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After the attacks of September 11, 2001, but especially with the decision to expand NATO in 2002, the Black Sea became an intersection of Euro-Atlantic geopolitical and geo-economic borders. At the same time, the accession of Romania and... more
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceRussian PoliticsRussian Foreign Policy
В книге собраны публицистические материалы информационно-аналитического содержания, документы региональных органов власти, в которых рассматриваются состояние окружающей среды в Ивановской области, меры государственной региональной... more
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      Regional policyRegional Politics
Throughout the recorded history, the Middle East has been playing a vital role in the global geopolitics. The significant geographic characteristics supplemented by an enormous oil reserve has turned the region as one the most highlighted... more
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      International RelationsMiddle East StudiesGeopoliticsInternational Security
This paper analyzes changes in regional electoral behavior and attitudes towards separatism and foreign policy orientation in Ukraine after the “Orange Revolution” and the “Euromaidan,” which turned into a violent internal conflict and... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsEthnic StudiesArea Studies
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      HistoryPoliticsCultureRegional Politics
This report contends that the Middle East regional order since 2011 has changed in several ways. This is evidenced by the decline in US power, the rise of sectarianism, the growing influence of non-state actors, the return of Arab state... more
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      International RelationsInternational StudiesMiddle East StudiesRegional Politics
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, le fait régional et l’action régionale semblent s’être fortement développés en Europe. La promotion de l’Europe des régions a été sur le devant de la scène dans la conclusion de nouveaux traités jalonnant la... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesComparative PoliticsCatalan Studies
This chapter entitled 'About Independence (with independence)' will be included in a book edition called 'The Right to Decide, Power & Sovereignty'. The chapter aims to address ten strategic drivers to understand and update the quest for... more
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      Comparative PoliticsBasque StudiesRegional policyPolitics
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      Regional GeographyEastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesPolitical Philosophy
This paper examines the discourse and practices of Iran in the areas of water and agriculture, economy, migration and political ideas, to test Iran’s approach and also its influence in various fields. Drawing on a critical discourse... more
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      Discourse AnalysisInternational RelationsMiddle East StudiesGeopolitics
This article sets out the factors underlying the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and argues that domestic and regional factors were interwoven in this failure. We suggest that this failure was due to the climate created by the... more
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      Middle East StudiesRegional PoliticsEgyptMiddle East Politics
Effective institutionalization of the participation by sub-national governments in regional and global decision making on sustainable development strategies and policies is a complex process. Declaring these decision processes “open” to... more
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      International StudiesSustainable DevelopmentRegional PoliticsSubnational Politics
Research towards regionalism in Southeast Asia and Indonesian role within the regionalism process is concluded in this paper. Regional integration process in Southeast Asia within during the decolonization and ASEAN phases are assessed in... more
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      International RelationsSoutheast AsiaRegional PoliticsRegionalism
This paper addresses Chinese cyber-nationalism, a concept meant to encapsulate feelings of patriotism, nationalism, and fervour over government action in China through the perspective of cyberspace. The importance of acknowledging... more
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      EconomicsFinancial EconomicsData MiningData Analysis
Ethnic politics is a serious domestic challenge in Iran. Non-Persian communities are mobilizing to claim their rights and to demand representation in a system that activists claim is biased against minorities and the peripheral regions.... more
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      Ethnic StudiesRacial and Ethnic PoliticsMiddle East StudiesIranian Studies
This paper examines the utility of the hegemonic stability theory in understanding regional power dynamics within Africa. The study operationalizes the concept of regional hegemony by drawing insights from a comparative foreign policy... more
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      Comparative PoliticsForeign Policy AnalysisRegional PoliticsHegemonic Stability Theory
This article concerns Regional and minority languages in Ukrainian legislation. I try to investigate different languages at the territory of Ukraine. Why do some of them have protectio but other - not. Moreover, I pay attention to the... more
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      LanguagesInternational RelationsInternational RelationsMulticulturalism
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      International RelationsIndonesiaDiplomacyRegional Politics
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      Regional PoliticsPeace and Conflict Resolution
This article underlines the significance of context-sensitive research in understanding the historical transformations of state space that have occurred as part of wider geopolitical conditions. We trace such transformations by theorising... more
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      Critical GeopoliticsGeopoliticsGovernmentalityState Formation
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      Political ScienceRegional Politics
There is barely any agreement in the literature on the way one should compare the political parties defending the interest of a specific community on a particular territorythe ethno-regionalist parties -and classify them. Based on the... more
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      Political ScienceRegional Politics
Despite the United Nations’ support of a referendum on self-determination for the Sahrawi people, the Western Sahara has been under de facto Moroccan occupation since a cease-fire with the Polisario Front was signed in 1991. Today, with... more
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      African StudiesInternational RelationsMiddle East & North AfricaPolitical Science
Does the reference to regional hegemony in the African context apply to Nigeria? This study examines this question in line with increasing claims in academic and diplomatic circles of Nigerian hegemony in Africa. While scholars and... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryForeign Policy Analysis
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      Regional PoliticsASEAN
Кучуран Андрій науковий керівник -д. політ. н., проф. Круглашов А.М.
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      Political TheoryResearch MethodologyPolitical ScienceRegional and Local Governance
This chapter examines how a new political regionalism pattern characterised by devolution and self-determination claims expressed and embodied via geo-democratic practices such as the ‘right to decide’ is emerging in three small,... more
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      Human GeographyEuropean StudiesRegional policySelf-Determination Theory
This article compares three small, stateless, city-regional nation cases of Scotland, Catalonia, and the Basque Country after September 2014. Since the referendum on Scottish independence, depending on its unique context, each case has... more
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      Comparative PoliticsSelf-Determination TheoryRegional PoliticsSecession
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      Comparative PoliticsRegional PoliticsManifestos
The last events demonstrated South Korea’s influence in the Central Asia and its significance for the great actors from the international stage. South Korea is a major player in Asia and its partnerships and collaborations with USA,... more
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      International RelationsSouth KoreaRegional PoliticsRegional Powers
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      Political ScienceRegional Politics
Maintain autocratic regimes is widely acknowledged to require elite loyalty. However, does this imply that various elite groups equally contribute to the daily performance of an autocratic regime and to winning elections? Based on... more
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      Russian PoliticsRegional PoliticsElites (Political Science)Political Elites
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      Political ScienceRegional PoliticsBelgian politics
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      Regional and Local GovernanceRegional PoliticsElectoral SystemsNew Institutionalism
This article aims to observe the effects of decentralisation on the political careers of the regional elite in Spain, France and the United Kingdom. We address the main career pathways of these elites, and we test whether the type of... more
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      Regional PoliticsElites (Political Science)Political ElitesFrench Politics
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    • Regional Politics
Revue de sociolinguistique en ligne n° 16 -octobre 2010 Minorités linguistiques et francophonies en perspective Numéro dirigé par François Charbonneau SOMMAIRE François Charbonneau : La question des minorités linguistiques aujourd'hui.... more
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      Political ScienceRegional PoliticsBelgian politics
En 2015 se han cumplido cuarenta años de democracia representativa en España. A lo largo de este período, el desarrollo del Estado de las autonomías ha configurado un heterogéneo poliedro con distintas comunidades, identidades y formas de... more
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      Political CultureRegional PoliticsNational IdentityDemocracy
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      HistoryEuropean HistorySociologyFuture Studies
With the return of Executive Elections in Russia, regional electoral contestation becomes an important arena for regime power and opposition activity. My current research shows that the key to the Kremlin's candidates winning big... more
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      Russian PoliticsRegional PoliticsSubnational PoliticsSubnational Comparative Politics
EN: During the interwar period, economic independence and retreat into national identity became the twin horizons dominating the Swiss answer to economic crisis and social and political uncertainty. The Alpine space constituted the... more
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      Rural HistoryRegional PoliticsRural depopulation
The aim of the present study is to analyse the events and results of the elections to bodies of regional self-governments in Slovakia in November 2017. The elections were held under the conditions of the amended legislation after the... more
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      Eastern European StudiesPolitical PartiesPolitical ScienceRegional and Local Governance
One of the US-owned Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) installations was projected and built in Sicily, near Niscemi. Since 2012, NO MUOS activists have excogitated various forms of protest that are reminiscent of artistic performances... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial MovementsMusicPopular Music
La Volksunie a vécu. Depuis novembre 2001, deux formations en sont issues : la Nieuwe Vlaams Alliantie (NVA), guidée par Geert Bourgeois et Spirit, emmené par Anne-Marie Van de Casteele. Comment cette formation, qui a incarné le... more
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      Political PartiesNationalismFederalismHistory of Political Parties
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      Regional PoliticsChinaSouth East Asian Studies
De nombreuses etudes se sont penchees sur les communautes linguistiques doublement minorisees en Europe, c’est-a-dire minorisees a la fois au niveau national et au niveau europeen, comme par exemple les langues ou dialectes basque,... more
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      Political ScienceRegional PoliticsBelgian politicsCultures & Conflits
Nationalization of politics means the process of nationalization of the cleavages, the parties and the party system. In Mechelen, as in the rest of Belgium, this is characterized by several decisive evolutions. First, the lowering of the... more
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      Comparative PoliticsUrban PoliticsLocal HistoryPolitics
The author attempts to show sociopolitical division in the area of Chojnice country during "Solidarity" carnival (1980-1981). In the light of conflict theory the author points out the existing sociopolitical divisions whose evidence can... more
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      HistoryEastern European StudiesPoliticsEastern European history
Since the late 1990s, when important decentralisation reforms have been introduced, there has been considerable cross-regional variation in the share of social assistance spending directly allocated by sub-national authorities in Italy.... more
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      Comparative PoliticsSocial PolicyWelfare StateItalian Politics
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      South Asian StudiesAfghanistanPakistanRegional Politics