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      LiteracyEducationReading ComprehensionTesting
ABSTRACT. The study was an assessment of productive skill competency levels of secondary school chemistry students for entrepreneurship. Ten research questions and ten null hypotheses guided the study. A descriptive survey design was... more
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      Chemical EngineeringChemistryReading SkillsStudent
Citizens are frequently asked to make commitments by signing contracts and legal documents that frequently contain phraseology and jargon (sometimes called legalese) that highly-educated citizens often do not understand. In recent years,... more
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      ContractsUnderstandingReading ComprehensionConsumer Research
This study was conducted on three students with special education needs and their 16 non-disabled classmates in the 2nd year of an elementary school in Cyprus where inclusive education is offered to them and their parents. In the... more
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      Special EducationInclusive EducationElementary EducationTeaching Reading
Though there are many changes on the importance of reading skills within its position with other skills, the process of reading comprehension requires a very complex process which involves not only our linguistics aspects but also our... more
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      PragmaticsReading Skills
Reading is an indispensable skill. The study investigated the effects of music therapy on the reading skills of pupils with intellectual disability. Methods: An experimental research design was used. The sample was purposively selected... more
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      SocioeconomicsMusic TherapyIntellectual DisabilityReading Skills
Technology has been used for decades in education to help teachers in conveying learning. Technology is also known as a medium that helps students in receiving material and making them more active and creative. There are several types of... more
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      The Short StoryReading SkillsWattpad
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      Early LiteracyHistory of ReadingVygotsky's Sociocultural TheoryReading Skills
According to Eric Jensen (2005) there are seven critical factors that should be addressed in brain-based approaches to teaching and learning: (a) engagement, (b) repetition, (c) input quantity, (d) coherence, (e) timing, (f) error... more
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      Teacher EducationReadingTeacher TrainingReading Comprehension
Educational technology has made significant progress. According to (Mehmet Karadag, Ahmet Koc, and Umit Kalkan, 2017), the most important reason to use media in language learning is to keep their interests and stimulate all students'... more
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    • Reading Skills
According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, a significant percent of 4th grade students read below the basic level. In one elementary school students participated in additional reading instruction as intervention for... more
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      Reading ComprehensionReading FluencyFluencyReading Strategies
This study investigated the effects of the instructional method Promoting Acceleration of Comprehension and Content through Text (PACT) on the social studies content acquisition, reading comprehension, and attitudes towards socials... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationEducational PsychologyEducational Research
The worksheet is helpful for not only comprehension purposes but for conversation practice too.
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      English LiteratureDevelopment StudiesHome SchoolingReading Comprehension
Working memory (WM) capacity is highly correlated with general cognitive ability and has proven to be an excellent predictor for academic success. Given that WM can be improved by training, our aim was to test whether WM training... more
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      Working MemoryCognitive trainingReading Skills
Psychologists say push past the awkward moments. Even if conversation feels uncomfortable, it’s probably doing you more good than you think.
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      CommunicationSocial NetworksCommunication SkillsPeople Management
Many educationists have noted that learners learn to read by reading — much in the same way as they learn any other skill: by doing it and enjoying what they do. This one-year intrinsic case study of Bulembu Lower & Higher Primary... more
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      HistorySocial ConstructivismSouth AfricaCase Study
Reading skill and vocabulary mastery become very pivotal for the ESL students to understand the English language-used properly. That condition should be achieved with the right ways; and one of which is using the VSS. Therefore, this... more
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      Vocabulary AcquisitionReading Skills
n intelligent tutoring system (ITS) is a computer system that aims to provide immediate and customized instruction or feedback to learners,[11] usually without intervention from a human teacher. ITSs have the common goal of enabling... more
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    • Reading Skills
It is widely believed that critical thinking in language teaching and learning is more closely connected to adult learners to foster their speaking and writing skills so many readily available teaching materials are designed for the same... more
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      Teacher EducationCreativityLearning and TeachingCritical Thinking
Twenty years after the first theorisation of the concept of intercomprehension, the horizons of e-intercomprehension keep widening and the needs of teachers and students evolve. Thus, a new modern and flexible platform was needed to... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsICT in EducationReading ComprehensionPlurilingualism
Reading is a part of our daily lives. It is performed both for pleasure and information. Reading skills are important for the individuals since they foster comprehension in reading. If the students do not have knowledge of reading skills,... more
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      Reading ComprehensionOnline Reading ComprehensionTEACHING WRITING TO EFL STUDENTSReading Skills
Ndruru, Saotaeli, 2016, The Effect of Using Elkonin Boxes Strategy toward the Stdents Ability in Reading Skill at the Seventh Grade of SMP Negeri 3 Idanogawo, Thesis, Advisors (1) Adieli Laoli, M.Pd., (2)Dra Nursayani Maruao, M.Pd.
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    • Reading Skills
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of family-based software on reading skills in elementary students with reading disorder. The statistical population of this study included all 3th grade elementary school... more
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      Reading Skillsreading disorder
A number of scholars in applied linguistics and reading proficiency have regularly underlined the significance of reading as a prerequisite to academic achievement and success. On that account, numerous studies have attempted to... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEnglish LiteratureTeaching English as a Second LanguageTranslation Studies
Citar asi: González-López, M,, Machin-Mastromatteo, J,, y Tarango, J. (2020). Evaluación diagnóstica de habilidades de pensamiento e informacionales a través del diseño y aplicación de tres instrumentos para estudiantes de primer grado... more
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      Information LiteracyTechno-Information LiteracyMedia LiteracyCommunication Skills
Collated (and slightly edited) via twitter by Ameena Ghaffar-Kucher (PennGSE) with permission from the
authors. Dr Jonathan Rosa and Dr. Roy Perez
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyFeminist TheoryQueer Theory
Knowing how to speed read could save time and increase comprehension and retention of the subject. When you learn how to speed read, which is focusing on important words, the fluency of reading is developed. With this come better... more
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      Extensive ReadingReadingTransportationVocabulary Acquisition
Reading comprehension is a complex, linguistic, cognitive ability, which makes it difficult to not only understand but teach (Horowitz-Kraus, Vannest & Holland, 2012). This may be why most reading strategies focus on text-based processing... more
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      VisualizationReadingReading ComprehensionReading Skills
The aim of this study was to examine Foreign Language (FL) reading anxiety level of Arabic-speaking Yemeni students learning English as a foreign language (n = 106). It utilized (a) a background information questionnaire, (b) the Foreign... more
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      LanguagesEnglish LiteratureTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language Acquisition
The novel is a reflection of human culture. Novel is identical to a literary work in the form of prose which is quite long, and tends to be fictitious. A novel is based on the building elements such as intrinsic and extrinsic elements.... more
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      English LiteratureEnglishExtensive ReadingReading
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageLearning and TeachingEnglish languageEnglish
Publikácia Metodika na podporu čitateľstva žiakov v mladšom školskom veku je výstupom výskumného projektu VEGA 1/0455/18 Výskum a rozvoj čitateľstva žiakov mladšieho školského veku. Zámerom projektu bolo objaviť príčiny znižovania... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesReading Habits/AttitudesReadingChildren reading for pleasure
This document content is Lesson Planning and four skills lesson planning (Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking).
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      EducationAcademic WritingEffective ListeningLesson Plan
Skimming & Scanning is a style of reading and information processing. There are some who argue that skimming and scanning is more of a searching technique than a reading strategy. But it all depends on the purpose for reading. For... more
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      Reading StrategiesReading SkillsScaning and SkimmingSkimming Skill
Nesibe Sevgi Öndeş
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      EducationLanguages and LinguisticsTeacher EducationLearning and Teaching
This research aimed at analysing the Grade VIII English textbook of Punjab Textbook Board against one of the five competencies, the Reading and Thinking skills and identifying the satisfaction level of Grade 8 students with their textbook... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageStudent learning outcomesCompetencySchool Textbooks
Citar asi: González-López, M. (2021). Habilidades para desarrollar la lectoescritura en los niños de educación primaria. Universidad Miguel de Cervantes. Boletin Iberoamericano de Opiniones. One of the problems in the world of... more
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      E-learningSkills DevelopmentReadingTeaching Skills
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      ReadingReading ComprehensionTurkish EducationReading Strategies
En este trabajo se analiza la situación del actual plan lector y se proponen líneas de mejora para el futuro.
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      EducationChildren's readingReading Habits/AttitudesReading
In this study I investigated the relative effects of different reading methods on the comprehension performance of Saudi EFL 10th grade male students. The scores of participants who read three comparable passages in three ways (oral,... more
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      TESOLNon-Native English Speaking Professionals in TESOLTeaching EFLEnglish language teaching
La lectura es sin lugar a dudas, uno de los conceptos teóricos de mayor significación y abordaje dentro del campo de las ciencias sociales. Basta revisar de manera somera la actual bibliografía que versa sobre cantidad de definiciones,... more
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      Reading Habits/AttitudesReadingReading ComprehensionReading Skills
The title of this research is Improving Reading Comprehension Through Extensive Reading Activity (A Classroom Action Research for the Second Grade Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Mlati, Academic Years 2013-2014). The objectives of this... more
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      HistoryEducationExtensive ReadingReading
The aim of this paper to encourage the scholars or teacher to search out differently to boost students reading skills, one in every of them is with several exercises like reading to English newspaper or reading stories in Wattpad... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnglish language teachingWriting SkillsReading Skills
‘‘Paragraph Reading Study I’’ contains taken from newspaper articles like The Guardian, The Independent, The Times, The Financial Times, The Washington Time, The Sun, The New York Times and The Washington Post. The Guardian :... more
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      Reading Habits/AttitudesExtensive ReadingReadingHistory of Reading and Writing
Teaching Method/Reading.
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      Teacher EducationChildren's readingReading Habits/AttitudesExtensive Reading
The study aimed at investigating the impact of teachers use of folktales on the performance of pupils in reading comprehension in primary schools in Kaduna, Nigeria. The sample of the study consisted of forty (40) primary four pupils from... more
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      FolkloreTeaching and LearningEducationTeacher Education
This study investigated the challenges of teaching reading skills and pupil's reading effectiveness in public primary schools in Ekeremor Local Government Area of Bayelsa State. The design adopted for the study was descriptive survey. The... more
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    • Reading Skills
‘‘Paragraph Reading Study III’’ contains taken from newspaper articles like The Guardian, The Independent, The Times, The Financial Times, The Washington Time, The Sun, The New York Times and The Washington Post. The Guardian :... more
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      Children's readingReading Habits/AttitudesExtensive ReadingReading
Reading is a complex, purposeful, interactive, comprehending, and flexible activity that takes considerable time and resources to develop. Reading comprehension is a process of getting meaning from and bringing meaning to a text.... more
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    • Reading Skills
“Nuevos desafíos en la enseñanza e investigación
del idioma Inglés en las ingenierías”
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      EngineeringLiteracyEnglish for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic Purposes