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Η 3η Μεταδιδακτορική μονογραφία αποτελεί επεξεργασμένη και εμπλουτισμένη μορφή της διδακτορικής διατριβής της γράφουσας, με θέμα: "Ο Μάνος Χατζιδάκις και η ελληνική λαϊκή παράδοση", τ. Ι και τ. ΙΙ. Τμήμα Μουσικών Σπουδών, Ε.Κ.Π.Α. (800... more
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      EthnomusicologyHistorical EthnomusicologyFolk MusicRebetiko
Η μουσική του ρεμπέτικου τραγουδιού εξακολουθεί ακόμη και σήμερα να συγκινεί σε καιρούς ραγδαίων πολιτικών, οικονομικών και πολιτισμικών εξελίξεων. Η μουσική αυτή τριγυρίζει στην Ελλάδα του χθες και του σήμερα και χάνεται μέσα στον χώρο... more
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      Cultural StudiesHeterotopiaCultureRebetiko
Η υλοποίηση του πρώτου αυτού δίσκου προέκυψε μέσα από το πρόγραμμα του λαϊκού πιάνου ως μία σύγχρονη μουσικολογική προσέγγιση, που αφορά τόσο το ίδιο το μουσικό υλικό, με τα συγκεκριμένα υφολογικά και μορφολογικά του χαρακτηριστικά, όσο... more
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      PianoPopular Music StudiesPopular MusicGreek Music
Rebetiko is a particular gender of music that was accepted quite recently as part of the Greek popular culture. It began as a medium of expression for cohabiting groups of outlaws and generally marginalized people. It is also linked with... more
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      Identity (Culture)Greek MusicSocial StudiesModern Greek Studies
The Population Exchange between Turkey and Greece in 1923 caused the deportation of millions of Greeks that had been living in Asia Minor. When they arrived to the mainland Greece or their ‘’new homeland’’, they had not welcomed well by... more
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      Refugee StudiesNational IdentityHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorGreeks in Asia Minor
Άρδην, τεύχος 87, Σεπτέμβριος - Νοέμβριος 2011 Θ. Γκόρπας, Στο ρεμπέτικο Γ. Χριστοφιλάκη, Από τον θεό Πάνα στον συμπαντάρχη Μάρκο Βαμβακάρη Γ. Μανιάτης, Το ρεμπέτικο και οι αρχαίοι Έλληνες λυρικοί ποιητές Γ. Σπηλιόπουλος, Και ματζόρε και... more
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      Greek Lyric PoetryGreek MusicModern Greek cultureRebetika
il rebetiko intrecciato agli avvenimenti storici e politici greci nel primo cinquantennio del novecento.
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      Modern GreeceSmyrna 1922RebetikoMetaxas' Dictatorship Epoch
"Dromos: makam(i) or scale?" [in Greek language] "Δρόμος»: μακάμ(ι) ή κλίμακα;" In the Greek web journal "Klika" in February 2019. Tracing the character and the several meanings of the rebetiko term "dromos". Link:... more
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      EthnomusicologyHistorical EthnomusicologyGreek MusicPopular musicology
The melodies of Greek Rebetika Music are considered to follow dromos whose names are derived from the names of various Turkish maqams. Most of the Rebetika songs were often accompanied by stringed instruments like bouzouki and baglamas... more
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Τ ο «ρεμπέτικο» και το «λαϊκό» τραγούδι έχουν αντιμετωπιστεί με διαφορετικούς τρόπους από τις κοινωνικές επιστήμες και τον δημόσιο λόγο και έχουν διαγράψει μια εντυπωσιακή πορεία, από την απόλυτη καταδίκη στην αποδοχή και στη θεσμική... more
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      Popular CultureRebetikoLaiko music
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      Popular Music StudiesModern Greek StudiesRebetiko
Rebetiko is a form of Greek folk music that originated at the end of the nineteenth century by marginal people who lived near ports or spent time in prison. It has been slowly disappearing since the mid-twentieth century, which resulted... more
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      SongwritingBluesFingerstyle GuitarRebetiko Rebetiko is a music genre which includes songs called rebetika. These were composed and played by Rebetes, a semi-illegal social group that acted in Greek urban... more
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      DialectologySociolinguisticsModern Greek LanguageRebetiko
Tesi di laurea triennale in Comparatistica presso la facoltà di Lettere e filosofia, La Sapienza, Roma. Storia e peripezie di un canto di origini probabilmente mediorientali, del genere greco a cui è approdato, il Rebetiko, e sua immensa... more
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      Comparative LiteratureMusicMusic EducationGreek Language
There is a clear and abundant evidence to suggest that Vasílis Tsitsánis (1915-1984) was a well known songwriter, bouzouki virtuoso, lyricist and singer both in Greece and abroad. The evaluation of his work reveals that he remains a key... more
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      EthnomusicologyGreek MusicPopular musicologyDiscography This paper addresses the contribution of modality, chordal harmony and the relationship between them to the formulation of ‘Rebetiko’ –a musical genre of Greek Urban Popular Music– during the... more
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      HybridityModalityTheory of HarmonyMusical Analysis
Given that today’s discourse around rebetiko, especially originating from fans and practitioners, often comprehend the style’s world as something ‘closed’ and ‘entrenched’, the examination of the work of Spyros Peristeris can grant a new... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyPopular Music Studies
Il punto di partenza ma anche il nocciolo di questo progetto individuale è il Rebetiko; un termine che viene usato per indicare il trittico di musica, canto e danza, indissociabile dalla società greca dagli inizi del XX secolo fino ai... more
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      • Popular culture and rebetikoRebetiko
Ομιλία στο Δ ́ Διεθνές Συνέδριο της Εταιρείας Παπαδιαμαντικών Σπουδών Η ΔΙΑΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΠΑΔΙΑΜΑΝΤΗ - Β ́ μέρος, ενότητα μουσική: more
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      Greek, Byzantine, Ottoman musicRebetikaPapadiamantisRebetiko
Είναι το τραγούδι του Τσιτσάνη το καθρέφτισμα των φθόγγων του εμβληματικού βυζαντινού κοντακίου, η προβολή του γενετικού κώδικα μιας μουσικής που συνέχει τον ελληνισμό ανά τους αιώνες; Ή μήπως πρόκειται για οφθαλμαπάτη, για έναν από... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyPopular Music Studies
Επιστημών και Τεχνών Τμήμα Μουσικής Επιστήμης και Τέχνης 8ο ΔΙΑΤΜΗΜΑΤΙΚΟ ΜΟΥΣΙΚΟΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ «Επιδράσεις και αλληλεπιδράσεις» Μέγαρο Μουσικής Αθηνών 25--27 Νοεμβρίου 2016 ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΑ ΔΙΑΤΜΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΥ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟΥ υπό την αιγίδα της Ελληνικής... more
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      MusicologyPopular Music StudiesPopular MusicPopular Culture
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesGreek CinemaRebetika
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      Critical TheoryMusic HistoryPopular MusicContemporary Art
Salonicco 1942. Vasilis Tsitsanis, l’ultimo, grande esponente della musica rebetika, nel cuore della città apre una degustazione di ouzo, un “ouzerì”, frequentato dagli amanti del rebetiko ma anche da poliziotti, mercanti della borsa... more
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      Greek LiteratureModern GreeceNovelLetteratura greca
Τμήμα Λαϊκής και Παραδοσιακής Μουσικής και Νομική Αθηνών. Η δίκη των ρεμπετών, 2016.
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      MusicMusicologyPopular MusicMusic Aesthetics
Βιογραφία του ρεμπέτη τραγουδιστή, συνθέτη και στιχουργού Κώστα Ρούκουνα. Η Σάμος στα τραγούδια του Ρούκουνα. Οι αμανέδες. Ο Ρούκουνας και τα τραγούδια των Γιαγάδων. Biography of the rebetiko singer-songwriter and lyricist Kostas... more
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Με αφορμή την άτυπη επέτειο εβδομήντα ενός χρόνων από την ιστορική διάλεξη του Μάνου Χατζιδάκι για τη «θέσιν και ερμηνείαν του σύγχρονου λαϊκού τραγουδιού», στο Θέατρο «Αλίκη», διοργανωμένη από το Θέατρο Τέχνης, στις 31 Ιανουαρίου 1949,... more
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      Cultural HistoryPopular CultureΛαογραφίαRebetiko
Η δισκογραφική καριέρα του Βασίλη Τσιτσάνη (1936-1983) αποκαλύπτει πληροφορίες που δεν αφορούν μόνο την ίδια τη μουσική, αλλά και τις ποικίλες κοινωνιολογικές όψεις του ελληνικού πολιτισμού. Η παρούσα, πρώτη ενδελεχής ανάλυση των... more
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      Popular Music StudiesPopular MusicEthnomusicologyPerformance Studies
Mediterranean Periplus – voyages in time and space, around and beyond the sea of civilizations: we follow the movements of peoples, goods, ideas and cultural patterns in our historical space, underlying that exchange was the determining... more
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      Anatolian StudiesGuitarFlamencoAlevism and Sunnism in Turkey
The current paper addresses the adaptation and the evolution of the Ottoman makam in Greek Rebetiko music from a perspective of historical ethnomusicology. The reception of the Ottoman Greek popular music, after the deterritorialization... more
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      MusicMusicologyEthnomusicologyHistorical Ethnomusicology
Η εκ των συνθηκών σκλήρυνση των μαλακών διαστημάτων: Μια μορφή εκσυγχρονισμού στο χώρο της ελληνικής αστικής λαϊκής μουσικής του Μεσοπολέμου Περί ελληνικής αστικής λαϊκής μουσικής Η ελληνική αστική λαϊκή μουσική εναγκαλίζεται ένα... more
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      Popular MusicHistorical EthnomusicologyRebetikoBouzouki
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      Popular Music StudiesEthnomusicologyBalkan StudiesHistorical Ethnomusicology
During the Ιnterwar period, the port of Piraeus was the main migration and refugee gathering point in Greece. In its refugee and working-class neighbourhoods, a genre of music blossomed, widely known as rebetiko. Attempting to achieve a... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural GeographySocial GeographyUrban Geography
Η άνθηση των σπουδών για την αστική λαϊκή μουσική και, εν γένει, η ευρύτερη αποδοχή της αξίας της λαϊκής κουλτούρας στους κόλπους του ελληνικού εκπαιδευτικού συστήματος μοιάζουν να βρίσκονται σε πολύ κρίσιμη κατάσταση. Είναι σαφές ότι η... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusicologyPopular Music Studies
Öz: Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı rebetiko müzik kültürünün bileşenleri ve anlamlarını, rebetiko konserleri ve temsillerinin analizi üzerinden incelemektir. Yöntem: Araştırma için, katı-lımcı gözlem yöntemi ve derinlemesine mülakat yöntemleri... more
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      Anthropology of MusicAnthropology of PerformanceMusiciansIstanbul
Es sabido que en la búsqueda del Sur habría algo importante en juego: nada más y nada menos que el comienzo de todas las cosas, la generatividad de la propia vida y el entendimiento de la muerte en perspectiva revificante. Los egipcios... more
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      FolkloreDance StudiesFeminismoVitalism
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      Greek MusicDocumentaryRebetikoGreek Urban Music
Mediterranean Periplus – voyages in time and space, around and beyond the sea of civilizations: we follow the movements of peoples, goods, ideas and cultural patterns in our historical space, underlying that exchange was the determining... more
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      MusicCensorshipFolk MusicAncient Greek Music
The main objective of this article is to examine the contemporary representations of rebetiko music culture and interpret the patterns of participation of its audience in Turkey. The findings of this study are based on ethnographic... more
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      Cultural StudiesEthnomusicologySociology of MusicCommunity Music
The paper deals with the issues of cultural policy and national memory, with an emphasis on the management of the difficult heritage of the Prison in the city of Trikala, Greece and the associated rebetiko music. The paper is based on the... more
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      HistoryArchaeologySocial SciencesMuseum Studies
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyCommunismPolitical History
Rebetiko is a style of folk music that originated at the end of the nineteenth century by marginal people in prisons and ports of Greece. It has been slowly disappearing since the mid-twentieth century, which resulted in rebetiko being... more
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      BluesDIY cultureRebetikorebetiko and blues
Η κρίση είναι μια κατάσταση που αιωρείται στο μεταίχμιο ανάμεσα σε δυο επιλογές, είναι ο παράγοντας στον οποίο εμπεριέχονται όλες οι δυνατότητες αλλαγής/ανατροπής, όλα τα σπέρματα που θα καρποφορήσουν, τα εν δυνάμει που θα οδηγήσουν προς... more
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      MusicMusicologyGreek HistoryGreek Language
This paper addresses the contribution of modality, chordal harmony and the relationship between them to the formulation of ‘Rebetiko’ –a musical genre of Greek Urban Popular Music– during the interwar period. The aim of the research is to... more
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      HistoryHybridityModalityTheory of Harmony
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      Anthropology of MusicPopular MusicEthnomusicologyMusic and Politics
“The Minor Chord in 4 Modes: Nikriz, Neveser, Nihavend, Buselik” Tracing the nexus of the 4 following modes: Nikriz, Neveser, Nihavend, Buselik in their equal-tempered form, as expressed in rebetiko performance context. In this regard,... more
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      Historical EthnomusicologyModalityPopular musicologyHarmony
Thessaloniki 1942. Vasilis Tsitsanis, the last outstanding performer of rebetiko music opens an ouzo tasting bar, an ouzeri, in the centre of the city. It soon attracts lovers of rebetiko, police officers, black market traffickers,... more
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      MusicGreek LiteratureGreek HistoryPopular Music