HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
• We use the evolution of distributions to characterize normal or anomalous diffusion. • We considered space and time dynamics to test different regimes of diffusion. • The width of the distribution is related to the parameters of the... more
We theoretically study the trapping time distribution and the efficiency of the excitation energy transport in dendritic systems. Trapping of excitations, created at the periphery of the dendrimer, on a trap located at its core, is used... more
We find the solution of the partial difference equation subject to the absorbing boundary conditions at x = 0 and x = m+1. Green's function will be determined using random walk techniques applying the reflective and inclusion-exclusion... more
We find the solution of the partial difference equation subject to the absorbing boundary conditions at x = 0 and x = m+1. Green's function will be determined using random walk techniques applying the reflective and inclusion-exclusion... more
We apply new image processing tools and computer modeling of DSB formation to analyze new experimental data on DSB (DNA doublestrand break) yield (#DSB per base pair per Gray). There is LET-dependent DSB clustering within the nucleus... more
Bu kitabın Türkiye'deki her türlü yayın hakkı Gazi Kitabevi Tic. Ltd. Şti'ne aittir, tüm hakları saklıdır. Kitabın tamamı veya bir kısmı 5846 sayılı yasanın hükümlerine göre, kitabı yayınlayan firmanın ve yazarlarının önceden izni olmadan... more
In human perception, convex surfaces have a strong tendency to be perceived as the "figure". Convexity has a stronger influence on figural organization than other global shape properties, such as symmetry ([9]). And yet, there has been... more
In human perception, convex surfaces have a strong tendency to be perceived as the "figure". Convexity has a stronger influence on figural organization than other global shape properties, such as symmetry ([9]). And yet, there has been... more
We investigate the in uence of a weak uniform bias on chaotic di usion generated by iterated one-dimensional maps which, in the absence of the bias, lead to subdi usion.
The pursuit of a unified theory that captures the intricacies of the brain and mind continues to be a significant challenge in theoretical neuroscience. This paper presents a novel, triune framework that utilizes the concept of collective... more
As this century unfolds we will witness the rise of the quantum computer. A quantum computer is a device that utilizes the laws of one of the most fundamental theories of physics -quantum mechanics. By utilizing properties of quantum... more
Este trabajo intenta presentar una metodología que pueda suministrar señales anticipadas de intervención en el mercado cambiario, en función de los niveles de volatilidad del tipo de cambio observados durante el Régimen de Flotación... more
On the physical relevance of random walks: an example of random walks on a randomly oriented lattice
Random walks on general graphs play an important role in the understanding of the general theory of stochastic processes. Beyond their fundamental interest in probability theory, they arise also as simple models of physical systems. A... more
Network embedding approaches are gaining momentum to analyse a large variety of networks. Indeed, these approaches have demonstrated their effectiveness in tasks such as community detection, node classification, and link prediction.... more
Approved as journal paper No. 7187. J J (d) where d> 0, while the residual series was 1(0), then the series were co integrated and the cointegration system could be consistently estimated
The XX0 Heisenberg model on a cyclic chain is considered. The representation of the Bethe wave functions via the Schur functions allows to apply the well-developed theory of the symmetric functions to the calculation of the thermal... more
The linear relation between Kemeny's constant, a graph metric directly linked with random walks, and the effective graph resistance in a regular graph has been an incentive to calculate Kemeny's constant for various networks. In this... more
The issue of long memory, though has important theoretical and practical implications, has not received much attention in India. This article examines the issue of long memory in mean of the stock returns by employing a set of... more
This study uses "event study" and "identification through heteroscedasticity" methodology to study the impact of Indian monetary policy announcements on stock indices during 2004-14. Although stock indices decline after announcement of... more
We address the problem of building and maintaining a forest of spanning trees in highly dynamic networks, in which topological events can occur at any time and any rate, and no stable periods can be assumed. In these harsh environments,... more
We study the price dynamics of 24 publicly traded companies in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) during the years 1926-1933 using data from the Wharton Research Data Service (WRDS) database. We find evidence against the hypothesis of... more
A numerical solution for the simulation of chemical vapor infiltration of ceramic matrix composites is presented. This computational model requires a 3D representation of the preform. Gas transport and chemical reaction are simulated by a... more
The probability distribution for the number of top to bottom spanning clusters in Directed percolation in two and three dimensions appears to be universal and is of the form $P(n) \sim \exp(-\alpha n^2)$. We argue that $\alpha$ is a new... more
Since some important variables are axial in weather study such as turbulent wind direction, the study of variance gamma distribution in case of circular data can be an amiable perspective; as such the ”Wrapped variance gamma” distribution... more
Openness to experience-the enjoyment of novel experiences and ideas-has many connections to cognitive processes. People high in openness to experience, for example, tend to be more creative and have broader general knowledge than people... more
Semantic distance plays an important role in the creative process: The farther one 'moves away' from a conventional idea, the more creative the new idea will likely be. Although intuitive, the role of semantic distance in creativity has... more
The creative process involves several cognitive processes, such as working memory, controlled attention and task switching. One other process is cognitive search over semantic memory. These search processes can be controlled (e.g.,... more
Compatibility among suppliers is an effective approach to manage the dependencies between members of supply chain. These members often try to achieve their respective goal, disregarding the objective of the complete supply chain for a new... more
on large deviations for sums of i.i.d. regularly varying random variables to partial sum processes of i.i.d. regularly varying vectors. The results are stated in terms of a heavy-tailed large deviation principle on the space of càdlàg... more
This paper introduces a method for the automatic conversion of the 3D mesh models into a set of the 2D patterns for producing physical copy-models. We consider the models that can be segmented into the near-developable parts. Each part is... more
The increase of the capacity of processing units and the growth of distributed computing make easy to collect and process information of Internet traffic flows. This information, however, can be used to perform attacks in anonymous... more
The random walk to be considered takes place in the δ-spherical dual of the group U(n + 1), for a fixed finite dimensional irreducible representation δ of U(n). The transition matrix comes from the three-term recursion relation satisfied... more
A new area is coming with intelligent materials able to provide diverse functionalities to users all along the product lifecycle, during the design, manufacturing, use and dismantling phases. These materials can track their own evolution... more
In a coalescing random walk, a set of particles make independent random walks on a graph. Whenever one or more particles meet at a vertex, they unite to form a single particle, which then continues the random walk through the graph.... more
In a coalescing random walk, a set of particles make independent discrete-time random walks on a graph. Whenever one or more particles meet at a vertex, they unite to form a single particle, which then continues a random walk through the... more
I would like to thank my committee members, colleagues, and family for their help, support, and guidance in this work. First of all I want to express my special appreciation and thanks to my advisor Professor Cox for the continuous... more
Reingold has shown that L = SL, that s-t connectivity in a poly-mixing digraph is complete for promise-RL, and that s-t connectivity for a poly-mixing out-regular digraph with known stationary distribution is in L. Several properties that... more
Multiomics Data Integration for Gene Regulatory Network Inference with Exponential Family Embeddings
The advent of omics technologies have enabled the generation of huge, complex, heterogeneous, and highdimensional omics data. Imposing numerous challenges in data integration, these data could lead to a better understanding of the... more
Covering Ground: Movement Patterns and Random Walk Behavior in <i>Aquilonastra anomala</i> Sea Stars
The paths animals take while moving through their environments affect their likelihood of encountering food and other resources; thus, models of foraging behavior abound. To collect movement data appropriate for comparison with these... more
Benjamini, Häggström, Peres and Steif introduced the model of dynamical random walk on d [2]. This is a continuum of random walks indexed by a parameter t. They proved that for d = 3, 4 there almost surely exist t such that the random... more
We present an algorithm by which nodes arranged in a tree, with each node initially knowing only its parent and children, can construct a fault-tolerant communication structure (an expander graph) among themselves in a distributed and... more
In this work, deep reinforcement learning methodology takes advantage of transfer learning methodology to achieve a reasonable trade-off between environmental impact and operating costs in the activated sludge process of Wastewater... more
Empresas que fazem distribuição de produtos no atacado normalmente têm grande quantidade de itens comercializados de diversos fabricantes em seu portfólio de produtos. Assim, encontrar e recomendar produtos ao cliente entre milhares de... more
In this paper we establish the cover time of a random graph G(d) chosen uniformly at random from the set of graphs with vertex set [n] and degree sequence d. We show that under certain restrictions on d, the cover time of G(d) is with... more
Recently, Lévy walks have been put forward as a new paradigm for animal search and many cases have been made for its presence in nature. However, it remains debated whether Lévy walks are an inherent behavioural strategy or emerge from... more