Reading Strategies
Most cited papers in Reading Strategies
This article describes the development and validation of a new self-report instrument, the Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory, which is designed to assess adolescent and adult readers' metacognitive awareness and... more
Based on an engagement perspective of reading development, we investigated the extent to which an instructional framework of combining motivation support and strategy instruction (Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction-CORI) influenced... more
In this study, we examine differences in the reported use of reading strategies of native and non-native English speakers when reading academic materials. Participants were 302 college students (150 native-English-speaking US and 152 ESL... more
The engagement model of reading development suggests that instruction improves students' reading comprehension to the extent that it increases students' engagement processes in reading. We compared how Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction... more
Fast, parallel word recognition, in expert readers, relies on sectors of the left ventral occipito-temporal pathway collectively known as the visual word form area. This expertise is thought to arise from perceptual learning mechanisms... more
Bilinguals' reading strategies were examined in their native and second language via the recording of eye movements. Experiment 1 examined the processing of sentences that contained local syntactic ambiguities. Results showed that... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of three different forms of strategy instruction on 210 elementary-school students' reading comprehension. Students were assigned to any one of three intervention conditions or to a... more
Extensive research on reading in a first language has shown the critical role fluency plays in successful reading. Fluency alone, however, does not guarantee successful reading. Cognitive and metacognitive reading strategies and schemata... more
Integrated second-language writing tasks elicit writing performances that involve other abilities such as reading or listening. Thus, understanding the role of these other abilities is necessary for interpreting performance on such tasks.... more
This study used fMRI to longitudinally assess the impact of intensive remedial instruction on cortical activation among 5th grade poor readers during a sentence comprehension task. The children were tested at three time points: prior to... more
In two experiments we identified two main strategies followed by hypertext readers in order to select their reading order, the first consisted in selecting the text semantically related to the previously read section (coherence strategy)... more
The growing numbers of English language learners (ELLs) in U.S. K–12 public schools have raised many questions about how to best educate these students. Much of the research on teaching ELLs has discussed the kinds of practices that... more
This study assessed the reading, language, and memory skills of 56 bilingual Arab-Canadian children age's 9-14. English was their main instructional language, and Arabic was the language spoken at home. All children attended a Heritage... more
Rehabilitative measures for stroke are not generally based on basic neurobiological principles, despite evidence from animal models that certain anatomical and pharmacological changes correlate with recovery. In this report, we use... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate the cognitive causes underlying spelling difficulties in a case of developmental surface dysgraphia, AW. Our results do not support a number of possibilities that could be the cause of AW's... more
We study the comprehension of a multimedia technical document about gear functioning by young pupils. The research is focused on the effect of three factors on the construction of a mental model: illustration format (animated versus... more
This study explored the impact of learning a new instructional practice in a US school district that places great value in a statewide student assessment. Grounded Theory methodology , Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and... more
Although studies on L2 learning strategies are a major strand of second-language research, recent research interest has focussed on language learners' metacognitive knowledge or awareness of strategies. Previous research has shed... more
The literature on assessing the cognitive processes involved in hypertext comprehension during the past 15 years has yielded contradictory results. In this article we explore a possible factor affecting this situation, mainly the fact... more
This research examined age differences in the accommodation of reading strategies as a consequence of explicit instruction in conceptual integration. In Experiment 1, young, middleaged, and older adults read sentences for delayed recall... more
This study is an attempt to provide insights into the extent of first language (L1) use while reading second language (L2) texts in a collaborative situation among tertiary ESL learners. Through the identification of reading strategies... more
ABSTRACT This article presents a sequence of activities to teach reading strategies. In implementing the sequence, the classroom teacher will carry out the following steps: (1) teach students to think aloud while reading; (2) identify... more
This descriptive study explored different reading strategies 12 adult good Internet readers used while doing 3 Internet reading tasks, each with a different reading purpose: seeking specific information, acquiring general knowledge, and... more
ABSTMCT This study examines whether universitylevel French students trained during the second semester to use effective reading strategies and skills demonstrate better reading comprehension and, hence, perform better in the third... more
This study examined the relative contribution of reading comprehension strategies and interactive vocabulary in Improving Comprehension Online (ICON), a universally designed web-based scaffolded text environment designed to improve... more
Neuroimaging studies of text comprehension conducted thus far have shed little light on the brain mechanisms underlying strategic learning from text. Thus, the present study was designed to answer the question of what brain areas are... more
& The visual system of literate adults develops a remarkable perceptual expertise for printed words. To delineate the aspects of this competence intrinsic to the occipitotemporal ''what'' pathway, we studied a patient with bilateral... more
Abstract: The... children... crushed... the... chocolatey... treat... between... their... teeth.... Their... dog,... Bandit,... looked... up... at... them... with... hopeful... big... brown... eyes.... But... the... children... knew...... more
According to the Overlapping Waves Model, children's strategy use in performing academic skills is variable and adaptive and changes gradually with age and experience. In the context of children's numerical and arithmetical development,... more
When bisecting words in their middle, people reveal leftward bisection errors. This tendency might emerge from an attentional bias towards the beginning of the word. However, when longer meaningless letter strings are presented, people... more
The aim of this study is to reveal the differences in the process of learning reading strategies by EFL learners whose English proficiency levels differ. For this purpose, portfolios made by 10 Japanese female college students learning... more
This qualitative study examines a reading comprehension strategy use in English as a second language in upper-secondary schools one year after teachers participated in a professional development course. The data comprises observations,... more
Motivated by the need for more empirical evidence on factors affecting English as a Foreign Language (EFL) reading enhancement, this paper aims at elucidating causal relationship between reading epistemic beliefs, reading motivations, and... more
This paper examines the reading strategies that four Chinese adult readers use in reading both Chinese and English texts. Their strategies they used are analyzed into two broad categories: the text-initiated strategies and the... more
Learning to read and understand research articles (primary literature) is an important step in the enculturation of higher education students into the scientific community. We presume, based on ideas from the field of genre analysis, that... more
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the combined and partial effects of the Integrated Reading/Study Strategy and Conceptual Physics Approach on ninth grade private high school students’ achievement in and attitudes... more
In the present paper, we take as a starting point the debate on the relationships between the changes in writing supports and the changes in reading rituals, defending the need to pluralize the models and functions of literary reading so... more
Understanding students' capacity to direct their own learning has been a central topic of discussion among educational practicioners. Researchers argue that the capacity to self-regulate is central to our assumptions about learning,... more
This article concerns the relationship between general literacy skills and engagement with subject-specific content in classroom practice. The aim is to contribute knowledge about how enactment of reading strategies impacts classroom... more
In this article I examine self-questioning as a means of enhancing students' understanding of texts, especially literary texts. Theoretical trends underlying self-questioning in reading are outlined. Next, research on the effects of... more