Recent papers in Recording
In this paper, we review the use of virtual and augmented reality technologies for capture and externalization of tacit knowledge from complex activity in knowledge-intensive professions. We focus on technologies for converting experience... more
Microelectrode array (MEA) technology holds tremendous potential in the fields of bio-detection, lab-on-a-chip applications, and tissue engineering by facilitating non-invasive electrical interaction with cells in vitro. To date,... more
Everyone has heard that Mathematics and accounting go hand in hand, though not as intertwined as people may believe or sometimes that you should have a lot of math to take accounting. Unfortunately, for many people, just the mention of... more
The primary aim of this project is to give a broad definition of the record producer and explain his working practices along with the aspects he/she can bring to a pop/rock record during production. The structure of the project is built... more
This article considers the impact of time-based signal processors on the shape of alternative rock recordings. The concept of musical shape is considered here as both textural and gestural. In this instance, texture pertains to the... more
Cet article a pour but de dresser un état de l’art de l’utilisation de l’enregistrement en musicologie et particulièrement au sein des performance studies. L’invention du phonographe par Edison en 1877 a profondément révolutionné le monde... more
Canto del Cavallero. Música para vihuela (Glossa CD 920101. 1992) - José Miguel Moreno, vihuela Luys Venegas de Henestrosa: 1. Cinco Diferencias sobre Vacas (Antonio de Cabezón?) / 2. Pues no me queréis hablar (Anon.) / 3. Cinco... more
L'improvvisazione musicale è un processo in cui invenzione ed esecuzione coincidono. Questo libro ne spiega l'ontologia, esaminandone le proprietà e gli aspetti teorici. La tesi proposta, entrando nel vivo del dibattito filosofico e... more
Since their 19th-century rediscovery, Johann Sebastian Bach’s Sonatas and Partitas became a milestone both in the educational for violin and in virtuosos’ repertoires. This two-fold destination engendered a series of binary oppositions,... more
Music recording and live performancevarious aspects of perception.
This technical report provides a concise overview of the extensive process implemented by the DICRC team for documenting traditional and vernacular buildings of India. Building Documentation is a process of recording, categorizing and... more
Everyone has heard that Mathematics and accounting go hand in hand, though not as intertwined as people may believe or sometimes that you should have a lot of math to take accounting. Unfortunately, for many people, just the mention of... more
La producción musical como objeto de estudio musicológico: un acercamiento metodológico a su análisis.
Cosa resta di "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" a mezzo secolo dalla sua uscita? In che modo la Cloud Generation fruisce di questo capolavoro? Qual è il suo vero contenuto musicale? E ancora, è davvero l'apice della carriera dei... more
It has been argued that depending on gender language is used in different ways in society, and the fact that language is surveyed differently leads to the thesis that men and women have ‘differentiated communicative competence’ (Coates,... more
Comment l’enregistrement a-t-il modifié les manières d’être de la musique ? Quelles incidences a-t-il eu sur nos façons d’interpréter et d’écouter les œuvres ou les improvisations? Comment est-il devenu un outil dans la construction d’un... more
Teniendo en cuenta la aportación de músicos españoles y flamencos analizada por María Teresa Linares y Faustino Núñez (1998) revisada recientemente por José Luis Ortiz nuevo (2019), tras el un nuevo vaciado de la prensa cubana, nos queda... more
Recording the Classical Guitar charts the evolution of classical guitar recording practice from the early twentieth century to the present day, encompassing the careers of many of the instrument’s most influential practitioners from the... more
A review of Benjamin Zander's recording of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony with the Philharmonia Orchestra and Chorus.
This article posits North London’s Southern Studios and its late founding recordist John Loder as responsible for the construction of a sonically discernible production aesthetics befitting a subversive music. Blending phonomusicological... more
AP 1.1 Use a product of ratios to convert two-thirds the speed of light from meters per second to miles per second:
Informed Play presents a conceptual understanding of tone production based on extensive historical research on primary sources, modern literature and handbook reviews, physical and psychological perspectives as well as on technology. As... more
ABSTRACT In studio environment specific techniques about sound recording for western music instruments are formed in time and the techniques are used with the main lines at the present time. There are no standards which are determined to... more
"I Don't Get Music Technology" is the second in the "Whaaaaaaaaat" series, and is a handbook for educators, musicians, or general readers wishing to make sense out of technology, every aspect of which addresses three ideas — physics,... more
This folio of compositions and accompanying exegesis presents a collection of my original music that demonstrates an individual approach to composition which often seeks to exploit the various unique creative opportunities made possible... more
Con más de un siglo de música grabada y junto con las herramientas computacionales de análisis del sonido que se han desarrollado y que están en constante actualización, las investigaciones sobre grabaciones sonoras están creciendo de... more
This paper surveys current technology and research in the area of digital color imaging. In order to establish the background and lay down terminology, fundamental concepts of color perception and measurement are first presented using... more
'Yes Sir, I Will. I mean, what record producer or studio owner in their right mind endorses something like that? - Steve Ignorant In Noise – The Political Economy of Music, Jacques Attali described recording practice as ‘…a means of... more
1. Tatuaje 2. Ojos verdes 3. Llora la guitarra 4. Dime que me quieres 5. ¡Ay, pena, penita! 6. Romance de la otra 7. María de la O 8. El laurel 9. Lola la piconera 10. La lima y al limón 11. Francisco Alegre 12. Solo 13.... more
The change of “traditional” music patterns transformed forms according to the new, rational world vision of the 20th century made permanent with the signature of the composers. Especially, composition for a string instrument filtered the... more
| This paper presents an overview of the potential of free space optical technology in information security, encryption, and authentication. Optical waveform posses many degrees of freedom such as amplitude, phase, polarization, spectral... more
This Article explores side-by-side two contemporary and related film trends: the recent, popular enthusiasm for the previously arty, documentary film and the mandatory filming of custodial interrogations and confessions.