El presente artículo tiene como propósito mostrar algunas de las miradas contemporáneas a partir de las cuales es posible abordar la relación educador-educando. Esta temática, crucial para la educación, fue eje central de un artículo de... more
The study explored the perception of teachers on the impact of overschooling on cognitive and psychomotor development of public primary school pupils in Anambra State, using researcher's developed instrument. Multistage sampling procedure... more
Aristotle and Confucius are pivotal figures in world history; nevertheless, Western and Eastern cultures have in modern times largely abandoned the insights of these masters. Remastering Morals with Aristotle and Confucius is the first... more
This paper reviews 15 research studies that (1) examined effects of particular accommodations or groups of accommodations on performance, and (2) employed experimental and quasi-experimental research designs that allowed examination of... more
This paper examines the different qualities of the Zoom platform with a focus on its advantages and disadvantages in a collaborative learning style from Kabul University's lecturers' perspective. The study explored the role of both humans... more
This paper examines the different qualities of the Zoom platform with a focus on its advantages and disadvantages in a collaborative learning style from Kabul University's lecturers' perspective. The study explored the role of both humans... more
There are much scholarly readings of Joseph Conrad’s Lord Jim. This paper randomly picks some of the papers according to the various ways the scholars have studied the text for a review. Such critical readings have been examined here,... more
English vocabulary is crucial for students' language proficiency in reading, speaking, listening, and writing. To increase vocabulary, teachers can use effective techniques, such as incorporating English songs into the curriculum.... more
pouca relação ao estudo de grandezas. Em acréscimo, há pouca contextualização do conteúdo abordado em relação às práticas de numeramento como, por exemplo, a linguagem e as práticas voltadas ao público da EJA.
Hearing impairment children get troubles in their listening skill which causes the constraints for their language development. It also includes writing skill. Hearing impairment children's writing skill tends to remain low. They get... more
This topic is interesting because through Transitivity Analysis we can discover the meaning behind clauses. The topic was also chosen because in English Department of UIN Walisongo we barely could find this study and the resources of this... more
Parents of three second-grade students identified as at-risk readers were trained to tutor their children. The reading interventions were either accuracy (i.e., modeling and phrase drill) or proficiency (i.e., repeated reading and... more
The aim of this research is to develop a new practice to enhance the success and attitudes of the middle school students. With this in mind, the competition activity was designed by reading. The effect of this activity on secondary school... more
The aim of this study is to make a comparison of the animal visuals used for mother tongue education in the course books for the age group of 12 and 14 in Turkey and England. Both wild and domestic animal visuals have been used in both... more
Bu çalışmada okuma güçlüklerinin sesbilgisel farkındalık ile hızlı isimlendirmede yaşanan yetersizliklere bağlı olarak ortaya çıktığını savunan Çift Yetersizlik Hipotezinin Türkçe gibi şeffaf bir dilde okuma güçlükleri ile ilişkili... more
This essay examines the ways in which Margaret Mead's research findings in New Guinea were transmitted to a Chinese-speaking audience through Yang Mei-hui's annotated Chinese summary of part 4 of Mead's Sex and Temperament in Three... more
This essay examines the ways in which Margaret Mead's research findings in New Guinea were transmitted to a Chinese-speaking audience through Yang Mei-hui's annotated Chinese summary of part 4 of Mead's Sex and Temperament in... more
Using “Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review” In Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Narrative Text
While education scholars have discussed differing perceptions of students’ academic skills by race, little is known about differences in perceptions due to developmental disabilities. Using data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal... more
To automate assessments of beginning readers, especially those still learning English, we have investigated the types of knowledge sources that teachers use and have tried to incorporate them into an automated system. We describe a set of... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keefektifan kombinasi strategi empty chair dan reframing dalam meningkatkan kohesivitas keluarga siswa. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian single-subject dengan desain A-B. Subyek penelitian... more
This paper presents some speculation about the contingencies that might select standard spellings. The speculation is based on a new development in the teaching of spelling-the process writing approach, which lets standard spellings... more
This study seeks through the literature review to identify the possibility of using the gamification strategy to improve the application of learner-centered learning to overcome some of the challenges of learning Arabic language for... more
To performance art devotees, Guillermo Gómez-Peña is a superhero of sorts. Despite his ongoing attempts to de-romanticize his positioning as a rebel artist, it is not hard to find yourself cheering after reading one of his books. In these... more
This article reports on the relationships between ecocultural features of 18 Latina/o families and their children's motivation to read. Five ecocultural features emerged as salient in families' daily living: immigration; culture and... more
The poet John Forbes (1950-1998) was famous for his erudition, but it is a feature of his work that has long been overlooked. Outlining how knowledge functions in Forbes’ poetics and compositional process, I argue for foregrounding this... more
ii 46 48 50 53 *0.784 *0.457 *O .7 59 *0.669 CA *0.343 *0.310 0.166 0.198 *0.265 0.162 *0.257 ---- M.R. *0.392 *0.675 *0.697 BTBC-A *0.811 *0.590 *0.561 *0.605 *0.730 *0.722 ----KLST *0.588 *O .557 BTBC-B *0.596 *0.578 *0.575 *0.726 *0.722
Arabic has four skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Writing is a skill that requires a high level to practice continuously be accompanied with a high sense abilities. A culture of the earth shall awake relics... more
Offering credit recovery options is one strategy to deal with high failure rates. The primary goal of credit recovery programs is to give students an opportunity to retake classes that they failed in an effort to get them back on track... more
Success or failure in freshman math has long been thought to have a strong impact on subsequent high school outcomes. We study an intensive math instruction policy in which students scoring below average on an 8th grade exam were assigned... more
We study an intensive math instruction policy that assigned low-skilled 9th graders to an algebra course that doubled instructional time, altered peer composition and emphasized problem solving skills. A regression discontinuity design... more
In the 21st century context, there are lots of online resources teachers may use as references and tools in teaching science. These different digital knowledge resources from software to application are very helpful and reliable sources... more
The article displays results from doctoral research, defended in 2022, whose purpose was to investigate which multi-referential elements made up the fictional adaptations created by young people on the Wattpad platform and whether they... more
The article displays results from doctoral research, defended in 2022, whose purpose was to investigate which multi-referential elements made up the fictional adaptations created by young people on the Wattpad platform and whether they... more
Limit 4 pages single-spaced.
As Nancy Armstrong argues in Desire and Domestic Fiction: A Political History of the Novel , “domestic fiction” was a privileged site for exploring the emerging concepts of sexuality and identity, and because most eighteenth-century... more
Given the present-day perspectives of Nigerians to the imperatives of qualitative education in the lives of youths, quite a lot of Nigerians have strongly bemoaned and condemned the recurrent woeful performances of students in Certificate... more
Bu çalışmada ilkokul 3. sınıf düzeyinde anlamayı izleme testinin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu nedenle araştırma bir test geliştirme çalışması olarak desenlenmiş ve yürütülmüştür. Testin geliştirilme sürecinde test maddelerinin... more