Reading in ESL
Recent papers in Reading in ESL
Finding an effective instruction mode for ESL students in the US educational system has not been an easy task. The country's secondary and tertiary institutions continue to struggle to meet the needs of their large non-native student... more
A five day scaffolded lesson plan to cater to the specific needs of English language learners (ELL students). The lesson plan developed helps build academic English, and strengthen reading comprehension while establishing a... more
Although a great paucity exists in scholarly studies on education in Somalia, the scarcity is more evident in the English studies area, particularly English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL) (used... more
As was the case with many newly independent African nations, Somalia was beset by a language problem whose complexity had begun well before independence and the unification of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland in 1960. With three... more
Background. Extensive reading (ER) classes have become a popular way to promote reading in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classrooms because ER supports the idea of reading for pleasure. However, reading in the classroom can still... more
This paper presents the alarming emerging situations of English language teaching at the senior secondary level of Hindi medium students in Rajasthan. State government schools continue to register negative growth in learning level... more
La inexistencia de un cuerpo teórico práctico que apoye al docente universitario de lectura a ser consciente de los aspectos relacionados con la metacognición constituye el problema en esta tesis. Para atenderlo, se planteó el objetivo... more
This study investigates students‘ perceptions of learning English as a Second Language (ESL). Specifically, it aims to obtain students‘ views of what they consider as their areas of weakness among the four communication skills of reading,... more
Over the last four decades, there has been a substantial body of research on metacognitive awareness of reading strategies. However, very few studies have focused on stage-wise frequency (pre-, while-and post-reading) and conditional... more
The present article reports on a study investigating the interaction of a reading comprehension test with gender in a formal testing context and the performance of males and females on reading test items with regard to demands on strategy... more
An analysis, verification, and proposed solutions to troublesome areas in writing for English language learners (ELL students). There are a total of 30 exercises, with accompanying resources, to aid in teaching ELL students how to... more
This article discusses a study on the roles of family involvement and school influence in the formation of reading habits of Qatari secondary education students. Information for the study was gathered from surveys of Qatari high school... more
When learners can comprehend 98% or more of the tokens within a text, the lexical difficulty of the text is unlikely to inhibit reading comprehension (Schmitt et al., 2011). This phenomenon will be referred to as the Coverage... more
The use of students' mother tongue (L1) in teaching ESL is an ongoing concern among ESL teachers especially in the rural schools. Since English is considered as a foreign language among many rural primary school students, the use of the... more
Cognitive load theory has been utilized by second language acquisition (SLA) researchers to account for differences in learner performance with regards to different learning tasks. Certain instructional designs were shown to have an... more
According to the report in New Straits Times, in the era of 4IR, learners' role in learning has been diversified from passive absorption of information to active creation of knowledge among peers. Among some of the motivating factors for... more
This study explores the potential of first language (L1) knowledge of Japanese kanji characters to be a predictor of English as a foreign language (EFL) competency among Japanese university students studying EFL. More specifically, it... more
Abstract Cognitive load theory has been utilized by second language acquisition (SLA) researchers to account for differences in learner performance with regards to different learning tasks. Certain instructional designs were shown to... more