Reading and writing
Most downloaded papers in Reading and writing
The term "academic literacies" refers to the diverse and multiple literacies found in academic contexts such as disciplinary and subject matter courses. Although originally developed with regard to the study of literacies in higher... more
Anyone in the world of language learning and teaching who has not heard the name of I.S.P. Nation has not read much about vocabulary for quite a while. These books demonstrate that Nation is not only a consummate scholar and a... more
This paper reports on the effect of using an interactive and child-initiated microcomputer program (Alpha) when teaching three groups of children fN = 30) reading and communications skills: (a) 11 children with autism fM chronological... more
For many pupils the greatest barrier to learning science is the language barrier. This article suggests practical ways in which this barrier can be lowered and language can be used to promote the learner's development in science. The... more
Learning about the world and sharing one's own discoveries can be powerful motivators for learning to read, write, and speak effectively.
The study aimed to investigate the associations between different levels of depression with different aspects of school performance. The target population included 2516 7th-9th grade pupils (13-17 years) of whom 90% completed the... more
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This study examined teaching phonemic awareness by embedding sound talk within meaningful literacy experiences of shared reading and writing. Small groups of 5 and 6-year-old children were seen three times a week for seven weeks. Four... more
This study explores the ways teachers in “literature-based” language arts programs keep track of and make sense of children's literate development and of their own professional effectiveness in teaching children to read and write.... more
Progressive improvement in reading and writing skills, through school and beyond, is something that many of us take for granted. However, for people suffering from dyslexia, these skills are not acquired in the usual manner. For many... more
This review focuses on phonological awareness (PA) skills and their key role both in literacy acquisition and development and in explaining reading and writing difficulties; in particular, we focus on phonemic awareness, which implies... more
We can all agree that reading is one of the principal tools for understanding our humanity, for making sense of our world, for advancing the democratic ideal, and for generating personal and national prosperity. We can agree that ability... more
This study explored the development of children's early understanding of visual and orthographic aspects of print and how this is related to early reading acquisition. A total of 474 children, ages 48 to 83 months, completed standardized... more
The study aimed to investigate the associations between different levels of depression with different aspects of school performance. The target population included 2516 7th-9th grade pupils (13-17 years) of whom 90% completed the... more
The study aimed to investigate the associations between different levels of depression with different aspects of school performance. The target population included 2516 7th-9th grade pupils (13-17 years) of whom 90% completed the... more
The research reported here employed a multiple-case study methodology to assess the online cognitive and metacognitive activities of 15-year-old secondary students as they read informational texts and wrote a new text in order to learn,... more
In this review, we examined the role of phonological awareness in literacy development for Spanish-speaking students. There appears to be a close relationship between Spanish-language phonological awareness and literacy development. In... more
Educators of the deaf and hard-of-hearing have long viewed this population as being Hearing people without the auditory sense and used instructional approaches, especially in reading, that conformed to or paralleled approaches taken with... more
The present study investigated the kinds of motivational patterns primary school students show in terms of the value they place on math, reading and writing, respectively, and the extent to which these patterns are prospectively... more
The purpose of this paper was to investigate the cooccurrence of problems in activity level, attention, reading, writing and psychosocial adjustment of children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). A parent-report... more
This study explores if extensive practice in reading or writing is related to high creative performance. In total, 196 university students participated in the study by filling out a questionnaire and completing a creativity test. The... more
This study explores the ways teachers in "literature-based" language arts programs keep track of and make sense of children's literate development and of their own professional effectiveness in teaching children to read and write.... more
This paper reports on a national study that explored primary pupils' attitudes towards and experiences of school science in the Republic of Ireland. The study focussed on collecting data from children and in doing so recognises the... more
Orthographic languages have not been a major focus for second language learning strategy researchers. Much of the strategy research has focussed on English as a second language or English as a foreign language. This is despite the many... more
The production of written syntheses, which requires reading various sources and integrating information from these sources into one’s own text, has been characterised as a potentially useful task for promoting constructive learning. This... more
With English-language readers in an experiment requiring pairwise comparative judgments of the sizes of animals, the nature of the association between the magnitudes of the animal pairs and the left or right sides of response (i.e., the... more
En este artículo se analizan los efectos a largo plazo de la enseñanza de habilidades de análisis fonológico en Educación Infantil a través de la evaluación de los niveles alcanzados en lectura y escritura en los primeros cursos de... more
The mother tongue of the absolute majority of native Arabic speakers is Spoken Arabic (SA), which is a local dialect that does not have a written form. For reading and writing, as well as for formal communication Literary Arabic (LA) is... more
The MLJ reviews books, monographs, computer software, and materials that (a) present results of research in-and methods of-foreign and second language teaching and learning; (b) are devoted to matters of general interest to members of the... more
The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of applying the writing letter activity of writing to learn strategies on the English Language Academic Achievement and Attitude level of 11 th grade students. The research was carried... more
The purpose of the present study was to assess the effectiveness of a phonological awareness training program in the specific context of the Luxembourgish educational system. The intervention was run by the kindergarten teachers in their... more
This paper proposes an enhancement for the ADRW algorithm to achieve dynamic fragmentation and object allocation in distributed databases. The algorithm adapts to the changing patterns of object requests with the objective to dynamically... more
The MLJ reviews books, monographs, computer software, and materials that (a) present results of research in-and methods of-foreign and second language teaching and learning; (b) are devoted to matters of general interest to members of the... more
How do teachers define literacy, and how do their perceptions influence their approach to the teaching and learning of literacy? These and other questions relating to literacy generally formed the focus of this ethnographic case study in... more
The MLJ reviews books, monographs, computer software, and materials that (a) present results of research in-and methods of-foreign and second language teaching and learning; (b) are devoted to matters of general interest to members of the... more
In this paper we survey, consolidate, and present the state of the art in distributed database concurrency control. The heart of our analysts is a decomposition of the concurrency control problem into two major subproblems: read-write and... more
In this final article, we briefly review and synthesize the science and language research and practice that arose from the current literature and presentations at an international conference, referred to as the first "Island Conference".... more
As a field, we know considerably less about effectively remediating older students with significant reading disabilities than we do about preventing reading difficulties with younger students. Most older students with reading disabilities... more
While considerable research has focused on second language development and academic success, the debate continues on how the development of the first language benefits the acquisition of the second. The intent of the present study was to... more