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En esta traducción de un servidor se describe la historia del término Motivo Base Religioso en el pensamiento de Herman Dooyeweerd.
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      Herman DooyeweerdReformational Philosophy
Sample chapter from my latest book, Reforming the Liberal Arts.
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      CalvinismReformed theologyAbraham KuyperHerman Dooyeweerd
This dissertation constitutes a critical assessment of Heidegger's account of our everyday being-in-the-world as it relates to his critique of rationalism. Philosophy has been dominated by the idea of rationality, not merely as an ideal... more
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      Martin HeideggerHerman DooyeweerdReformational Philosophy
This is a review by Professor Sander Griffioen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) of Hendrik G. Stoker's *Conscience: Phenomena and Theories,* translated by Philip E. Blosser (University of Notre Dame Press, 2018). Stoker's book, originally... more
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      EthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionMax SchelerPsychology of Religion
A HIPÓTESE REVISITADA: um exame retrospectivo à guisa de prefácio à presente edição Não sou daqueles autores que creem que um texto, depois de escrito, tem vida e significado próprio. Ao contrário, estou convicto que minhas intenções... more
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      Political PhilosophyMissiologyPublic TheologyPolitical Theology
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophySocial PhilosophyLegal Pluralism
This is my English translation of H. G. Stoker's doctoral dissertation written under Max Scheler in 1925 (Das Gewissen: Erscheinungsformen und Theorien), quite possibly the most exhaustive study of conscience in any language. It was... more
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      EthicsMax SchelerPhenomenologyPsychology of Evil
Updated and reformatted version of my PhD thesis on Vollenhoven and Dooyewereerd
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      TrinityTrinitarian TheologyAbraham KuyperHerman Dooyeweerd
En esta traducción de un servidor, el Autor, Albert Wolters, esquematiza el uso que las Escrituras hacen del término Palabra. Una muy buena introducción para aquellos interesados en comprender una visión reformacional de la Palabra de... more
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      Biblical TheologyBibleReformational PhilosophyWord of God
Dooyeweerd's conception of societal sphere sovereignty is examined in terms of his notions of a basic creational diversity; modality and individuality structures;societal communities; sovereignty (over-against autonomy/decentralization,... more
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      EconomicsPolitical PhilosophyAustrian EconomicsSocial Philosophy
This book examines John Calvin’s sense of vocation. 1) It begins with an analysis of thinking on prophecy in early, medieval, and Reformation theology. 2) It finds Calvin within a non-mystical, non-apocalyptic prophetic tradition... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryEuropean History
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      Abraham KuyperHerman DooyeweerdReformational Philosophyneo-Calvinism
Obra escrita pelo jurista e filósofo holandês Herman Dooyeweerd, como introdução ao seu sistema de filosofia cristã. A obra foi traduzida por Rodolfo Amorim Carlos e por mim. Eu preparei ainda a introdução editorial e uma versão revisada... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionHerman DooyeweerdReformational PhilosophyFilosofía
Reformed (Christian libertarian) anarchism is a view of politics, or civil governance, informed by a Reformed theology and a Reformed philosophy. The following summarizes a Reformed view of 1.) culture , 2.) society , and 3.) civil... more
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      EconomicsPolitical PhilosophyAnarchismCalvinism
Traducción realizada por un servidor, el autor, es el Doctor James Olthuis. "La discusión teológica actual se centra en la naturaleza de la Palabra de Dios y asuntos referentes a la hermenéutica. Estos tópicos son muy complicados, y... more
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      BibleHerman DooyeweerdReformational PhilosophyInspiration
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophySocial PhilosophyLegal Pluralism
Work in progress
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      Christian PhilosophyHerman DooyeweerdReformational PhilosophyDHTh Vollenhoven
Entre as dificuldades principais da filosofia política está a relação entre o poder político e a justiça. O filósofo calvinista Herman Dooyeweerd propõe uma solução singular para essa polaridade através de sua análise ontológica da... more
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      Law and ReligionSocial and Political PhilosophySocial and Political Theories of Justice & Human RightsHerman Dooyeweerd
Provisional translation of Johan van der Hoeven's "After 50 years" a reflection and celebration of 50 years of reformational philosophy.
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      Christian PhilosophyHerman DooyeweerdReformational Philosophy
translated by Gabriela Moura, Matheus Feliciano, and Raíssa Martins.
language editing by Vinícius S. Pimentel.
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      Political PhilosophySocial PhilosophyNeocalvinismHerman Dooyeweerd
The huge potential of reformational philosophy to be a blessing to Christians and their neighbours has yet to be fulfilled. In part this is due to the complexity of many of the books produced by this philosophical movement, and partly... more
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      Herman DooyeweerdReformational PhilosophyDHTh Vollenhoven
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      Fashion TheoryReformational Philosophy
This M.A. research is guided by the following question: “whether and to what extent would it be possible to establish points of consensus and dissent between Christian Realism as a proper "community of discourse" of International Studies,... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryNeocalvinismInternational Politics
In his incarnation as 'Morus' in Utopia, Thomas More asserts his profound disagreement with his fictional character, Raphael Hythlodaeus. Whereas Hythlodaeus extols the merits of commonality and the moral value of pleasure, Morus... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryIntellectual History
A provisional translation of "Wetten en Feiten: De 'wijsbegeerte der wetsidee' temidden van hedendaagse bezinning op dit thema" by Johan van der Hoeven first published in Wetenschap Wijsheid Filosoferen edited by P. Blokhuis, B. Kee, J.H.... more
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      Christian PhilosophyHerman DooyeweerdReformational Philosophy
This article is offered as a preliminary 'pre-theoretical' groundwork for systematic Christian thinking. It seeks to describe the 'scholastic dilemma', that is the irresolvable question about whether God's relation to the world is... more
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      John CalvinTrinitarian TheologyAbraham KuyperReformational Philosophy
This article was first published in Philosophia Reformata, Vol. 58 (1993), pp. 192-209. It examines Dooyeweerd's philosophical anthropology and identifies several problems in it related to Kant, Dooyeweerd's conception of time, and... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyPhilosophy of TimeImmanuel KantReformed theology
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      Reformational Philosophyneo-CalvinismChristianity and CultureTwo Kingdoms
Abraham Kuyper's conception of societal sphere sovereignty has received various interpretations. Herman Dooyeweerd's interpretation of sphere sovereignty develops Kuyper's conception in terms of its being rooted in and motivated from a... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophySocial PhilosophyLegal Pluralism
Antes de pensar sobre a viabilidade de conectar a igreja com a academia, é necessário dar um passo para trás e levantar outra questão igualmente fundamental: quem ou o que separou a igreja da universidade? Ou ainda, qual obstáculo fez os... more
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      Science and ReligionPolitical TheologyAbraham KuyperHerman Dooyeweerd
Breve apresentação das iniciativas para a introdução da filosofia de tradição Wetsidee no Brasil.
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      CosmovisionHerman DooyeweerdReformational Philosophy
»Buße« wie auch »Sünde« sind in den Ohren vieler Menschen Reizworte. Damit verbinden sich häufig Vorstellungen von Unterdrückung, Ausgrenzung oder Leibfeindlichkeit. So ist es auch wenig überraschend, dass die Praxis eines liturgischen,... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyReformational PhilosophySacramental Theology and Liturgical Studies
Keywords: entrepreneurship; Christian ethics; interventionism;  political capitalism; reformational philosophy; political economy;  economic regulation; public choice.
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      EntrepreneurshipPublic ChoiceChristian EthicsInstitutions and Economics
The rediscovery of Hermanni Buschii Annotationes in Petronii, Honorius Cubitensis as the first German editor of Petronius and the denominational conversion of the original by Melchior Goldast In 1501, the humanist Hermann von der... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksReformation HistoryReformation StudiesGerman Reformation
Im ersten Teil dieses Papers steht Martin Heideggers einflussreiche Analyse der onto-theologischen Verfassung der Metaphysik im Zentrum (Gott als höchstes Seiendes), die zum berühmten Interdikt geführt hatte, dem gemäss die Philosophie... more
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      Martin HeideggerReformational Philosophy
A discussion of the relationship between the anthropology of Antheunis Janse and the development of reformational modal theory.
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      Theological AnthropologyReformational PhilosophyBody and SoulSubstance Dualism
The present paper explores the repression of Lutheran and evangelical theological writings and bibles in the Habsburg Low Countries during the 1520s, in the aftermath of the Edict of Worms. The way in which different jurisdictions dealt... more
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      Christianity17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyCensorshipAustria (European History)
This paper looks at the development of neo-Calvinism in Britain during the period up to World War II (WWII). Though the term neo-Calvinism is broad, the focus here will be on the Reformational strand associated with the approach of... more
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      Abraham KuyperReformational Philosophy
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      PhysicsPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of PhysicsPhysicalism
An article version based on original audio here: The Reformed theological tradition historically holds to an interpretation of Romans 13 that, in its basic outline, is compatible with libertarian... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheorySocial PhilosophyPolitical Science
Paper presented at the Relational Thinkers Consultation, September 2014
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      Theological EthicsPersonal RelationshipsTrinityTrinitarian Theology
This paper seeks to explore the relevance of Gianni Vattimo’s philosophy for the contemporary discussion concerning the nature and task of philosophy. First of all, an orientation to the question will be given through a review of the... more
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      Gianni VattimoReformational Philosophy
The field of International Political Economy, consolidated over three decades has established itself as an interdisciplinary, plural and broad discipline in the studies of the World Economy. Therefore, we questioned whether there would be... more
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      EconomicsInternational RelationsPolitical EconomyPublic Theology
This paper explores the origins of Critical Theory in Marxist analysis of society, and gives an alternative approach to the need to address social injustice, conflict, oppression and other ills.
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      Critical TheoryChristianityMarxismReformational Philosophy
What is often overlooked in a liberal arts education is that it can be threatening to those in power. Formal leadership has extolled the value of a liberal arts education, but sometimes a critical and creative citizen, someone trained in... more
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      Reformed theologyReformational PhilosophyChristian Higher EducationRadicalism
Reviews of <i>At the Cradle of Christian Philosophy</i> and <i>Constancy and Change</i> by B.J. van der Walt.
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      Christian PhilosophyHerman DooyeweerdReformational PhilosophyDHTh Vollenhoven
Story has a peculiar power. It is said that truth clothed in a story will enter every door. This is evident also in the renown of Comenius' work Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart. About a half century before Bunyan's... more
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      EthicsApplied EthicsPhilosophy of EducationReformed Theology and Ethics
Chapters fifty-one through fifty-three of part two of _Don Quijote_ conclude Sancho’s rule over Barataria, i.e., the climax of the novel’s political allegory. Note that the novel is decidedly epistolary here. Cervantes was clearly... more
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      Fiction WritingCultural HistoryCultural StudiesHumanities Computing (Digital Humanities)
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      Herman DooyeweerdReformational Philosophy