If cited or quoted, reference should be made to the full name of the author(s), editor(s), the title, the working paper or other series, the year, and the publisher.
This study explored the regional integration in Africa's political economy. The study found that regional integration in Africa has the potential to improve economic markets, provision of public goods and infrastructure, social... more
The study could not have been successful without the professionalism and dedication to duty by my office staff who worked hard during odd hours in putting together the various pieces of the research report. Mr Elvis Chifamba and Mrs... more
We shall measure our progress by the improvement of the health of our people; by the number of children in school, and by the quality of water and electricity in our towns and villages, and by the happiness which our people take in being... more
There has been an uneasy dilemma for each economy to strike a balance between protecting welfare of nationals and catching up with the world standards in terms of regulations. Before APEC launched the Ease of Doing Business Initiative in... more
Part One of the Osaka Action Agenda has clarified the implications of the basic political commitment to free and open trade and investment in the Bogor Declaration and has set out operational guiding principles and a well-developed... more
This study was conducted to determine the relationship between contextual connectivity and implementation of intra-national economic regionalism policies, with a focus on the Lake Region Economic Bloc in Kenya. The population of the study... more
Este estudo discute a viabilidade e os possíveis impactos da implementação do Imposto sobre o Valor Agregado (IVA) no Brasil. Para tanto, expõe o conceito e a evolução histórica do IVA, discute o modelo utilizado na União Europeia e... more
O objetivo do artigo é discutir a reforma tributária e seus efeitos na harmonização tributária na construção da "autonomia regional" e os efeitos no interesse comum construído no bloco Mercosul, que chamamos de "interesses... more
Development Economics (ABCDE) is a forum for discussion and debate of important policy issues facing developing countries. The conferences emphasize the contribution that empirical economic research can make to understanding development... more
The study assesses free movement of persons on bilateral trade between Kenya and its trading partners in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa. The study employed the Panel Correlated Standard Error method to estimate... more
10 Economic Reforms and People Mobility for a More Effective EU-MED Partnership Ishac Diwan* Mustapha Nabli Adama Coulibaly Sara Johansson de Silva Introduction The new framework for partnership between the European Union (EU) and the... more
Thailand is caught in the middle income trap. It suffers from a lack of skilled labour; its firms exhibit little innovation; and the national education system has failed, over decades, to deliver the required human resource. Investments... more
Thailand is caught in the middle income trap. It suffers from a lack of skilled labour; its firms exhibit little innovation; and the national education system has failed, over decades, to deliver the required human resource. Investments... more
Business relationships have been studied as a driver for firm competitiveness through relationship marketing, but not as a strategic advantage when entering an economy. Prior research has identified several dimensions of market entry... more
The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) has been initiated under the concept of regionalism in 1985, the peripheral smaller South Asian states gathered on one platform to ensure economic integration and cooperation.... more
The study finds that there has been a limited impact of trade liberalization on the volume of trade between the two countries. The shift from positive list to negative list has not resulted in any major increase in new exports. The share... more
Comércio internacional e integração produtiva: uma análise dos fluxos comerciais dos países da ALADI
foram de extrema valia para a elaboração da versão final deste trabalho. O apoio de Karla Sarmento Gonçalves da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) no tratamento e na interpretação dos dados também foi de grande valia. Erros e omissões... more
Nestes últimos anos em que me dediquei a esta tese, pude contar com o apoio e a colaboração de várias pessoas, sem as quais tudo seria mais difícil. Meus familiares estiveram sempre por perto, me incentivando e, mesmo sem que soubessem,... more
Nestes últimos anos em que me dediquei a esta tese, pude contar com o apoio e a colaboração de várias pessoas, sem as quais tudo seria mais difícil. Meus familiares estiveram sempre por perto, me incentivando e, mesmo sem que soubessem,... more
Globalization is often heralded as a catalyst for economic growth and cultural exchange, yet its impacts are not universally beneficial. In Africa, globalization is frequently perceived as a modern extension of colonial exploitation,... more
El Magreb se está convirtiendo en una zona cada vez más importante en la relación transatlántica por dos razones fundamentales: primero , porque para la UE, los acontecimientos que se producen en el norte de África tienen repercusiones en... more
From the perspective of the political economy of development, this article analyzes the role played by Mexican labor in the U.S. productive restructuring process under the aegis of the North American Free Trade Agreement. By... more
Despite Kenya dominating trade volumes in the East African Community (EAC), it has been trading below its potential within the region. This is also in spite of the increased scope of the country's trade opportunities resulting from the... more
Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen,... more
Resumen: Para cualquier economía se plantea el problema de encontrar qué sectores son más sensibles a cambios en la demanda final. En este trabajo se derivan las condiciones matemáticas para obtener la importancia relativa de los... more
Regional integration, defined as a process in which countries enter into agreements to enhance regional trade, economic and political cooperation, remains an integral part of Africa’s development strategy as evidenced by the proliferation... more
Incoherence is an expression that could be used to describe the political, economic and security developments in the Western Balkans. Armed conflicts during the 1990s, attempts at reconciliation during the 2000s and regional cooperation... more
This study employs the gravity model to estimate the extent of the contribution of six African trade blocs to the global economy using the gravity model spanning from 1980 to 2018. The gravity equation that models the export contributions... more
Centros de investigación y organizaciones no-gubernamentales miembros de CRIES/Research Centers and Non-Governmental Organizations Members of CRIES
Looking Back, Looking Forward: Central and Eastern Europe 30 Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall
To mark the 30 th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, this paper aims to assess developments in Central, East and Southeast Europe (CESEE) over the past three decades, and to look forward to what the next 30 years might bring.... more
After two decades of meagre results in post-Soviet regionalism, the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is the first gleam of hope. However, research on the EAEU is mostly Russia-centred and focused on trade issues, which leaves the small... more
Regional integration, defined as a process in which countries enter into agreements to enhance regional trade, economic and political cooperation, remains an integral part of Africa’s development strategy as evidenced by the proliferation... more
Regionalism and regional integration in East Asia has developed dynamically at various levels over the past two decades. In the world system, East Asia‘s degree of regional economic coherence is second only to the European Union‘s. In... more
The peace and looking for ways to keep it have been one of the most essential obsessions of the human beings throughout the history. Creation of regional or international organizations is considered as a way to peace building and keeping.... more
Sumario: I - Introducao; II - O IVA no comercio internacional; III - Os principios, a sua aplicacao e a sua interacao nao consistente num comercio internacional de sa concorrencia e livre de distorcoes; IV - Conclusoes
In recent years, there has been a growing literature -known as endogenous growth revealing the fact that human resources are the main constituent of economic growth. Turkey has implemented for a long time a state policy by which human... more
Filósofo y especialista en relaciones internacionales. Actualmente se desempeña como asesor en el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. Las opiniones aquí expresadas tienen carácter personal y no representan el punto de vista de la... more
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe... more
OIC members have much potential in their economic development. Therefore, their economic integration leads to more increment for partners and deal with global system as a unique organization. Consequently, studying the convergence of OIC... more
OIC members have much potential in their economic development. Therefore, their economic integration leads to more increment for partners and deal with global system as a unique organization. Consequently, studying the convergence of OIC... more
in Harvard Law School for guidance and comments and Wendy Whittaker of the Program for preparing the database and related graphics. Special thanks are due to numerous officials in stock exchanges and regulatory agencies across the... more
The right of health is one of the most fundamental human rights, which is emphasized in human rights documents. The spread of the corona virus has posed major challenges to the various dimensions of human rights, the most important of... more
This paper analyses the perspectives of Regional Integration in the East African Community. It delves into the process, prospects and challenges towards integrating the East African Community countries of Kenya. Uganda. Tanzania, Rwanda... more