ее трактовки, а также отражаются изменения понятия «сибиряк» в исторической ретроспективе. В работе идет речь, прежде всего, о... more
Při vyslovení slovního spojení Podkarpatská Rus nebo jejích alternativních názvů Zakarpatsko, Podkarpatí, Uherská Rus, Zakarpatská Ukrajina, Podkarpatská Ukrajina atd., se těm znalejším vybaví dřevěné kostelíky a drsná příroda s holými... more
Drawing upon findings on the memory culture of German expellees after World War II, this essay takes a both scholarly and personal look at the inner-German migration after 1990. Based on the concept of Heimat as social space, it discusses... more
During the last decade or so, the existence of a Balkan cultural identity has been hotly debated in books, articles, conferences, and other scholarly practices. It has been argued that the cuisine, supposedly common throughout the Balkan... more
39 olhares 39 criações Faro Loulé Quarteira S. Brás de Alportel making of do festival 7 projectos fotográficos FESTA de abertura entrada livre 01 abr o f e r t a m a p a / p u z z l e f o t o g r a f i a / p o s t e r j o r n a l G R Á T... more
Ignoring borders, which are constructs, nineteenth-century Tampa was not Southern. Instead, it was home to a polyglot society that survived frontier conditions through cooperation. In the last decade of the century, however, and... more
El objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigación, becado por el Instituto de Estudios Zamoranos "Florián de Ocampo" (Diputación de Zamora), se sintetiza en el análisis diacrónico y comparativo de los diferentes discursos... more
Peryferie postrzegane są tradycyjnie jako uzależnione od centrów i skazane na niesamodzielność. W książce przedstawiono odmienne podejście, które wskazuje, że zależności centro-peryferyjne są zawsze dwustronne, a życie społeczne na... more
Es un libro de procesos de desarrollo de una posible crítica literaria en toda su expresión. Es un trabajo que resalta a los autores de Nariño.
Jones, M. (2004). Forging an ASEAN Identity: The Challenge to Construct a Shared Destiny In Contemporary Southeast Asia, 26(1), pp. 140-154. ASEAN has formulated a planned integration among its ten member nations and has challenged its... more
Vranje (južna Srbija) je grad koji ima bogate slojeve stvarnosti, ali se slika o njemu iznutra, a dobrim delom i spolja, vezuje samo za jedan deo njegove prošlosti i samo za orijentalistički osenčene simbole i motive koji su izvedeni iz... more
In telling the story of cricket from the grassroots up, Different Class demonstrates how the 'quintessentially English' game has done more to divide, rather than unite, the English.
Il volume ha come tema centrale l’uso che è stato fatto, nel corso dei secoli, delle antichità della Calabria ai fini della costruzione di una identità regionale. Partendo dall’epoca romana si cerca di fare luce sulla percezione che, per... more
In 1902, my great-great grandfather wrote a memoir of his experiences as a Confederate soldier at the request of his friend and fellow veteran the Honorable C.C. Cummings of Ft. Worth, Texas. Cummings was a historian for several terms of... more
The small city of Nancy, France, is arguably the center where Art Nouveau architecture had the most lasting impact. Nancy’s Art Nouveau was a divergent form of modernity that was defined by regionalism and a distinct sense of place, which... more
One of the lacunae of traditional music scholarship in England has been the lack of systematic study of folk song and its performance in discrete geographical areas. This thesis endeavours to address this gap in knowledge in a small way,... more
This thesis examines the different layers of identity among the Serbs of Vojvodina and their implications for political preferences regarding the basic structure of the state, namely either for regionalisation or for a centralised model... more
This research identifies for the first time a distinctive body of literary work that is Forest of Dean literature. It establishes a history of this literature from its first appearances at the beginning of the nineteenth century up until... more
Коллективная монография подготовлена по материалам Камчатских тренингов — серии образовательно-исследовательских мероприятий, проходивших с 1 по 9 сентября 2011 г. в г. Петропавловске-Камчатском. Тексты. образовавшие книгу, публикуются... more
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, le fait régional et l’action régionale semblent s’être fortement développés en Europe. La promotion de l’Europe des régions a été sur le devant de la scène dans la conclusion de nouveaux traités jalonnant la... more
Le projet communautaire, élaboré aujourd’hui, par le Mouvement wallon et les autorités wallonnes tourne autour des notions de liberté, de démocratie, de citoyenneté et d’anti-nationalisme. Cet idéal de société, purement citoyen, ne révèle... more
Until 2010 Belgian history had been rarely studied from a transnational perspective. In the 1990s and early 2000s Anglo-Saxon, French and, to a lesser degree, German literature and theoretical frames were put to use, but from about 2005... more
This historical and archaeological research assesses the construction methods and geographical placement of the Hammock Landing Battery (8LI334) in Liberty County, Florida. Landscape data and terrain analysis demonstrates the location of... more
This article examines the emergence of the so-called Western European and Others Group as well as that of the caucus of European Communities at the General Assembly of the United Nations based on a study of documents from Nordic foreign... more
International Workshop at the Institute of Classical Archaeology Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, December 14–16, 2018
poleczne relacje pomi^dzy Polakami i Niemcami na przestrzeni dwudziestolecia mi^dzywojennego byfy juz dwczesnie przedmiotem obserwacji wladz paristwowych i samorz^dowych praktycznie kazdego szczeblaod centralnego do lokalnego.... more
Стаття присвячена персонажу шахтарського фольклору Шубіну та відображення регіональної ідентичності українського Донбасу в ньому. Дєдуш О. Персонаж «Шубін» як рефлексія регіональної ідентичності українського Донбасу //... more
Prostorni identitet koncept je koji ponajprije podrazumijeva posljedice percepcije prostora, svijesti o prostoru i poistovjećivanja s prostorom, odnosno doživljaj kolektivne pripadnosti određenom području ili mjestu. Najčešće je rezultat... more