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The aim of the present study was to identify dominant goal orientation patterns in university students, define their motivational profiles and their reading strategy use. The results of cluster analysis showed that four groups of students... more
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      PsychologyMetacognitionMultivariate AnalysisIndividual differences in L2/FL learning
This study examines morphological awareness in developmental dyslexia. While the poor phonological awareness of dyslexic children has been related to their difficulty in handling the alphabetical principle, less is known about their... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhoneticsPhonological AwarenessVocabulary
The study explored the different influences of roots and suffixes in reading aloud morphemic pseudowords (e.g., vetr-ezza, “glass-ness”). Previous work on adults showed a facilitating effect of both roots and suffixes on naming times. In... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLinguisticsLanguage
Reading strategies teachers say they use Reading strategies teachers say they use A survey determined content area teachers' favorite strategies and why they used them. One of the undergraduate courses for which I have primary... more
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    • Reading Strategies
• To investigate the practices involved in developing reading comprehension in English as the L2 in Norwegian upper secondary school • Obtaining and integrating teacher and student perspectives • Integration of qualitative and... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageMixed Methods (Methodology)Reading ComprehensionMixed Methods Research
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLinguisticsLanguage
Students may read a text in much the same way they read a situation or another person. Critical reading can be a deeply self-aware and transformative process. However, at the undergraduate level, it can often be a mere analytical... more
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      English LiteratureMedieval English LiteratureContemplative PedagogyEnglish
Across June and July, we read middle grade novels together and met online to talk about sharing these books with our middle school students. Recognizing the limitations of some multicultural education programs to solve social inequities,... more
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    • Reading Strategies
Abstract: The... children... crushed... the... chocolatey... treat... between... their... teeth.... Their... dog,... Bandit,... looked... up... at... them... with... hopeful... big... brown... eyes.... But... the... children... knew...... more
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      Reading StrategiesCurriculum and Pedagogy
In this paper, we ask what constitutes effective professional development for teachers faced with struggling readers in high school. Metacognitive teacher training, instructional coaching, mentorship, and collaborative learning are... more
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      Teacher TrainingProfessional DevelopmentDyslexiaCollaborative Learning
Authors: Joel Brown, Koomi Kim, K. O'Brien Ramirez. This article examines how a second-grader demonstrates that reading is not about decoding letters and words in linear order but is a complex activity involving the reader's decisions... more
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      LiteracyTeacher EducationEarly Childhood EducationEarly Childhood Literacy
Hablar de lectura 3 5 Aprender a leer 7 Familia y lectura. Algunas evidencias científicas 9 En el regazo de un ser querido 12 17 Leer en voz alta Un compromiso de muchos 15 Leer, escuchar, conversar 1 5 3 7 2 6 4 01
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      Reading StrategiesREADING PROMOTIONReading Aloud
This article concerns the relationship between general literacy skills and engagement with subject-specific content in classroom practice. The aim is to contribute knowledge about how enactment of reading strategies impacts classroom... more
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      Science EducationSystemic Functional LinguisticsVisual CommunicationClassroom Interaction
The engagement model of reading development suggests that instruction improves students' reading comprehension to the extent that it increases students' engagement processes in reading. We compared how Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction... more
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      PsychologyReading ComprehensionReading StrategiesDeep Learning
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      Reading StrategiesInferencing
According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, a significant percent of 4th grade students read below the basic level. In one elementary school students participated in additional reading instruction as intervention for... more
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      Reading ComprehensionReading FluencyFluencyReading Strategies
This study investigated the effects of the instructional method Promoting Acceleration of Comprehension and Content through Text (PACT) on the social studies content acquisition, reading comprehension, and attitudes towards socials... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationEducational PsychologyEducational Research
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    • Reading Strategies
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      Critical Reading (Education)Critical Reading StrategiesReading Strategies
Underperformance of students in EAP reading comprehension has been an issue of concern for teachers, syllabus designers, and curriculum developers in general and for EAP practitioners in particular. In spite of the fact that considerable... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageApplied LinguisticsReading ComprehensionReading Strategies
This study aimed to know the dominant and least used language learning strategies of Grade-10 public school students. Respectively, this study intended to answer the following research questions: (1) How may the language learning... more
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      EducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionTeacher Education
In the present article, we investigate the degree to which 15-year-old students in regular secondary education in the Netherlands (N = 144) master four strategic reading activities and the relationship of the mastery to their... more
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      Reading ComprehensionSecondary EducationInformation ProcessingReading Strategies
Furniture market in India is predominantly an un-organized retail market (85%) but gradually with large scale organizations venturing into the sector has in turn the changed in behavior of consumers form dissonance reducing behavior to... more
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      Promotional StrategiesDisplaysReading StrategiesFunctional Strategies
Engaging students who are reluctant readers is not a one-sided dilemma , but rather a dynamic problem with many facets. This study examined one aspect of this conundrum. While reading is a difficult and challenging task for many,... more
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      Reading StrategiesReluctant ReadersSelf-Perception
Literația pentru familie-definirea conceptului, scurt istoric, exemple de bune practici Conferința de diseminare Facilitarea programelor de literație pentru familie-un demers calitativ
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      Early LiteracyFamily PsychologyReading StrategiesFamily Literacy
This research focuses on the influence of anticipation guide strategy on students' reading comprehension at the twelfth grade of MA KM Muhammadiyah Padang Panjang, 2017/2018 Academic Year. The research design was an experimental research... more
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      Reading ComprehensionReading StrategiesTeaching Reading
The purpose of this article is to introduce text sets of picture books that address 10 ancient civilizations commonly taught in middle school and also offer instructional strategies that could be used for critical and multicultural... more
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      LiteracyPicture BooksVisual LiteracySocial Studies
Zusammenfassung Das Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrags besteht darin, eine effektive Möglichkeit zur gezielten Förderung der strategischen Lesekompetenz im Kontext eines universitären Literaturseminars darzulegen. Vorgestellt wird in diesem... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesReading Strategies
Reading is one of the most important skills of language learners. In order to comprehend a text either in the native or non-native language, readers employ reading strategies. Skilled reading necessitates use of reading strategies. A good... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageApplied LinguisticsReadingReading Strategies
Inductive learning has gained well-deserved attention as a teaching strategy, but not as a student-appropriated skill. Inductive Bible Study methods provide a model for cognitive strategies that enhance reading comprehension and... more
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      CognitionInductive ReasoningReading ComprehensionInduction (Philosophy)
The study examines the relationship between general knowledge, skills in applying reading strategies, and reading comprehension for ninth-grade students at varying educational levels: academic, semi-academic, vocational and learning... more
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      PsychologyReadingReading ComprehensionReading Strategies
À l’université, la lecture de textes écrits, pilier de l’apprentissage et de la réussite, nécessite une démarche stratégique de la part de l’étudiant. Le manque de préparation des apprenants autochtones aux études universitaires, dont... more
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      Indigenous PeoplesReading Strategies
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      Reading StrategiesWriting Strategies
This research was taken based on the students' problem to memorize, apply, understand and comprehend the English texts. The students also cannot interpret the authors' message. The purpose of this research is to improve the students'... more
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      Reading ComprehensionTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageEnglish language teachingReading Strategies
A number of scholars in applied linguistics and reading proficiency have regularly underlined the significance of reading as a prerequisite to academic achievement and success. On that account, numerous studies have attempted to... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEnglish LiteratureTeaching English as a Second LanguageTranslation Studies
This article examines John 21 by means of Wayne Booths reading strategy of conduction. As a later redactional addition, ch. 21 casts a different understanding upon the preceding narrative of chs. 1-20 through the implied author's... more
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      NarratologyReader ResponseGospel of JohnReading Strategies
In this article I examine self-questioning as a means of enhancing students' understanding of texts, especially literary texts. Theoretical trends underlying self-questioning in reading are outlined. Next, research on the effects of... more
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      Dust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)Qualitative ResearchReading ComprehensionReading Strategies
The aim of this study was to examine Foreign Language (FL) reading anxiety level of Arabic-speaking Yemeni students learning English as a foreign language (n = 106). It utilized (a) a background information questionnaire, (b) the Foreign... more
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      LanguagesEnglish LiteratureTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language Acquisition
The present study probed into the immediate and delayed effects of a multiple-strategy instruction on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ reading performance. The sample of the study consisted of 20,... more
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      Reading StrategiesPrimary School EducationEFL Reading ComprehensionStrategic Instructional Model and Reading Achievement
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      Creative WritingTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish languageReading Habits/Attitudes
Η παρούσα πτυχιακή εργασία βασίστηκε σε ένα συνδυαστικό μοντέλο κατανόησης γραπτού λόγου που ενσωματώνει τις βασικές κοινές θεωρητικές παραδοχές των κοινωνικογνωστικών και των κοινωνικο-πολιτισμικών προσεγγίσεων, καθώς και των... more
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      LiteracyAction ResearchGreek LanguageMetacognition
Skimming & Scanning is a style of reading and information processing. There are some who argue that skimming and scanning is more of a searching technique than a reading strategy. But it all depends on the purpose for reading. For... more
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      Reading StrategiesReading SkillsScaning and SkimmingSkimming Skill
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    • Reading Strategies
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      ReadingReading ComprehensionTurkish EducationReading Strategies
Reading is bringing meaning to and getting meaning from printed or written material. Trought the reading activity, the students can increase their language and it can also make them wise and respectful. Student’s reading ability must be... more
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      Reading ComprehensionReading Strategies
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionApplied LinguisticsStudent Motivation
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      Second Language AcquisitionMultilingualismReading ComprehensionPlurilingualism
In this study I investigated the relative effects of different reading methods on the comprehension performance of Saudi EFL 10th grade male students. The scores of participants who read three comparable passages in three ways (oral,... more
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      TESOLNon-Native English Speaking Professionals in TESOLTeaching EFLEnglish language teaching
O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar as estratégias de leitura utilizadas -logográfica, fonológica ou lexical -e a relação destas estratégias com o desempenho em escrita. Foram avaliados 55 alunos de 1ª série do ensino fundamental de... more
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      Learning DifficultiesReading Strategies
This article describes a pedagogical intervention carried out at a public university in Colombia. A total of 26 psychology students, aged between 19 and 26 years old, taking English classes for academic purposes, and in their fourth... more
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      English language teachingReading StrategiesTeaching Reading and Writing SkillsInfographics