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This paper addresses the issues of conservativeness and computational complexity of probabilistic robustness analysis. The authors solve both issues by defining a new sampling strategy and robustness measure. The new measure is shown to... more
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      Applied MathematicsComputer ScienceRandomized AlgorithmsStatistics
The Euclidean Minimum Spanning Tree problem is to decide whether a given graph G = ( P, E) on a set of points in the two dimensional plane is a minimum spanning tree with respectto the Euclidean distance. Czumaj, Sohler, and Ziegler [2]... more
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      EngineeringMathematicsComputer ScienceRandomized Algorithms
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      MathematicsRandomized AlgorithmsCombinatorial AlgorithmsMCMC
We propose an improved private count-mean-sketch data structure and show its applicability to differentially private contact tracing. Our proposed scheme (Diversifed Averaging for Meta estimation of Sketches-DAMS) provides a better... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsStatisticsProbability and Mathematical StatisticsData Structures
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      EngineeringRandomized AlgorithmsDesignRandomization
The goal of approximating metric spaces by more simple metric spaces has led to the notion ofgraph spanners [PU89, PS891 and to low-distortion embeddings in low-dimensional spaces [LLR94], having many algorithmic applications. This paper... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceRandomized AlgorithmsDistributed Computing
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      EngineeringRandomized AlgorithmsRandomizationResource Allocation
Practical and theoretical issues are presented concerning the design, implementation, and use of a good, minimal standard random number generator that will port to virtually all systems.
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    • Randomized Algorithms
This short note is about the assertion in AIMA(Russell and Norvig, 2010, p.221) that " on the n-queens problem, if you don't count the initial placement of queens, the run time of min-conflicts is roughly independent of problem size ". We... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceDesign and Analysis of AlgorithmsConstraint Satisfaction Problems
Unfair metrical task systems are a generalization of online metrical task systems. In this paper we introduce new techniques to combine algorithms for unfair metrical task systems and apply these techniques to obtain improved randomized... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsQuantum CryptographyPure MathematicsOnline Algorithms
The vehicle routing problem (VRP) is a flourishing research area with clear applications to real-life distribution companies. However, most VRP-related academic articles assume the existence of a homogeneous fleet of vehicles and/or a... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsBusiness and ManagementAsymmetric InformationReal Life Problem Solving
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      Randomized AlgorithmsCombinatorial AlgorithmsEvolutionary algorithmsOperations Research
Portfolio Analysis of Financial Market Risks by Random Set Tools The eventological theory of decision-making, the theory of eventfull decision-making is a theory of decision-making based on eventological... more
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      Mathematical StatisticsProbability TheoryRandomized AlgorithmsStatistics
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    • Randomized Algorithms
In our information societies, we increasingly delegate tasks and decisions to automated systems, devices and agents that mediate human relationships, by taking decisions and acting on the basis of algorithms. Their increased intelligence,... more
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      Information SystemsBusiness EthicsComputer ScienceAlgorithms
We introduce meta-factorization, a theory that describes matrix decompositions as solutions of linear matrix equations: the projector and the reconstruction equation. Meta-factorization reconstructs known factorizations, reveals their... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsMachine LearningNumerical AnalysisMatrix Theory
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      Randomized AlgorithmsDigital HumanitiesPopular CultureRoland Barthes
Randomized Algorithms are now gaining the attention of researchers. The reason is that some of the randomized algorithms have been successfully implemented in important applications reducing the time complexity and other computing... more
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    • Randomized Algorithms
Steganography is the science of concealing a secret message by embedding it into innocent carriers such as text, audio, images, etc. It plays a crucial role in a broad range of security applications such as securing message exchange, user... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsImage Processing and steganographyElliptic Curve CryptographyLSB steganography
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    • Randomized Algorithms
Neural networks, as powerful tools for data mining and knowledge engineering, can learn from data to build feature-based classifiers and nonlinear predictive models. Training neu-ral networks involves the optimization of non-convex... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsMachine LearningData MiningArtificial Neural Networks
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      CalculusComputer ScienceRandomized AlgorithmsLimits of Computation
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    • Randomized Algorithms
We describe an alternative to gradient descent for backpropogation through a neural network, which we call Blind Descent. We believe that Blind Descent can be used to augment backpropagation by using it as an initialisation method and can... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceComputer VisionStatistics
—This paper contributes to the development of randomized methods for neural networks. The proposed learner model is generated incrementally by stochastic configuration (SC) algorithms, termed SC networks (SCNs). In contrast to the... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsNeural Networks
In this article we provide an introduction to data structures and algorithms. We consider some basic data structures and deal with implementations of a dictionary and a priority queue. Algorithms for such basic problems as matrix... more
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      AlgorithmsRandomized AlgorithmsParallel AlgorithmsApproximation Algorithms
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      Randomized AlgorithmsNP
Hyperspectral imaging techniques such as matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry imaging produce large, information-rich datasets that are frequently too large to be analyzed as a whole. In addition, the... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsData CompressionImaging Mass SpectrometryMALDI-TOF
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      Randomized AlgorithmsRandomizationApproximation AlgorithmsPure Mathematics
In this paper, we investigate the problem of music classification when training data is distributed throughout a network of interconnected agents (e.g. computers, or mobile devices), and it is available in a sequential stream. Under the... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsMusic Genre ClassificationDistributed Information SystemsFunctional Links
Projemizin adı FOLLOW GM’dir ve amacı bir hafıza oyunudur.Yani kullandığımız pic 16f628a ‘ı ASSEMBLY dili ile programlıyarak farklı kombinasyonlarda ledler yanarak bu ledlere en yakın olan butona basarak bir sonraki levele geçmeyi... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsASSEMBLY LANGUAGES
We consider a model with n players and m objects. Each player has a “preference vector ” of length m that models his grade for each object. The grades are unknown to the players. A player can learn his grade for an object by probing that... more
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      Applied MathematicsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsRandomized Algorithms
We consider a model with n players and m objects. Each player has a “preference vector ” of length m that models his grade for each object. The grades are unknown to the players. A player can learn his grade for an object by probing that... more
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmsRandomized AlgorithmsCollaborative Filtering
Unfair metrical task systems are a generalization of online metrical task systems. In this paper we introduce new techniques to combine algorithms for unfair metrical task systems and apply these techniques to obtain improved randomized... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsQuantum CryptographyPure MathematicsOnline Algorithms
Fragmentin è un collettivo artistico fondato nel 2014 a Losanna. È formato da Marc Dubois (1985), David Colombini (1989) e Laura Perrenoud (1991): tre Alumni della ECAL (Lausanne University of Art and Design) le cui opere testimoniano una... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsContemporary ArtArt and technologySocial Ecology
Mengoptimalkan nilai konstanta parameter PID secara otomatis dengan automatic random maupun dengan AI diantaranya GA dan PSO hingga didapatkan respon yang baik. Simulasi dilakukan di Matlab 2015a
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      Electronic EngineeringRandomized AlgorithmsGenetic AlgorithmsAutomatic Control
We describe a new sampling-based method to determine cuts in an undirected graph. For a graph (V, E), its cycle space is the family of all subsets of E that have even degree at each vertex. We prove that with high probability, sampling... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsParallel AlgorithmsDistributed ComputingDistributed Algorithms
We present a cooperative framework for content-based image retrieval for the realistic setting where images are distributed across multiple cooperating servers. The proposed method is in line with bag-of-features approaches but uses fully... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsMultimedia information retrievalContent based image retrievalData transfer
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      Randomized AlgorithmsApproximation AlgorithmsString MatchingString Matching Algorithms
"El proceso de estimación de una proporción relacionada con una pregunta que puede ser altamente sensible para el encuestado, puede generar respuestas que no necesariamente coinciden con la realidad. Para reducir la probabilidad de... more
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      MathematicsRandomized AlgorithmsBayesianRandomization
Urban transportation is a strategic domain that has become an important issue for client satisfaction in distribution companies. In academic literature, this problem is categorized as a Vehicle Routing Problem, a popular research stream... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsHeuristicsAsymmetric InformationHeterogeneous Data
See is an abstract machine for computation programmed in the 3 word, syntax free language #Logica. It is thought to be Turing complete and is a language designed to be used with the 4th word 'meta'. The definition of meta can be found... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsLogicLanguages and LinguisticsComputer Engineering
Virtual private network design is the following NP-hard problem. We are given a communication network represented as a weighted graph with thresholds on the nodes which represent the amount of flow that a node can send to and receive from... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsCommunicationRoutingPrediction
Rapid access to information is essential for a wide variety of retrieval systems and applications. Hashing has long been used when the fastest possible direct search is desired, but is generally not appropriate when sequential or range... more
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    • Randomized Algorithms
El hombre siempre se ha visto afectado por la aleatoriedad de algunos fenómenos y ha sentido la necesidad de generarla para diversos experimentos científicos, tanto en el mundo de las matemáticas como en el de las ciencias de la... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsMOOCs
We consider the problem of electing a leader among nodes in a highly dynamic network where the adversary has unbounded capacity to insert and remove nodes (including the leader) from the network and change connectivity at will. We present... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsWireless CommunicationsDistributed Algorithms
The vehicle routing problem (VRP) is a flourishing research area with clear applications to real-life distribution companies. However, most VRP-related academic articles assume the existence of a homogeneous fleet of vehicles and/or a... more
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      Randomized AlgorithmsAsymmetric InformationReal Life Problem SolvingHeterogeneous Data
We give an O(log 4 n)-time O(n 2)-processor CRCW PRAM algorithm to nd a hamiltonian cycle in a strong semicomplete bipartite digraph, B, provided that a factor of B (i.e. a collection of vertex disjoint cycles covering the vertex set of... more
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      MathematicsStochastic ProcessComputer ScienceRandomized Algorithms
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceRandomized AlgorithmsComputational Geometry
Originally I am dealing with the issue of an arbitrary random number X that maybe bigger than the limit of greatest Rand() so since there are more than one Rand() with different limits then we could have break down X=L1*A+L2*B+L3*C+L4*D... more
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      MathematicsRandomized AlgorithmsComputer ProgrammingRandom Number Generation