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Although there have been numerous studies on metal sulphide precipitation, the research field as a whole is not well integrated. This paper reviews the disparate areas of study into metal sulphide precipitation in an attempt to summarise... more
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      MicrostructureHydrometallurgyAcid Mine DrainageMechanism
Efficient tetrahydrocannabinol (D 9 -THC) production from cannabis is important for its medical application and as basis for the development of production routes of other drugs from plants. This work presents one of the steps of D 9 -THC... more
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      KineticsMolecular modelingFirst-Order LogicFormic Acid
The kinetics of oxygen reduction was investigated in acid solutions on Pt monolayers deposited on modified carbon-supported PdIr nanoparticles using the rotating diskelectrode technique. Iridium is introduced into the Pd substrate in... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceKineticsElectrocatalysis
Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), Ca *+ + Mg *+-ATPase, and Ca *+-ioncphore were obtained from white rabbit skeletal muscles. Methylmercury inhibited the Ca *+ + Mg*+-ATPase an d Ca**-transport but had no effect on the Ca*+ionophore. Mercuric... more
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      Molecular BiologyKineticsLife SciencesCalcium
We investigated the wetting behavior and reactions of different metals on Si3N4 using sessile drop measurements, analysis of reaction layers, and measuremeints of strengths of joined bars. Active metals, such as A1 and Ti, and alloys that... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringKineticsTitanium
Molybdenum (Mo) isotope studies in black shales can provide information about the redox evolution of the Earth's oceans, provided the isotopic consequences of Mo burial into its major sinks are well understood. Previous applications of... more
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      GeologyGeochemistrySediment TrapsTotal Organic Carbon
The photochemical behavior of oxyfluorfen [2-chloro-1-(3-etoxy-4-nitrophenoxy)-4-(trifluoromethyl) benzene] on two Greek soils was investigated. Soils were sampled from Nea Malgara and Preveza regions, characterized by a different organic... more
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      Earth SciencesKineticsPhotochemistryStatistical Analysis
Pulsatile action can be used to mix two streams entering a tube from two separate branches of a bifurcation at low Reynolds numbers. The pulsatile action is provided by two pinch valves, which deform flexible tubing immediately upstream... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringImage AnalysisFlow Visualization
Dedicated to Harry Kurreck on the occasion of his 65th birthday Abstraet. The mechanism of 4-chlorophenol (4CP) photolysis was investigated with the aid of Fou-¡ Transform Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (FT-EPR) and pulsed-laser... more
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      Free RadicalHigh Performance Liquid ChromatographyPrimary ProductionFourier transform
The curing reaction kinetics of an epoxy based on the diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) with an inorganic complex based on nickel(II) chelate with ethylenediamine (en) as a ligand were studied using DSC in dynamic mode. The complex... more
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      EngineeringKineticsNickelCHEMICAL SCIENCES
The pyrolysis of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) of the cultivar, ''Cave-in-Rock'' harvested at three stages of physiological maturity was studied in a PY-GC/MS system at the 600-1050 8C temperature range. Under these conditions, the... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryPyrolysisActivation Energy
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      Chemical EngineeringChemistryMass TransferArsenic
Information about the times of thermal breakthrough and subsequent rates of thermal drawdown in enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) is necessary for reservoir management, designing fracture stimulation and well drilling programs, and... more
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      Heat TransferGeothermal EnergyData InterpretationThermal history
The reaction of an equimolar mixture of H2 and CO was studied over ZrOr at 350 to 45O"C, 35 atm total pressure, and varying residence times. The isosynthesis reaction mechanisms were studied by monitoring the incorporation of oxygenated... more
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      Chemical EngineeringCatalysisKineticsHeterogeneous Catalysis
We show in this work that the heat flow signal as acquired applying DSC to systems in an excess of epoxy must be proportional to the rate of consumption of the excess component but not to the rate of reaction.
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      Analytical ChemistryKineticsModelsDifferential scanning calorimetry
Iron complexes in the ZSM-5 zeolite matrix (c~-centers) are shown to perform single-turnover cycles of methane oxidation to methanol at room temperature when nitrous oxide is used as a source of oxygen. The origin of carbon and oxygen in... more
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      MethaneIronKinetic Isotope EffectNitrous Oxide
The unfolding of a protein by the application of an external force pulling two atoms of the protein can be detected by atomic force and optical tweezers technologies as have been broadly demonstrated in the past decade. Variation of the... more
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      ThermodynamicsProtein FoldingKineticsSequence Analysis
Numerical solutions have been obtained for the nonlinear heat conduction equations arising in the theory of thermal explosions. Explosion times are calculated for externally heated spheres, cylinders, and slabs of several explosive... more
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      EngineeringApplied PhysicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
Coriander leaves are widely used in cooking throughout the world. Thermal degradation kinetics of chlorophyll a, b, and total chlorophyll in coriander leaf puree was investigated at varying levels of pH (4.5-8.5) and processing... more
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      KineticsGibbs Free EnergyActivation EnergyFirst-Order Logic
The paper reviews the pyrolysis of biomass constituents and possible secondary reactions. Biomass pyrolysis yields mostly liquid and solid fuel, easy to store and transport. Relevant working conditions for experiments and large-scale... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRenewable EnergyKineticsBiomass
Dynamic adsorption and reaction studies were made for the catalytic oxidation of sulfur dioxide in aqueous slurries of activated carbon at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. For the small particles (d, = 0.03 mm) of carbon used,... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryMass TransferKinetics
The effectiveness of wetland treatment of acid mine drainage (AMD) was assessed using three measures of performance: treatment efficiency, area-adjusted removal, and first-order removal. Mathematical relationships between these measures... more
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      EngineeringEcological EngineeringEarth SciencesKinetics
Terephthalic acid (TPA) is widely applied as a raw material in making polyester fiber, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles, polyester films, etc. TPA is toxic and is known to act as endocrine disruptor. TPA wastewater is... more
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      Forensic ScienceToxicologyKineticsStability
AbstractÐThe in¯uence of an extended set of metals (Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , Pb 2+ , Cu 2+ , Cd 2+ , Ni 2+ , Zn 2+ , Mn 2+ , Fe 3+ ) on the reduction rates of chromium (VI) with H 2 S have been measured in NaCl solutions. Ca 2+ and Zn 2+ (0.01 to... more
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      ThermodynamicsRaman SpectroscopyPolymerizationDensity Functional Theory
The kinetic characteristics have been studied for noncircularly permuted variants of the human hepatitis delta virus antigenomic ribozyme to find out the cause of the two-phase kinetics of the self-cleavage reaction. Different ways of... more
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      Molecular BiologyKineticsActivation EnergyTemperature Dependence
Sulfated metal oxides have attracted considerable inter-Reaction kinetics measurements, selective poisoning, and mi-est because they are more environmentally benign and crocalorimetry were used to study the activity, selectivity, and more... more
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      Chemical EngineeringCatalysisKineticsChemical Reaction
The aim of this work was to study and to model the effects of time-temperature conditions for sterilization on the overall quality of tomato puree. Tomato puree was produced from raw tomatoes in a pilot plant. Three sterilization tests... more
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      Food EngineeringKineticsSterilizationTomato
This paper describes the pervaporation performance of film-like zeolite NaA membranes synthesized in our laboratory by template-free seeded hydrothermal towards the dehydration of n-pentanol/water and n-pentanol/water/DNPE mixtures (DNPE... more
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      Chemical EngineeringKineticsCatalystMembrane Separation
Kinetics of the • OH-initiated reactions of acetic acid and its deuterated isomers have been investigated performing simulation chamber experiments at T = 300 ± 2 K. The following rate constant values have been obtained (± 1σ, in cm 3... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringTransport phenomenaChemical Engineering Science
Modelling of FCC units has been an interesting activity because of the complexity of the system and the economic incentives associated. Models have been classified depending on either the used kinetic scheme or the proposed reactor... more
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      EngineeringMathematical ModellingEnergy BalanceSteady state
N-(2-hydroxyethyl)ethylenediamine reaction was observed over zeolite catalysts giving rise to only dehydrocyclization and over chromite catalysts showing
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The stability of polymer inclusion membranes (PIMs) relative to other liquid membranes is amongst the major reasons for the recent rejuvenation of interest in carrier-mediated transport for selective separation and recovery of metal ions... more
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      EngineeringMembrane ScienceTransport phenomenaSteady state
Ethanol steam reforming has been studied over Ni/SiO 2 catalysts under a wide range of operating conditions, and the effect of Ni loading on catalyst properties and H 2 yield and selectivity has been analyzed. Surface area and pore volume... more
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      EngineeringPermeabilityDeploymentReaction Kinetics
Wastewater treatment facilities and agricultural production are potential sources of steroid hormones in the environment. The fate of steroid hormones in the environment has not been extensively studied. Important degradation pathways... more
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      Wastewater TreatmentHumic acidAgricultural ProductionFirst-Order Logic
The aqueous thermal degradation of oxalic acid (a naturally occurring dicarboxylic acid) and its anions has been examined experimentally under variable conditions of temperature (160-23O"Q time (24-96 h), buffered pH (4-7), and ionic... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryKineticsSedimentary Basins
Objective: The aim of this study was to establish the reaction kinetics of 35% hydrogen peroxide and sodium ascorbate and to determine the mass of antioxidant required to neutralize the bleaching gel.
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An integrated methodology for the simulation of practical combustion systems and NO x prediction was developed. It is based on 3D CFD simulation coupled to a postprocessor which yields reactor networks, extracted from 3D fields, as... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringNetwork AnalysisEnergy SavingEnvironmental Performance
Society, at large, has to realise the gravity of environmental degradation and participate fully in the mitigation of environmental problems. This article discusses the Indian initiatives and the important milestones in the path of... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental MonitoringEnvironmental Risk AssesmentGreen Technology
We analyze the steady-state behavior of a general mathematical model for reversible galvanic cells, such as redox flow cells, reversible solid oxide fuel cells, and rechargeable batteries. We consider not only operation in the galvanic... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceChemistryKinetics
Biodiesel production from soybean oil can play an important role as an alternative source of energy for automobile applications. In this paper an attempt has been made to generate biodiesel from soybean oil using transesterification and... more
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      Human Computer InteractionRenewable EnergyCatalysisKinetics
An epoxy resin system based on a triglycidyl p-amino phenol (MY0510) was crosslinked using stoichiometric amounts of 4,4 0 -diaminodiphenyl sulfone. The epoxy was modified with random copolymers, polyethersulfone-poly(ether-ethersulfone)... more
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      EngineeringKineticsPolymer BlendsActivation Energy
Simultaneous membrane based solvent extraction (MBSE) and membrane based solvent stripping (MBSS) in HF contactors of a heterocyclic carboxylic acid (HCA) of industrial importance from sulphate solutions with solvent containing... more
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      EngineeringMass TransferDesalinationSolvent Extraction
Alkanolamines are the most popular absorbents used to remove CO 2 from process gas streams. Therefore, the CO 2 reaction with alkanolamines is of considerable importance. The aim of this article is to provide an overview on the kinetics... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringKineticsInterdisciplinary Engineering
This work is focused on the optimization of reaction parameters for the synthesis of ascorbyl palmitate catalyzed by Candida antarctica lipase in different organic solvents. The sequential strategy of experimental designs proved to be... more
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      Process OptimizationKineticsExperimental DesignNeural Network
Pressure-assisted thermal processing (PATP) at T \ 100°C can be used when enzyme inactivation and pasteurization by high pressure processing (HPP) is not feasible due to long processing times while PATP at T [ 100°C can be used when... more
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      ChemistryHigh PressureFood EngineeringKinetics
The dilute acid hydrolysis of grass and cellulose with phosphoric acid was undertaken in a microwave reactor system. The experimental data and reaction kinetic analysis indicate that this is a potential process for cellulose and... more
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      Chemical EngineeringKineticsBioenergyBiofuels