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Pointing to a number of informal dynamics in small societies that are supposed to enhance cooperation and consensus, traditional studies on power-sharing posit that small states are ‘most likely’ candidates for stable, multiethnic... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsPersonalizationPersonalismSmall States
A sequel to the groundbreaking volume Race and Racism in Modern East Asia: Western and Eastern Constructions, the present volume examines in depth interactions between Western racial constructions of East Asians and local constructions of... more
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      Ethnic StudiesJapanese StudiesGender StudiesRacial and Ethnic Politics
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsRace and EthnicityNationalismCaribbean Studies
A chronology of all measures introduced by the National Socialist municipal administration and other perpetrator agencies against the Berlin Jews. The day by day chronicle, based on many hitherto unknown sources, provides the reader with... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsRace and RacismUrban HistoryGenocide Studies
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsSocial IdentityCritical Race StudiesRace and Racism
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      Ethnic StudiesRacial and Ethnic PoliticsRace and EthnicityStereotypes
The first part of this paper presents a historical outline of how racial and cultural alterity (particularly indigeneity) has been imagined and represented by elites in Colombia since the nineteenth century. The evolution of these ideas... more
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      Ethnic StudiesRacial and Ethnic PoliticsDiversityCultural Diversity
Convocation Address at Bethel University, August 29, 2016 about recent troubles in Minnesota, particularly the shooting of Philando Castille, and our responsibility as followers of the Gospel. There is an audio link also available. After... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesCriminal JusticePolice Science
This year's celebration of the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. assumes special significance, poignancy, and urgency as we remember King during the same week that Donald Trump assumes the U.S. Presidency. My university, like... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsClassPolitics
This newspaper column from 2003 examines how Indians in Trinidad and Tobago are misled, guided by so many fears, the encouragement of feelings of victimhood, and smallness of vision. There is an important contribution for Indians to make... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural SociologyLatin American and Caribbean HistoryRacial and Ethnic Politics
Forty years ago Clifford Geertz published a signature essay that began with an account of a Moroccan sheep raid that had been constructed by weaving together three different frames of interpretation: Jewish, Berber, and French. In... more
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    • Racial and Ethnic Politics
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      Political SociologyRacial and Ethnic PoliticsNationalismEthnic Conflict
These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureAfrican StudiesWorld Literatures
This revisionary view of identity politics, and the politics of inclusion, was published in the Los Angeles Times. It focuses on a surprising star of the Republican Party--abolitionist Frederick Douglass. Inclusion without racialism may... more
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      American LiteratureHistoryAmerican HistoryCultural History
This study examines the life of Crips cofounder Stanley “Tookie” Williams and the controversy surrounding his multiple nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. After being sentenced to death for a quadruple murder,... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesRacial and Ethnic PoliticsRestorative JusticeAfrican American Studies
Purpose Terminologies such as 'integrated marketing' and 'market segmentation' may be common parlance in contemporary marketing literature, but in postwar America they had distinct racial orientations mediated by a history of segregation.... more
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      MarketingRacial and Ethnic PoliticsSegregationAdvertising
À l’automne 2013, au moment de la controversée Charte des valeurs qui voulait interdire aux fonctionnaires le port de signes religieux dits ostentatoires, des femmes et des féministes se sont organisées. Pendant que certaines se... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsRace and RacismPostcolonial FeminismFeminism and Social Justice
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      Ethnic StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAmerican PoliticsRacial and Ethnic Politics
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      Feminist EconomicsPolitical EconomyRacial and Ethnic PoliticsWelfare State
This Special Issue of Humanities comes at a time when the viability of the humanities are challenged on numerous fronts. On the one hand, the humanities face material threats as the politics of austerity continues throughout Europe and... more
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      SociologyHumanitiesEnvironmental EducationRacial and Ethnic Politics
There is a wide consensus that the modern concept of race originated in Europe, and, by the same token, that in modern times this continent and its overseas offshoots had seen more than their fair share of extreme forms of racism. It is... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEthnic StudiesJapanese StudiesRacial and Ethnic Politics
In contemporary American Politics, there have been many studies on voting behavior. They have included topics such as bloc voting, coalition building to form an electoral majority, and 3 rd party voting. This paper addresses the question... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsAmerican PoliticsVoting BehaviorPolitical Parties
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      Social PsychologyEthnic StudiesMulticulturalismMedia Studies
Never accomplished idea of united Caucasus comes back during Mikheil Saakashvili's presidency, in the context of 2014 Sochi winter olympics. Georgia could play a key role bringing together nations of North and South Caucasus. And the... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsEthnic minoritiesNorth CaucasusGeorgian foreign policy
Az elmúlt évtizedekben növekvő számú szakirodalom vizsgálta a választási szabályok és intézmények különböző lehetséges hatásait a pártrendszerekre mind a régóta fennálló demokráciákban, mind pedig a demokratizálódó országokban. A... more
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      Ethnic StudiesRacial and Ethnic PoliticsMinority RightsEthnic politics
This article explores the meaning of “resistance” and suggests a new path for “resistance studies,” which is an emerging and interdisciplinary field of the social sciences that is still relatively fragmented and heterogeneous. Resistance... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial MovementsCultural SociologySocial Networks
This report examines the practice of coercive sterilisations in the Czech Republic as experienced by Romani women against their will or without free and informed consent. Along with a review of the institutional, legal and policy context... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsSexual and Reproductive HealthWomen's RightsRomanian Studies
The early ethnological works of Alfred Métraux are analysed bearing in mind his first fieldwork trip to the Chiriguano, in 1929. The paper discusses personal, academic and professional features of Métraux’s ethnological experience, the... more
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      ReligionCultural HistoryEthnohistorySociology
Full Introduction of the Book 
The book's website is
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      Non Fiction WritingBlack Studies Or African American StudiesDemocratic EducationRacial and Ethnic Politics
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsEthnic minoritiesEthnic ConflictLithuania
Resenha: Resumo: Neste livro, são apresentados o resultado de pesquisas, que se iniciaram no Arquivo Geral do CEFET, com o levantamento de dados acadêmicos e sociais dos alunos matriculados no curso técnico de Química Industrial da... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsRace and RacismEthnic and Racial StudiesRacism
What is at stake, here, is the quest for equilibrium versus disequilibrium in a society that marginalizes human beings into substandard racial groups. Identifying and counteracting the biopsychosocial and behavioral consequences of actual... more
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      PsychologyBlack Studies Or African American StudiesRacial and Ethnic PoliticsCritical Race Studies
This paper seeks to examine the justifications behind the implementation of the Group Representation Constituency (GRC) scheme and to reassess its relevance in today’s political climate. To do so, this paper explores the existing... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsMalaysiaSingaporeSingapore Politics
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsRussian NationalismNationalismRussian Politics
Racial hoaxes are becoming a popular discursive strategy to disguise racism, as well as a powerful means for triggering waves of fake news and outraged comments both on mainstream and social media. Built on grounds of plausibility and... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMedia SociologyMedia StudiesNew Media
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesEthnic StudiesSelf and Identity
De Oliveira, Dennis Racismo estrutural Uma perspectiva histórico-crítica / Dennis de Oliveira. - São Paulo : Dandara Editora ; Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Brasil, 2021. - 206 Seiten = 10 MB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: São Paulo : FES,... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsRace and RacismRacismRacismo y discriminación
Volyň, Rivnenská oblast a etnické problémy: Historie, etnické skupiny, svědectví pamětníků (pracovní název)-Pracovní verze-Tato "historická" část není vyčerpávající, text má mít především popularizační charakter-Jedná se o první část,... more
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      Ethnic StudiesRacial and Ethnic PoliticsSoviet HistoryNationalism
Der 'III. Weg' ist eine elitäre und straff organisierte Neonazi-Vereinigung, die 2013 gegründet wurde.
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsRefugee StudiesMigrationAntisemitism (Prejudice)
In this article the author shares a critical reflection of his work as a teacher educator over the last five years teaching in both public and private universities in the U.S. Midwest. The author reflects on his work in a class called... more
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      Critical TheoryTeaching and LearningMulticulturalismRacial and Ethnic Politics
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      Ethnic StudiesCensorshipRacial and Ethnic PoliticsEquality Studies
In this new opening chapter of the 4th edition of IMMIGRANT AMERICA, we analyze three distinct phases spanning the last century and a third: (1) the Great European Waves of the period from 1880 to 1930, which accompanied the American... more
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      HistorySociologyEuropean StudiesRacial and Ethnic Politics
Youth Gangs, Racism, and Schooling examines Vietnamese American youth gang formation in Southern California, with an emphasis on the experiences of those heavily involved in the 1990s. Lam traces the genealogy of the Vietnamese American... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesEthnic StudiesRacial and Ethnic Politics
Firstly, the Roman Catholic «prehistory» of contact between the Panoan groups of Bolivian Amazonia and Jesuit, Franciscan and lay clergy missionaries is described. The paper then analyses the continuity of the evangelization process by... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionEthnohistory
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryRacial and Ethnic PoliticsHolocaust Studies
O objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir para a compreensão de marcos importantes no debate sobre racismo no Brasil e seu efeito no ativismo negro, enfatizando a última fase, que trata de violência policial. A forma como organizamos as... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsViolenceBlack/African DiasporaRace and Racism
In the political and social doctrine “The Ideology of Twentieth Century” the fascist leader Benito Mussolini expresses his view about the aims of the Fascist government with impressive but indirect way: “The Fascist State express the... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsWar StudiesFascismNationalism
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      ManagementHistoryAmerican HistorySociology
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsBlack/African DiasporaSociología Política