Radar Signal Processing
Recent papers in Radar Signal Processing
This paper develops a new radar system based on the concept of quantum entanglement property termed by Albert Einstein as a spooky action at a distance. The predicted Entangled Photonic Radar (EPR) System employs the non-classic strong... more
Subsurface radar techniques are increasingly being used for the detection and location of buried artefacts and structures within the upper regions of the earth's surface. The paper reviews the work done to date in this field, laying... more
Linear frequency modulated pulse compression (LFM-PC) radar is one of the widely used modern radar systems. It has high immunity against conventional noise jamming due to its high processing gain. To sufficiently affect such radar, smart... more
We will illustrate two problems of Machine Learning on Lie groups for Radar applications. Target recognition on Radar micro-Doppler data could be modeled by a problem of classification of dataset considered as elements of SU(1,1) Lie... more
In multichannel pulse Doppler surveillance radars, parallel signal processing is used in several timespatial channels, i.e. range-azimuth-elevation. Time-spatially differenced data give radar output picture about targets existence,... more
Applications of digital signal processing in telecommunications are considered, taking into account the characteristics of telecommunications systems, aspects of digital transmission, digital switching, digital signal processing in... more
This tutorial provides a broad-based discussion of radar system, covering the following topics: -Introduction to Radars in Military and Commercial Applications -Radar System Block Diagram -Radar Antennas (slotted waveguide array, planar... more
In this paper, we present a new complex electronic system for facilitating communication with severely disabled patients and telemonitoring their physiological parameters. The proposed assistive system includes three subsystems (Patient,... more
This is MATLAB's 10 most easy & most basic programs that I's supposed to submit in my practicals. In this document I've complied 10 MATLAB programs from basic to advanced through intermediate levels, But overall they are for beginners... more
Radar is an acronym for Radio Detection And Ranging.
Radar have become indispensable in several major fields of research and in commerce.
Radar have become indispensable in several major fields of research and in commerce.
Автор: к.т.н. Семенов Н.Н., Санкт-Петербург, СПбГМТУ.
Automotive radar is an emerging field of research and development. Technological advancements in this field will improve safety for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists, and enable the development of autonomous vehicles. Usage the... more
Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) provides a very effective technique for reconstructing high resolution Imagery from raw data collected by relatively small antenna. ISAR imaging is induced by target motion and is obtained by means... more
As we are diving deeper into the world of Autonomous Driving, we need a more reliable and robust system which can sense the surrounding of a vehicle in all-weather conditions and at any time of the day. Apart from this, we also need a... more
4 Jenis Radar Yang Sering Digunakan Untuk Navigasi Radar adalah salah satu jenis peralatan navigasi yang digunakan di darat, laut dan udara yang sering difungsikan untuk melacak gelombang elektromagnetik dari sensor dan kembali ke sensor.... more
Penemuan radar (radio detection and ranging)pada tahun 1953 oleh Robert Watson-Watt juga menerapkan sistem kerja gelombang ultrasonik. Seperti sonar, alat inipun menjadi inspirasi digunakannya ultrasonik dalam bidang obstetri ginekologi... more
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a popular branch with how machines comprehend and interpret human language. A computer can only comprehend information in the form of numbers, not words. As a result, it's critical to research what... more
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the... more
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the... more
By using pulse compression, radar can simultaneously achieve the energy of a long pulse and the resolution of a short pulse. The immunity of pulse compression radar against jamming can be increased by using waveform agility and diversity.... more
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) systems involve a wide spectrum of DSP algorithms and their realizations are often accelerated by use of novel VLSI design techniques. Now-a-days various DSP systems are implemented on a variety of... more
When radar systems were first implemented, engineers were solving complex mathematics and building prototypes to evaluate the performance of the systems. The design process took long time to complete. Nowadays, radar systems are becoming... more
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the... more
In this paper, different machine learning algorithms such as Linear Discriminant Analysis, Support vector machine (SVM), Multi-layer perceptron, Random forest, K-nearest neighbour, and Autoencoder with SVM have been compared. This... more
This doctoral thesis was written at the Technologies for Cultural Heritage Laboratory (TCH Lab) which is part of the Electronic Department of the University of Florence. It is a multidisciplinary laboratory in the Information Technology... more
In this paper we propose an approach for testing time-domain properties of analog and mixed-signal circuits. The approach is based on an adaptation of a recently developed test generation technique for hybrid systems and a new concept of... more
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the... more
Pulsed noise jamming is a common anti-radar jamming technique. It creates a noise pulse when radar signal is received, thus concealing any aircraft flying behind it with a block of noise. Modern Linear Frequency Modulated Pulse... more
This thesis presents a study of different radar ranging techniques, synthetic aperture radio (SAR) imaging techniques and its application in Through Wall Imaging Radar. Ultra wide band (UWB) Stepped-Frequency Continuous Wave radar, in the... more
x-band, s-band, ship, radar
In this work we investigate the different sensing schemes for detection of four targets as observed through a vector Poisson and Gaussian channels when the sensing time resource is limited and the source signals can be observed through a... more
Forest fire is one of those natural disasters that have been causing huge destruction in terms of loss of vegetation, animals and hence affects the economy. Image segmentation techniques have been applied on satellite images of forest... more