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      French LiteratureBook HistoryFrench RevolutionHistoriography of the French Revolution
FULL TEXT!! This volume publishes for the first time an untitled anti-Hasidic manuscript, which the editors have called Reshit Hokhmah (The Origin/Beginning of Wisdom), from the Joseph Perl Archive in Tarnopol. The manuscript was copied... more
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      ReligionGnosticismNew Religious MovementsMythology And Folklore
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryGender Studies
"Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), ed. Jonatan Meir, Three volumes, Mosad Bialik, Jerusalem Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), first published in Vienna in 1819, is one of the sharpest and wittiest pieces of Jewish literature... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionNew Religious MovementsMythology And Folklore
This paper provides an overview of Filipiniana rare books and Filipiniana rare books management. It discusses the nature and scope of Filipiniana rare books and by surveying their status in select libraries in the Philippines, this study... more
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      Filipiniana collectionRare booksRare Books Librarianship
Alberto Petrucciani, La catalogazione degli incunaboli. In: Il linguaggio della biblioteca: scritti in onore di Diego Maltese, raccolti da Mauro Guerrini. Firenze: Regione Toscana, Giunta regionale, 1994 (stampa 1995), p. 567-588. (Altra... more
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      IncunabulaCataloguingRare books
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      Ancient HistoryMood DisordersRare books
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      Book HistoryBibliographyCataloguingManuscripts (Medieval Studies)
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsRare Books And Manuscripts (Library Science)GraphologyGrafologia
This study explores the multifaceted Maya Deluge Myth, from its pre-Columbian origins to current fantasies about a great world-destroying flood at the 13 Baktun period ending of the Maya Long Count on 21 (or 23) December 2012. No such... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreCultural History
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookBibliographyCataloguing
Scattered throughout the realm in a great number of provincial courts, Ming imperial clansmen did not wield political or military power. Some among them therefore used their energies to publish books; indeed, the publishing activities of... more
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      Book CollectionsRare booksChinese Print CultureMing Imperial Clan
Eine ganze Menge der aus der Bibliotheca Corviniana bekannten Werke waren bis zum Tod Matthias’ nicht im Druck erschienen. In der Mehrzahl beinhalten die Corvinen nicht die uns heute bekannten, vollständigen Texte. Unsere Aufgabe ist es,... more
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      PlatoAristotleManuscripts and Early Printed BooksRenaissance Humanism
Scattered throughout the realm in a great number of provincial courts, Ming imperial clansmen did not wield political or military power. Some among them therefore used their energies to publish books; indeed, the publishing activities of... more
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      Book CollectionsRare booksChinese Print CultureMing Imperial Clan
Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), first published in Vienna in 1819, is one of the sharpest and wittiest pieces of Jewish literature written in the first half of the nineteenth century, and is perhaps the most important piece of... more
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      Fiction WritingCritical TheoryReligionNew Religious Movements
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      Medieval German LiteratureManuscripts and Early Printed BooksRare Books and ManuscriptsIncunabula
During the Early modern age, the Society of Jesus was the religious institution that, more than any other, linked its reason for existence to the world of the book. Indeed between the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries, Jesuit founded... more
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      Modern HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesPrint Culture
Scattered throughout the realm in a great number of provincial courts, Ming imperial clansmen did not wield political or military power. Some among them therefore used their energies to publish books; indeed, the publishing activities of... more
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      Book CollectionsRare booksChinese Print CultureMing Imperial Clan
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      Critical TheoryMarketingPhilologyReligion
Le caractère par le prénom: suivi de la liste des prénoms usuels avec l'explication des qualités et défauts que chacun d'eux impose à celui qui le porte. El Carácter por el nombre: seguido de una lista de nombres usados con la... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsGenealogiaGraphologyGenealogie
Nel contributo, che fa parte del I volume di un'opera dedicata alle scritture autografe dei letterati italiani del Cinquecento, sono stati censiti tutti i manoscritti autografi di Benedetto Varchi (1503-1565), accademico e letterato di... more
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      Cultural StudiesArchival StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsItalian Studies
Scattered thro ughout the realm in a great number of provincial courts, Ming imperial clansmen did not wield political or military power. Some among them therefore used their energies to publish books; indeed, the publishing activities of... more
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      Book CollectionsRare booksChinese Print CultureMing Imperial Clan
Written to accompany a 1994 UK reprinting of one of the rarest American angling books. SALMON FISHING ON THE GRAND CASCAPEDIA by the American angler Edmund W. Davis was originally produced for private distribution in two fine printings... more
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      Salmon FishingRare books
In the year 1969, the oldest part of the school library of Herlufsholm in Næstved was sold to the newly founded University Library of Odense, including the special Groothoff book collection, Bibliotheca Groothoffiana. Today, the joint... more
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      Library ScienceCultural HeritageRare Books and ManuscriptsAcademic Libraries
Graphology is the art of reading character from handwriting. That there is a relationship between character and style of penmanship has long been recognized, but until recently little has been done to formulate the principles upon which... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsRare Books And Manuscripts (Library Science)GraphologyGrafologia
Le immagini riprodotte nel volume sono tratte dalle Cinquecentine, conservate, in gran parte, nella Biblioteca Universitaria di Pisa (vedi il sito): Nella prima metà del Cinquecento, in concomitanza con... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural HeritageItalian StudiesRenaissance Studies
Study on the civic iconography of the seggi (sedili, piazze) of early modern Naples; on the iconography of the horse in emblematic and political literature, within a social analysis of the Neapoltian ancient of horse-riding (rare books,... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsSocial HistoryEarly Modern Art of Southern ItalyEarly modern Spain
The aim of the program is to take stock of Hungarian documents of studia humanitatis with 1526 as a milestone. The census intends to register predominantly the use of (school)books in Hungary in teaching grammar, rhetoric, poetry,... more
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      Renaissance HumanismRare Books and ManuscriptsErasmusManuscript Studies
Catalogo della mostra virtuale “Festina lente” ( realizzata nel 2015 in collaborazione con il “Centro di Ricerca Europeo Libro Editoria Biblioteca” (CRELEB) dell’Università Cattolica e l’Archivio Storico... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryPrint CultureEarly Modern History
Even though the printing of books in Armenian began in Venice in 1511/12, just six decades after Gutenberg's invention, the hand copying of texts continued into the nineteenth century. This traditional method of creating books was carried... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistoryArt History
The King George III copy of the Gutenberg Bible, held at the British Library, has been analyzed using Raman spectroscopy to determine the palette of pigments used in the illuminations on this work. The palette is found to comprise... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryRaman SpectroscopyBible
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      Book HistoryCataloguingPrintingRare books
geospatial properties of objects, leaving out other ontological properties. In this paper we propose to extend these visualizations to include nongeospatial properties of documents to support users with elementary and synoptic visual... more
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      Digital LibrariesVisualizationVisualizationBook History
A “giuntina” edition of «Perì hermenèias» (Florence, Biblioteca Riccardiana, Stamp. 15826), belonging to Benedetto Varchi (1503-1565) and by him richly annotated, testifies on his study on Logica. During his stay in Padua (1537-1541),... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageTranslation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsItalian (European History)
Se da a conocer la existencia de un pequeño pero rico conjunto bibliográfico de la época de la Guerra de la Independencia depositado en el Archivo General de la Guerra Civil del Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica. En él, se... more
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      19th CenturyPrintingSiglo XIXImprenta
The evolution of marketing strategies has changed all of theories and methods in marketing, including in libraries in marketing their products and institution. One marketing strategy that evolves today is Branding, Branding is a... more
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      Library ScienceAncient ScriptsMarketing StrategiesRare books
Parte seconda SUPPLEMENTO AL CATALOGO DELLE CINQUECENTINE a cura di Natale Vacalebre Premessa Il catalogo proposto nelle pagine seguenti è stato realizzato prendendo in esame gli esemplari delle 176 edizioni cinquecentesche giunte alla... more
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      Library ScienceBook HistoryHistory of the BookRare Books and Manuscripts
In this photo essay, we reflect on our respective encounters with the object now known as Dartmouth College, Rauner Special Collections Library, MS 003183. Deborah Howe describes the process that turned a fragile object into a functional... more
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      PhilologyVisual StudiesMedia StudiesLibrary Science
Plano de aula de disciplina ministrada no Mestrado Profissional do Programa de Pós Graduação de Preservação de Acervos de Ciência e Tecnologia. 2020
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      Analytical bibliographyRare Books and ManuscriptsSpecial CollectionsPrivate Libraries
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      History of the BookIncunabulaBook History (History)Rare books
La información que ofrece un libro antiguo o un conjunto coherente de libros y documentos antiguos puede ser muy heterogénea y afectar múltiples aspectos. El documentalista, ante el libro antiguo, está obligado a ofrecer la mejor y más... more
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Maulana Azad Library of the Aligarh Muslim University is the largest library system of India and second largest of Asia. Apart from normal collections, the library has about 16,000 rare manuscripts which attract the researchers and... more
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      ConservationDigitizationPreservationDigital Preservation
Si offre un brevissimo schizzo sulla vita e sulla fortuna editoriale del giurista pratico Borgnino, anticipando alcuni risultati delle ricerche su di lui e sul fratello Ortensio.
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      Legal HistoryHistory of Italian LawHistory of LawHistory of Books, Printing, and Publishing
The main objective of the Mnemosyne Digital Library of Rare and Forgotten Literary Texts (1868-1936) is to select, catalogue and make visible in digital format texts belonging to a forgotten repertoire in order to allow the... more
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      Spanish LiteratureDigital LibrariesHistory Of Rare Book LibrariesRare Books And Manuscripts (Library Science)
Sefer shivḥei ha-Besht is considered the central collection of hagiographic tales regarding Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov (c. 1700–1760). It was first printed in Hebrew in Kopys in the latter part of 1814 and includes hundreds of stories... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsMythology And FolkloreHistory
Forgotten Heritage: Mustafa bin 'Umar al-Miistari, a Calligrapher from the 18th Century Summary Mustafa bin 'Umar al-Mustari finished his 23rd transcript of the Holy Qur'an in 1173. AH (1759/60 AD). This transcript is kept today in The... more
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      Book HistoryCataloguingPrintingIslamic Calligraphy
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsGnosticismNew Religious Movements
Kniha byla vydána v Českých Budějovicích roku 1974 / The book was published in České Budějovice in 1974.
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      Print CultureLibrary ScienceBook HistoryHistory of the Book
Kniha byla vydána roku 1996 v Praze / The book was published in 1996 in Prague. ISBN: 8071841633.
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      HistoryArt HistoryLibrary ScienceRare Books and Manuscripts
Appunti su Alcune edizioni illustrAte del Furioso* Già presenti nell'ultimo decennio di vita dell'autore, ancora prima della pubblicazione della versione definitiva del Furioso, le iterate ristampe del poema ariostesco danno... more
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      Ludovico AriostoIllustrated BooksOrlando furiosoTextual Bibliography