Charles Mills began his career as a Marxist but at a particular point shifted to a focus on race, deliberately leaving behind an explicit concern with class, though implying that both class and race (along with gender) constitute... more
Looking at the growth of social media and ourselves being affected/absorbed by it, especially by digital monopolies, it becomes apparent that focusing on teaching critical media literacies is increasingly essential for socio-environmental... more
The American Civil War has been commemorated with a great variety of monuments, memorials, and markers. These monuments were erected for a variety of reasons, beginning with memorialization of the fallen and later to honor aging veterans,... more
This chapter explores the conceptual relation of facts about racial injustice to two key aspects of Rawls’s ideal theory. First, it explains why Rawls excludes race from his representation of a well-ordered society and why he believes... more
This case study examines the controversial third verse of "The Star-Spangled Banner," which includes the phrase "hireling and slave" who "dare not breathe" under the American flag. Written by Francis Scott Key in 1814, the anthem has long... more
This essay argues that Charles Mills's normative vision for racial justice-a reformed, race-attentive liberalism-is fundamentally self-undermining because it embraces the liberal property form. Specifically, I show how Mills's insistence... more
In this symposium, we explore learning racial justice across different research contexts, from social movements and formal educational settings using the framework of Pedagogies of Witnessing. We take up the possibilities and limitations... more
In 2019, the Maryland Lynching Truth and Reconciliation Commission (MLTRC) was established. The first of its kind in the United States, this official body was tasked with investigating racial terror lynchings of African Americans in the... more
Liberalism is often claimed to be at odds with feminism and critical race theory (CRT). This article argues, to the contrary, that Rawlsian liberalism supports the central commitments of both. Section 1 argues that Rawlsian liberalism... more
One way to describe a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) is as a listening exercise. TRCs are intended to strengthen democracy, peace, and human rights by, at least in part, listening: listening to members of a community who have... more
The role of the teacher in higher education extends far beyond the simple transmission of knowledge. It involves cultivating relationships, engaging ethically, and co-constructing identity within a dynamic institutional framework.... more
Over the last 30 years, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has used the pattern-or-practice initiative to implement police reform in maligned law enforcement agencies. Despite the longevity of the program, there is limited empirical evidence... more
Clinton Stockwell
Cornel West's Public Theology
MAPT Thesis
Union Presbyterian Seminary
April 2024
Cornel West's Public Theology
MAPT Thesis
Union Presbyterian Seminary
April 2024
The United States is a racially diverse nation that also is saturated with severe racial injustice. At the same time, it is a nation within which countless residents seek full flourishing for all peoples despite the hazards of a... more
This paper investigates the relationship between certi ed green buildings and biophilic design principles, aiming to assess how biophilic design aligns with Green Building Rating Tools (GBRTs). To achieve this, three widely used GBRTs... more
To write about race and transitional justice begins in many ways from a point of radical impossibility. There is no plausible repair for the transatlantic slave trade. There is no apology available for apartheid. There is no amount of... more
White defensiveness in response to racial justice education has increasingly been understood through the “white fragility” framework. This study puts forth a new framework that instead identifies a typology of white defensive moves that... more
On June 30, 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States issued the decision in Biden v. Nebraska, striking down the Biden Program of student debt forgiveness. The decision reignited the debate about the cost of higher education in the... more
On May 29, 2020, in the Brooklyn borough of New York, a demonstrator who was arrested waits in the back of a bus during a protest against the death of George Floyd, a black man who was killed while being restrained by a Minneapolis police... more
Despite the increased numbers of students of color in higher education, racial stratification is deeply entrenched in the university system (Carnevale & Strohl, 2013), and it is within these racialized systems of inequality that students... more
When remembering the revolutionary period in American history known as the civil rights movement-a nonviolent social and political movement and campaign that set out to abolish legalized institutional racial segregation, discrimination,... more
This article highlights a four-year community engagement project to engage residents in remembering historic and iconic places, which served the community during its heyday, and envisioning future development. The project was realized... more
This article, which appeared in New Politics in Winter 1968, is not currently in the NP archives, although it is available online: I am posting it as a public service. Note the... more
Elisa Sanchez stood up and spoke during the January 8, 2006, memorial service for Clinton Jencks in San Diego, California, as recounted in James Lorence's Palomino. Sanchez, a child in Grant County, New Mexico, during the Empire Zinc... more
am glad, humbled, and honoured to be part of the publication, the official journal of the United Theological College Bangalore. My article is "Re-reding the life and work of Ecumenical Personalities: Charles H. Brenty, J.H. Oldham, and... more
This paper examines the ways that spirituality, the arts, and relational interdependence have undergirded the Black American struggle for justice, and together provide a model for one to begin to bring about peace “from the inside out.”
This paper examines the ways that spirituality, the arts, and relational interdependence have undergirded the Black American struggle for justice, and together provide a model for one to begin to bring about peace “from the inside out.”
In this thesis we will examine the debate between ideal theory and non-ideal theory. This is a debate that has already been much discussed, but new authors are constantly adding new arguments and new approaches. One of the authors who... more
In the aftermath of the urban uprisings of the 1960s, African Americans pointed to the role of police violence in sparking and fueling the moments of unrest. The police, Los Angeles civil rights lawyer Loren Miller explained after the... more
This paper builds on James Cones' Black Liberation Theology (BLT) and grants the well-known fact that BLT leans heavily on the Hebrew Bible’s Exodus motif for its hermeneutic. Cones used the Exodus motif to argue for the need for... more
Community agriculture initiatives are often run by organizations (1) relying on volunteer structures; (2) growing produce sustainably; and (3) aiming to improve health and access to food in their communities. To clarify “growing produce... more
The rich mosaic of U.S. demographics contains multiple languages, cultures, and belief systems. Yet, the historical legacy of an old, white supremacist "master narrative" continues to dominate our political, social, and educational... more
Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, delivered on August 28, 1963, remains a powerful call for racial equality and justice. While primarily focused on African American civil rights, King's vision for a just society transcends... more
Collective Conclusion: Collective Reflections on Critical Storytelling for Racial and Social Justice
The eight student authors of this special issue were all drawn to the mission of a newly formed doctoral program at UC San Diego, Transforming Education in a Diverse Society, which focuses on equity, justice, and collaboration in an... more
This paper reports on a qualitative participatory curriculum study where 5th graders from southeast Wisconsin investigate the concept of community through a process of countermapping. Framed by place-based education and spatial justice,... more
This essay reflects on the many upheavals of the past year and their implications for critical scholarship on surveillance. The COVID-19 pandemic, anti-science policies, radicalized white supremacists, police killings of people of color,... more
Despite an increasing body of research focusing on the use of social media posts for inferring various social phenomena such as influenza spread, political preferences, or information diffusion, less attention has been given to the... more
The Cultural Resource Centers (CRCs) at Portland State University (PSU) create a student-centered inclusive environment that enriches the university experience. The CRCs value diversity, social justice, cultural traditions, student... more
The death of George Floyd is just one of several incidents that pushed issues of race, diversity and justice to the front burner in 2020. At the University of Maine, President Joan Ferrini-Mundy created a new council to examine where... more
The death of George Floyd is just one of several incidents that pushed issues of race, diversity and justice to the front burner in 2020. At the University of Maine, President Joan Ferrini-Mundy created a new council to examine where... more
Feature article on Father Louis J. Twomey, S.J. (1905-1969), his friendship with Martin Luther King Jr., and his activism for labor and civil rights in the South
Background: Growing recognition of racism perpetuated within academic institutions has given rise to anti-racism efforts in these settings. In June 2020, the university-based California Preterm Birth Initiative (PTBi) committed to an... more
Effectively addressing both cognitive and affective dimensions of learning is one of the greatest obstacles to teaching race and racial justice in higher education. In this article, we first explore the need to integrate attention to... more
Teaching on topics of race and racism presents unique challenges to leaders in the university classroom setting. Despite an increasing number of instructors bringing a critical analysis of racial in/justice to their curriculum, many... more
Family Foundation Giving Trends 2012 is the fifth in a series of reports that annually updates the giving of the largest 100 family foundations in the UK, tracking trends and comparing them with their US counterparts. Giving through... more
Bail bond companies act as gatekeepers to freedom for thousands in California every day. Yet despite their ubiquitous role in our criminal justice system, the current framework regulating the commercial bail industry almost exclusively... more
This article presents a qualitative analysis of Black student organizers’ experiences of racism at the University of Missouri, where they led a resurgence of campus struggles in 2015. Analyzing experiences and impacts of everyday violence... more