Reformation and Post-Reformation
Recent papers in Reformation and Post-Reformation
Compares John Davenant's Hypothetical Universalism with the Westminster Confession of Faith.
Found in Beyond Calvin: Essays on the Diversity of the Reformed Tradition, eds. Bradford Littlejohn and Jonathan Tomes (2017, The Davenant Trust).
Found in Beyond Calvin: Essays on the Diversity of the Reformed Tradition, eds. Bradford Littlejohn and Jonathan Tomes (2017, The Davenant Trust).
The Collects of Veit Dietrich, based on the Historic Lectionary, compared with the original source, 'Summaria Christlicher Lehr' 1548 with newly translated collects that were not in 'The Lutheran Hymnary' or in 'Evangelical Lutheran... more
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Управління культури, національностей, релігій та туризму Хмельницької облдержадміністрації та Державний історико-культурний заповідник «Межибіж» спільно з Хмельницькою обласною організацією Національної спілки краєзнавців України 20... more
The Reformation didn't stop with Martin Luther and his companions. It went much further and even touched the question about the right, biblical day of rest. This article explores how it was dealt with and what it means for us today, half... more
The Canons of Dordt, drawn up by the Synod of Dordt in 1619, were originally composed by the synod as its response to the Arminian controversy. Thus the Canons were originally conceived as the synod's judgment on the Five Articles of... more
In sharp contrast with what are seen as the vibrant and creative years of the Reformation, the post-Reformation "Age of Orthodoxy" is often viewed as dead, rigid, and sterile and its theologians as overly concerned with dogmatic formulas... more
기스베르투스 푸티우스(Gisbertus Voetius; 1589-1676)는 17세기 네덜란드의 개혁신학의 거인이자 개혁파 스콜라주의의 거장이었다. 신학의 다른 주제들에 대해서도 마찬가지이지만, 푸치우스는 신학교육에 대해서 남다른 깊이로 뚜렷한 사상을 전개했다. 특별히 푸티우스는 위트레흐트 대학의 초기 역사와 떼려야 뗄 수 없는 밀접한 관련성 가진다. 이 논문은 크게 세 부분에만 집중하여 글을 진행하려고... more
루터의 칭의 교리는 그의 신학 전체를 지배하는 중요한 교리이다. 하지만 그의 칭의론은 성화론을 말살시킨다는 비판이 있어 왔다. 본 논문은 루터의 1535년판 『갈라디아서 주석』에는 매우 건실한 칭의론과 성화론을 발견할 수 있음을 논증한다. 루터는 『갈라디아서 주석』(1535)에서 인간의 공로적 행동으로 발생하는 “능동적 의(activa iustitia)”와 하나님이 그리스도를 통하여 신자에게 주시는 “수동적... more
The second Sunday service has always been a notable liturgical feature of the Reformed churches of Dutch heritage. Since the beginnings of the Dutch Reformed tradition this service has also been associated with catechism preaching. This... more
Jubilæumsåret 2017 har ført til adskillige vurderinger af Reformationens betydning for forskellige sider af samfundslivet. Men hvilke følger fik den for den nordiske kirketradition? Bogen leverer nogle helt konkrete eksempler. Den... more
루터는 그의 신학의 시작이라 볼 수 있는 “제 1차 시편 강의”부터 그의 말년에 이르는 “창세기 강의”까지 “교회의 감춰져 있음”이라는 개념을 줄곧 사용했다. 하지만 그는 그 개념을 자신이 처한 시대적 상황에 따라 강조점의 차이를 가지고 다르게 사용했다. 첫째로, 루터는 1519년에서 1525년 사이에 “교회의 감춰져 있음”의 개념을 교회 비판적 기능을 위해 사용했다. 그는 교회의 영적인 측면을 강조하기 위해서 이 개념을... more
A study is a subcategory of drawing in which an artist tests elements that may not be worked out with the full clarity of a finalized composition. When such sketches depict fragments of bodies or forms in freefall with no contextualizing... more
ABSTRACT The Jacobean era's infamous witchcraft trials are recalled after reservoir repairs close to Pendle Hill reveal a buried cottage with bricked‐up cat. Interpretations of the building as the site of Malkin Tower, recorded in court... more
On 23 May 1498 Girolamo Savonarola, one of the most spell-binding figures of the Italian Renaissance, was publicly burned at the stake on the main piazza of Florence on trumped-up charges of heresy and sedition. Thus ended the friar’s... more
Originally appearing in the Founders Journal (#112, Spring 2018), this paper is an exposition of Chapter 14 in the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession. Edited by Tom Nettles, the essay is part of that Journal's ongoing expository series... more
This book examines John Calvin’s sense of vocation. 1) It begins with an analysis of thinking on prophecy in early, medieval, and Reformation theology. 2) It finds Calvin within a non-mystical, non-apocalyptic prophetic tradition... more
a s h g a t e . c o m a s h g a t e . c o m a s h g a t e . c o m a s h g a t e . c o m a s h g a t e . c o m a s h g a t e . c o m a s h g a t e . c o m © Copyrighted Material
FROM THE BACK COVER: What is the essential nature of meaning? . . . . . This book answers by examining interpretive theories from the past and present. It finds that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the... more
EDITORIAL: The renaissance in Post-Reformation Reformed Scholasticism continues apace in Jae-Eun Park’s study of the Puritan Stephen Charnock’s Christological basis of our knowledge of God. While Charnock was accused by an earlier... more
40 essays by Ronnie Hsia, Ulrich Leinsle, Marius Reiser, Thomas Marschler, Trent Pomplun, Jean-Louis Quantin, William O'Brien SJ, Stefania Tutino, Carl Trueman, Andreas Beck, Willem van Asselt, Eric Carlsson, Stephen Hampton, Benjamin... more
Article for the Encyclopedia of Pivotal Events in Religious History
(with Mark Jones) in Joel R. Beeke and Mark Jones, A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2012), 653–679.
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more
Gijsbert van den Brink, Aza Goudriaan (eds.), Contemporary Perspectives on Reformed Orthodoxy. Reformed Confessions, Scholastic Thought, and Puritan Divinity in Post-Reformation Protestantism [Celebrating 500 Years since the Reformation,... more
Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics, Volume VIII (St. Louis: The Luther Academy, 2008).
** Newly converted to open access 5/16/2022 ** This essay examines the development of Reformed treatments of the affections in the period of early orthodoxy (ca. 1565-1640). I argue that discussion of the affections during this period... more
In: Richard Hooker and Reformed Orthodoxy, eds. W. Bradford Littlejohn and Scott N. Kindred-Barnes (Bristol, CT: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017), 273-293.
Although Peter Martyr Vermigli is well recognized for his integration of Thomism with Reformed theology, there is no consensus on whether to consider Thomas Aquinas a dominant influence on his doctrine of predestination. Recent... more
This is is a working bibliography of primary and secondary sources on reason and philosophy in the Reformed tradition. The sources are primarily (1) theological evaluations of the nature and use of reason, or (2) theologians writing... more
À l’instar d’une bibliothèque privée qui reflète l’activité intellectuelle et les centres d’intérêt de son propriétaire, l’étude de la bibliothèque d’un établissement de formation révèle, elle aussi, l’activité intellectuelle ainsi que... more
An essay to be published in a volume accompanying 'Here I Stand', an international exhibition on Martin Luther to be held in the United States (New York, Minneapolis and Atlanta) from October 2016 to January 2017