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      Developmental PsychologyMusic EducationChild DevelopmentReading
This study investigated whether two groups of 6-year-old beginning readers taught to read by a phonics and by a “book experience” non-phonics approach would differ in reading comprehension as well as the processes of word recognition.... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLiteracySecond Language AcquisitionTeacher Education
M)* tâ' 7/ÿ ΠΑΝΤΕΙΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΩΝ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΩΝ ΤΜΗΜΑ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗΣ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑΣ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΜΠΙΚΟΣ Η πολιτική κουλτούρα που εκφράζουν τα βιβλία πολιτικής διαπαιδαγώγησης της δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης από το 1975... more
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      History of the BookHistory of Reading and WritingReading (Psychology)
Although Wolfgang Iser is one of the most influential literary theorists of the twentieth century, there is no authoritative study about his oeuvre. The present work remedies that problem by analysing Iser’s German and English writings in... more
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      Critical TheoryBritish LiteratureCultural StudiesRecursion Theory
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      History of Reading and WritingEye Tracking (in reading)Reading (Psychology)Writing systems
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      Music EducationChildren's readingPsychology of ReadingReading (Psychology)
Eye-tracking offers a powerful research tool for developmental scientists. This brief article introduces the methodology and issues associated with its applications in developmental research. It begins with an overview of eye movements... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive PsychologyLanguages and Linguistics
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      NeuroscienceCognitive PsychologyNeuropsychologyPerception
A photograph is an enigma that compels us to ask: “What,
who or where, is it?”. In doing so, are we begging a visual
question with words?
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      NarrativeVisual CultureMnemonicsVisual Narrative
Does the type of reading instruction experienced during the initial years at school have any continuing effect on the ways in which adults read words? The question has arisen in current discussions about computational models of mature... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceDevelopmental Psychology
The study of preconscious versus conscious processing has an extensive history in cognitive psychology, dating back to the writings of William James. Much of the experimental work on this issue has focused on perception, conceived of as... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyPhilosophy of MindPerception
"This study investigated if children with difficulties in writing two syllable words would learn do so through games that teach relations among written word and CRMTS, written word and figure, figure and CRMTS, written word and manuscript... more
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      WritingReading (Psychology)Behavior AnalysisGames for Learning
This paper examines the role of grapheme-phoneme conversion for skilled reading in an orthography of intermediate depth, Portuguese. The effects of word length in number of letters were determined in two studies. Mixed lists of five- and... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyExperimental PsychologyPsycholinguisticsReading (Psychology)
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLiteracyTeaching English as a Second Language
In this paper, after referring to the phenomenon of Reading Clubs in various space and time intervals, we focus on its special aspects, such as the semi-public reading practice, which form the basis for the social and socialising... more
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      Reading (Psychology)Reading Clubs
"Previous studies have shown that adult skilled readers are sensitive to voicing similarity of printed prime-target or target-mask pairs (Bedoin, 1998). In the present consonant detection task, phonetic priming and masking effects were... more
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      Phonological AwarenessReadingWritingPsychology of Reading
This paper studies, from a sociological perspective, the historical and social aspects of reading as a (social and personal) practice in relation to the “place” where it is performed. This place is either in the public or private. After... more
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      ReadingHistory of Reading and WritingPsychology of ReadingReading (Psychology)
This study considered the extent to which 23 children with dyslexia differed from 23 reading age (RA) and 23 chronological age (CA) matched controls in their ability to make temporal judgements about auditory and visual sequences of... more
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      Auditory DisplayReading (Psychology)DyslexiaDevelopmental dyslexia
Reading as an information-processing activity, is considered in terms of inner speech, automaticity, compensatory processes, and connectionism. Dyslexia is seen as heterogeneous, with a variety of theoretical explanations. When considered... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Psychology
Le livre est un symbole de la liberté créatrice de l’homme et de sa faculté d’exprimer ses émotions. Quand le livre est interdit et même brûlé, cette liberté est mise en danger. L’homme se perd dans le bonheur facile, et finit par... more
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      PsychoanalysisPhilosophyMemory (Cognitive Psychology)Learning & Memory
Newspaper law reports are an important resource for teachers of legal English because they provide material for the simultaneous practice of legal and linguistic skills. However, the comprehension of law report discourse is shown, in this... more
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      English for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic PurposesReading ComprehensionReading (Psychology)
In an investigation of perfectionism and proof-reading performance differentiating between perfectionist strivings and perfectionist concerns, Stoeber and Eysenck (2008) found that only perfectionist strivings (but not perfectionist... more
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      PsychologyApplied PsychologyBehavioural SciencePersonality Psychology
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      Developmental PsychologyExperimental PsychologyLanguage AcquisitionChild Development