Rayleigh Waves

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Rayleigh waves are a type of surface seismic wave that travel along the Earth's surface, characterized by an elliptical motion of particles. They are generated by seismic events and are significant in the study of earthquake effects, as they can cause substantial ground movement and damage.
In the formulation above , we assumed we can integrate over the whole frequency band from 0 to 00 , but in practice , using the 30-100 WWNSS seismogram, for example, we are able to ob serve a band-limited seismic signal only. At the low... more
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology Northwestern part of Pacific plate is very old as the crustal age is over 100 Ma. Seafloor subsidence and heat flow change with age for such old ocean have been explained by cooling of... more
We report on unique measurements of multiple microsecond-duration arrest periods during the propagation of high speed (> 1 km s -1) cracks in micromachined single-crystal silicon specimens. These events were recorded electronically and in... more
Foundation-soil interaction is studied using an analytical two-dimensional model, for circular foundations embedded in a homogeneous elastic half-space and for incident plane P-and SV-and for surface Rayleigh waves. The scattered waves... more
We present IntU package for Mathematica computer algebra system. The presented package performs a symbolic integration of polynomial functions over the unitary group with respect to unique normalized Haar measure. We describe a number of... more
The lateral heterogeneity and apparent anisotropy of the upper mantle are studied by measuring Rayleigh and Love wave phase velocities in the period range 100-250 s. Spherical harmonic descriptions of the lateral heterogeneity are... more
A time-domain pure-state polarization analysis method is used to characterize surface waves traversing California parallel to the plate boundary. The method is applied to data recorded at four broadband stations in California from... more
We determined the seismic model of the soil column within a residential project site in Istanbul, Turkey. Specifically, we conducted refraction seismic survey at 20 locations using a receiver spread with 48 4.5-Hz vertical geophones at... more
This book is published on the understanding that the authors are solely responsible for the statements made and opinions expressed in it and that its publication does not necessarily imply that such statements and/or opinions are or... more
Thin films of CN x deposited by physical vapor deposition (PVD) with different contents of nitrogen have been studied. An RF-powered antenna was added to a classical magnetron sputtering system. The addition of an antenna plays an... more
In this study, short-period noise characteristics at BURAR station were investigated by applying both power spectral density estimation (PSD) and frequency-wavenumber (f-k) array technique. Regular recording of noise spectra for 60... more
In this paper we present a seismological test of the 'thermal rejuvenation' model for the formation of the Hawaiian Swell, the archetype of a midplate hotspot swell. Twostation measurements of Rayleigh-wave group and phase velocities... more
Simulated annealing was used to invert fundamental and higher-mode Rayleigh wave dispersion curves simultaneously for an S-wave velocity profile. The inversion was applied to near-surface seismic data (with a maximum depth of... more
Brief literature reviews of laser ultrasonics modeling are presented in [2,3]. Much work has focused on representing the laser source by an equivalent mechanical loading and then using elasticity theory to predict the resulting waveforms.... more
Direct seismic measurements of the thickening of oceanic lithosphere away from the spreading axis are rare due to the remoteness of mid ocean ridges. On the East Pacific Rise, at 17°S, there were two long-term broadband ocean bottom... more
A two-dimensional elastic Chebysbev spectral element method (SPEM) is used to model the seismic wavefield within a massive structure and in its vicinity. We consider 2-D models where a linear elastic structure, with quadrangular... more
Synthetic seismograms from coupled free oscillations are calculated for a regionalized continentocean model of the upper mantle and a recently proposed spherical harmonic lateral structure model. Spectral correlation analysis of these... more
The observed secondary microseismic wave-field is composed by Rayleigh and Love waves. While the presence and amount of Rayleigh waves can be explained well, the generation of Love waves is still under debate. We investigate both internal... more
The objective of this study is to estimate the S-wave velocity structure of the Taichung basin in a near-fault region, which is needed for strong-motion evaluation for the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake. We have conducted array measurements of... more
We map lateral variations of upper-mantle Q in eastern Eurasia using a new inversion procedure based on threedimensional partial-derivative (Fréchet) kernels. In our initial analysis, we utilize Rayleigh waves with periods longer than ~15... more
This study combines migration and forward source modeling techniques to examine the existence and location of persistent seismic noise near southern Italy. Our results demonstrate that noise source modeling is both feasible and... more
Reflection and attenuation of a Rayleigh surface acoustic wave from a small stripe of viscous fluid spreading across the acoustic path have been observed. As the stripe spreads across the acoustic path, with an accompanying decrease in... more
The study of surface and shallow sources has lately become of importance, especially in connection with nuclear-explosion seismology (Ben-Menahem & Vered 1975; Ben-Menahem 1975). An ad-hoc study of surface sources was deemed necessary in... more
Sagaing City is one of the seismic prone regions since active Sagaing Fault passes through the urban center. The damage properties are commonly influenced by the seismic source properties and the site properties. Site condition associated... more
The square and triangular lattices are considered, where the uniform crack growth is accompanied by the wave radiation. The radiation energy and structure are studied. The energy radiated to the bulk of the lattice is found in a direct... more
This thesis mainly focuses on thermal metamaterials, including thermal metadevices that can actively manipulate heat flux, and thermally responsive metamaterials that can deform in response to external heat stimuli in a controlled manner.... more
Mean separation of fades or flares. Example of the received power for the one-way case. Example of the received power for the monostatic case. 13c Example of the received power for the bistatic case. 13d Fxample of the combined power for... more
This paper describes the interaction of complex harmonic plane waves on a periodically corrugated surface. It is shown that the ability of complex harmonic plane waves to stimulate leaky Rayleigh waves on a corrugated surface is similar... more
An overview of the S-wave velocity (Vs) structural model of the Caribbean is presented with a resolution of 2ºx2º. As a result of the frequency time analysis (FTAN) of more than 400 trajectories epicenter-stations in this region, new... more
Nella Tabella è riportato il gruppo di lavoro del CNR-I.A.M.C. che ha partecipato all'acquisizione dei dati geofisici:
Regional seismic tomography provides valuable information on the structure of shields, thereby gaining insight to the formation and stabilization of old continents. Fennoscandia (known as the Baltic Shield for its exposed part) is a... more
Mentawai, Indonesia earthquake (M w 7.8) ruptured the shallow portion of the subduction zone seaward of the Mentawai islands, offshore of Sumatra, generating 3 to 9 m tsunami run-up along southwestern coasts of the Pagai Islands that took... more
Neoarchaean evolution of the Western Karelian Province A.G. Jones. Lithospheric structures and geometries revealed by deep-probing magnetotellurics F. Karell. Magnetic studies as indicators for ascent and emplacement of rapakivi granites.
Fractal modeling of the rugged crack geometry is considered for the stable and dynamic fracture mechanics characterizing the morphology of a fracture surface and the influence of its growth. It is shown that the fractal dimension has a... more
In this paper we focus on the experimental observation of the broadband dispersion relation of wedge waves using laser ultrasound technique. The dispersion spectra are measured for an extremely large bandwidth which has not been... more
Article Methods Geochemistry Sample preparation. Crystals were separated from crushed and sieved scoria, pumice or lava. Picked crystals from the size fractions 0.5-1 mm and 1-2 mm were mounted on glass slides within 2.5-cm-diameter... more
The lithospheric structure in Oman has been determined by analyzing teleseismic P-receiver functions recorded at broad-band and short-period seismic stations of the Oman Seismological Network. Lithospheric structure is obtained by jointly... more
Rksumi. Nous avons engendrk et detect6 optiquement des ondes de Rayleigh sur une sphkre mktallique. La source est un laser YAG fonctionnant en r6gime pulse. Le deplacement mkcanique est mesurk, au point diamktralement opposk au point... more