Random Processes

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Random processes, also known as stochastic processes, are mathematical objects that describe systems or phenomena that evolve over time in a probabilistic manner. They are characterized by a sequence of random variables, where the future state depends on both the current state and inherent randomness, often used in fields such as statistics, finance, and engineering.
This paper proposes a new inspection planning algorithm, called Random Inspection Tree Algorithm (RITA). Given a perfect model of a structure, sensor specifications, robot's dynamics, and an initial configuration of a robot, RITA computes... more
We present a scalable video coding scheme based on three dimensional (3D) Gauss Markov random process (GMrp) and replenishment extended vector quantization (VQ). The proposed video codec is capable of offering different quality of service... more
We present a scalable video coding scheme based on three dimensional (3D) Gauss Markov random process (GMrp) and replenishment extended vector quantization (VQ). The proposed video codec is capable of offering different quality of service... more
A computational problem that arises frequently in computer vision is that of estimating the parameters of a model from data that have been contaminated by noise and outliers. More generally, any practical system that seeks to estimate... more
2014 On donne une formulation par intégrales de chemin du formalisme de Fock pour objets classiques, premièrement introduit par Doi, et on l'applique à des processus généraux de naissance et mort sur réseau. L'intro- duction de variables... more
This paper presents a semi-supervised learning method for Vietnamese part of speech tagging. We take into account two powerful tagging models including Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) and the Guided Online-Learning models (GLs) as base... more
In classical spotlight-mode synthetic aperture radar (SAR), a mobile sensor array is steered to always focus on the same area (spot) as it moves, transmitting pulses to illuminate the spot and receiving and processing their reflections.... more
This paper presents a semi-supervised learning method for Vietnamese part of speech tagging. We take into account two powerful tagging models including Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) and the Guided Online-Learning models (GLs) as base... more
In order to guarantee high level of reliability of current complex digital systems, a robust functional verification process is mandatory. Random constrained functional verifica tion has been a common technique used in the industry, but... more
In recent studies of multi-target tracking, highorder association and its corresponding high-order affinity (or similarity) is often preferred over pairwise comparisons to capture high-order discriminative information. A naturally raised... more
Primary users (PU) separation concerns with the issues of distinguishing and characterizing primary users in cognitive radio (CR) networks. We argue the need for PU separation in the context of collaborative spectrum sensing and monitor... more
We present detailed experimental and numerical studies of random lasing in weakly scattering systems. The interference of scattered light, which is weak in the passive systems, is greatly enhanced in the presence of high gain, providing... more
We present a practical and provably-secure multinode communication scheme in the presence of a passive eavesdropper. The scheme is based on a random scheduling approach that hides the identity of the transmitter from the eavesdropper.... more
This report summarizes the activities in Phase I of "Assessing the Impact to Concrete Pavement Smoothness from Curling, Warping, and other Early-Age Behavior: Early, Frequent, and Detailed (Project 16). " The purpose of this project is to... more
In this paper, stochastic signaling is studied for power-constrained scalar valued binary communications systems in the presence of uncertainties in channel state information (CSI). First, stochastic signaling based on the available... more
This paper presents the properties of laser action in random porous media by means of a finite element method. Porous media composed of a dielectric material and randomly arranged pores are assumed as systems in which laser oscillation... more
In this paper we study different distributed estimation schemes for stochastic discrete time linear systems where the communication between the sensors and the estimation center is subject to random packet loss. Sensors are provided with... more
In this paper we study different distributed estimation schemes for stochastic discrete time linear systems where the communication between the sensors and the estimation center is subject to random packet loss. Sensors are provided with... more
Term weighting is a core idea behind any information retrieval technique which has crucial importance in document ranking. In graph based ranking algorithm, terms within a document are represented as a graph of that document. Term weights... more
A bi-level and mutually consistent (MC) programming techniques have previously been proposed, in which an area traffic control problem (ATC) is dealt with as upper-level problem whilst the users' equilibrium traffic assignment is dealt... more
A bi-level and mutually consistent (MC) programming techniques have previously been proposed, in which an area traffic control problem (ATC) is dealt with as upper-level problem whilst the users' equilibrium traffic assignment is dealt... more
Gelenbe has modeled the neural network using an analogy with queuing theory. This model (called Random Neural Network) calculates the probability of activation of the neurons in the network. Recently, we have.ppposed a recognition... more
In many engineering applications, specially in communication engineering, one usually encounters a bandpass non-Gaussian random process, with a slowly varying envelope. Among the available models for non-Gaussian random processes,... more
Direct and fast techniques for estimating normalized second-order moments of complex processes are discussed. First, the accuracy of the direct estimate is explicitly given in terms of bias and covariance for Gaussian processes. Then, a... more
The α-μ distribution is a generalized fading distribution which explores nonlinearities of the wireless channel. The performance metrics such as outage and bit error rate (BER) of α-μ distribution for maximal ratio combining (MRC), equal... more
Measurement of the compressive strength of parallel strand lumber ͑PSL͒ is conducted on specimens of varying size with nominally identical mesostructure. The mean of the compressive strength is found to vary inversely with the specimen... more
We present JUST.ASK, a publicly available Question Answering system, which is freely available. Its architecture is composed of the usual Question Processing, Passage Retrieval and Answer Extraction components. Several details on the... more
Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRTs) are effective for a wide range of applications ranging from kinodynamic planning to motion planning under uncertainty. However, RRTs are not as efficient when exploring heterogeneous environments and... more
To ensure a constant increase in user interest, clicks, recommendations, loyalty, and market share, first understand the information flows and connection networks surrounding each Web site in cyberspace.
PACS 05.40.-a – Fluctuation phenomena, random processes, noise, and Brownian motion
Head-related impulse response (HRIR) is a key factor in 3-D sound generation over headphones. The main goal of 3D sound applications is the reproduction of the spatial properties of a sound by filtering the sound source with the... more
The constrained optimization with differential evolution (DE) is addressed. A novel variant of competitive differential evolution with a hybridized search of feasibility region is proposed, where opposition-based optimization and adaptive... more
We split [0,1] in a uniform manner, take the largest of the two intervals thus obtained, split this interval again uniformly, and continue in this fashion ad infinitum. We show that the extremes of this interval converge almost surely to... more
We consider a directed acyclic network where there are two source-terminal pairs and the terminals need to receive the symbols generated at the respective sources. Each source independently generates an i.i.d. random process over the same... more
We show a number of improvements in the use of Hidden Conditional Random Fields (HCRFs) for phone classification on the TIMIT and Switchboard corpora. We first show that the use of regularization effectively prevents overfitting,... more
The annual SST lag for the world ocean is obtained from a Fourier analysis of the HadISST (1870–2008) and NOAA WOA05 (1900–2005) monthly SST data series. The main properties are a mean of 73 days and a standard deviation of 16 days, with... more
Since the birth of the automated karyotyping systems by the aid of computers, building a fully automated chromosome analysis system has been an ultimate goal. Along with many other challenges, automating chromosome classification and... more
A recent paper shows that the matched-filter/tappeddelay-line structure is optimum not only for linear pulse-modulated signals and linear channel distortion, hut also for nonlinear finitealphabet pulse-modulation and some nonlinear... more
The open problem of calculating the limiting spectrum (or its Shannon transform) of increasingly large random Hermitian finite-band matrices is described. In general, these matrices include a finite number of non-zero diagonals around... more
, except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now... more
This paper presents the use of distance normalization techniques in order to improve the speaker verification systems performances. These techniques provide a dynamic threshold that compensates the trial-to-trial variations and replaces... more
Formulation of a multi-site, multi-product, multi-period supply chain planning problem under uncertainty has been presented and analyzed in this paper using the fuzzy mathematical programming approach. Such problems have been popularly... more
Two concepts are proposed to characterize the behavior of stochastic systems under sustained random perturbations in time: Using Lyapunov exponents we define the region where an electric power system can be operated under random... more
The segmentation of the lung tissues in chest Computed Tomography (CT) images is an important step for developing any Computer-Aided Diagnostic (CAD) system for lung cancer and other pulmonary diseases. In this paper, we introduce a new... more
This paper proposes a handwritten recognition system on Pali cards of Buddhadasa Indapanno. The proposed system composes of 4 main processes, i.e., image pre-processing, character segmentation, feature extraction, and character... more