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Peri-urban agriculture (PUA) comprises a broad set of agricultural activities carried out in cities or in close proximity to cities. With increasingly permissive approaches to diverse livelihood strategies and open markets in agricultural... more
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      Organic agricultureAgricultural EconomicsAgricultureMorocco
Brief analysis of the contemporary Moroccan art exhibit of Tetouan School artists in the context of the discourses on #worldart and #contemporaryart, in general. NOTE: updated version is posted at... more
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      Museum StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa StudiesContemporary Art
Peri-urban agriculture (PUA) comprises a broad set of agricultural activities carried out in cities or in close proximity to cities. With increasingly permissive approaches to diverse livelihood strategies and open markets in agricultural... more
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      Organic agricultureAgricultural EconomicsAgricultureMorocco
Résumer une vie n’est pas une tâche facile, indépendamment de la forme ou de la discipline choisie pour l’aborder. Si en outre, c’est la composante professionnelle qui nourrit l’intérêt public, comme c’est le cas pour un architecte,... more
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      ArchitectureCasablancaMarocHistoire Des Villes Marocaines
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    • Rabat
Étude du tablier d'un viaduc en béton précontraint Application au viaduc de la nouvelle rocade n°2 de Rabat-Salé. Mémoire en vue de l'obtention du diplôme d'ingénieur en génie civil.
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      Civil EngineeringBridge Engineeringprestressed ConcreteMaroc
This Master's dissertation studies Cosmana Navarra within the context of patronage in the Maltese Islands, as a female philanthropist and patron during the Baroque period. Her social status enabled her to commission various works of art... more
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      Gender StudiesArt HistoryWomen's StudiesWomen's History
Migrants were intend to use Morocco as a transit route, but difficulties in entering Europe frequently result in longer stays in the host country. To what extent Morocco is a country of immigration or a country used as a transit country... more
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      Refugee StudiesMigrationMoroccoMigration Studies
L’origine del santuario tofet va ricercata nella madrepatria fenicio-cipriota o a Cartagine? Che ruolo ha quest’ultima nello sviluppo e nella diffusione del tofet? E cosa accade dopo la distruzione della metropoli punica? L’analisi delle... more
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      ReligionMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa StudiesPhoenicians
ʻAz al-Maghrib Maʻninou.-Salā "al-madīna al-muqfala".-Al-infitāḥ al-ḥadir ʻalā al-Gharb min al-qasf ilā al-iḥtilāl, 1851-1912 (ar-Ribāt: Imprimerie Rabat Net, 2017), 326 p.
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      RabatHistoire Du MarocHistory of MoroccoSalé (Maroc)
Kompetensi Dasar : 1. Menyelesaikan masalah berkaitan dengan keuntungan, kerugian, penjualan dan pembelian 2. Menyelesaikan masalah berkaitan dengan Diskon (Rabat) 3. Menyelesaikan masalah Bruto, Neto dan Tara A. Persentase Untung (U)... more
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Abstract— The problem of solid household waste has arisen with great sharpness in recent decades. In particular, the management of leachates and the neutralization of their environmental impacts. The need for Morocco to meet the... more
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      Air pollutionMoroccoRabatPhysicochemistry
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      Real EstateEconomicsLand and Property DevelopmentMorocco
The current study was aimed to assess practices, roles and challenges of peri-urban agriculture in Rabat Metropolis. Through purposive and stratified random sampling methods 50 respondents were selected. To achieve the objectives of this... more
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      Research MethodologyEducational ResearchMoroccoBiodiversity
Hired Daughters examines a fading tradition of domestic service in which rural girls familiar to ordinary Moroccan families were placed in their homes until marriage. In this tradition of "bringing up," the girls are considered "daughters... more
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      Gender StudiesPopular CultureEconomic AnthropologyLabour Law
Ribât, Ortaçağ İslâm dünyasının ilk dönemlerinde; askerî-dinî bir kavram olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Ele aldığımız kavramın tarihsel gelişimini incelerken ilk olarak; kelimenin sözlük ve terim anlamlarını açıklamaya çalıştık.... more
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      CaravanseraisTasavvufImarets in the Ottoman EmpireArchitecture of the Tekke, Hankah, Zaviyes_Dervish Lodges
Street food, Rabat madina, May 22, 2016 is the updated article published in 2013, fall at Morocco News Board, now defunct. Street food in Morocco should be consumed in moderation and after CDC recommended travel vaccinations. Also, as... more
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      Cultural HeritageMoroccoStreet Food VendorsRabat
The following study concerns Shāla, which was the necropolis of the Marīnid rulers from 683/1284 to 752/1351. The Islamic buildings on the site have rarely received scholarly attention, although these edifices – despite their delapidated... more
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      Islamic ArtIslamic' ArchitectureMoroccoMediterranean archaeology
Hubuškia is a royal city and country in Northern Zagros and one of the significant buffer states between Assyrian and Urartian spheres of influence during the 9th to 7th centuries BC. Our information about Hubuškia comes primarily from... more
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      Urban PlanningLebanonMoroccoFinancialization
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      PhoeniciansArchaeology of ReligionHuman sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)Ancient Religion
Pour participer et soumettre un résumé veuillez cliquer sur le lien suivant: Colloque international « Oasis et Espaces en marge : Changements Globaux et Formes d'Adaptation à l'ère de la Mondialisation » 23 – 24... more
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      MarocRabatColloque International
The Kasbahs of Chellah and Oudayas (world cultural heritage)are the most important archaeological Roman and Islamic sites ofthe imperial city Rabat (Morocco). Submitted to natural hazardsand environmental aggressions, these monuments have... more
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      MoroccoArchaeological SitesRecommendationsRabat
Le développement d’un champ d’artistes de rue contemporains au Maroc soulève un certain nombre de questions, relativement à leur rapport aux institutions de l’art et à leur présence dans l’espace urbain. Tout en mettant en œuvre des... more
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      AnthropologyUrban AnthropologyMoroccoStreet Art
Our aim is to present through several images, the particular combination of architectural problems of the three great almohad minarets –the towers of Marrakuš, Išbıliya and Rabat– which are based upon the “unusual” model of that of the... more
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      Islamic StudiesIbn ArabiAlmohadsSevilla
En la Kutubiyya de Marrakech existen algunos leves indicios de los dibujos que sirvieron para controlar sus formas decorativas. Son de los pocos dibujos conocidos en el Islam antiguo. Por otra parte se exponen dudas sobre la cronología... more
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      Drawings (Architecture)Early and Medieval Islamic Art and ArchitectureMinaretsRabat
GLM Collective Inquiry in Casablanca & Rabat, 2015
Master 'Governing the Large Metropolis', Sciences Po Urban School
Students' report
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      MoroccoUrban Political EconomyMetropolitan PlanningPolycentric Urban Regions
Notre article s’intéresse à un type particulier d’espace public à l’échelle métropolitain comme exemple d’espace ouvert (autres qu’agricoles ou naturels) à considérer dans sa matérialité spatiale, en tant que support de l’interaction... more
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      Social InteractionUrban PlanningTime geographyUrban Waterfronts
Contribution to the special issue "Comparing what? Conceptualizing comparison in ethnographic research" (edited by Andrea Mubi Brighenti & Nicholas DeMaria Harney)
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      Italian StudiesComparative UrbanismUrban StudiesUrban Sociology
This article introduces the "human rights perception poll," our investigation of public opinion towards human rights issues and organizations in Mexico, Colombia, India, and Morocco.
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      Human RightsColombiaNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Morocco
a-la-terre-quand-une-tribu-guerriere-marocaine-se-rebelle_4568388_3212.html En plein coeur d'un quartier huppé de Rabat, les habitants expulsés du douar Ouled Dlim maintiennent un campement permanent en pleine rue pour revendiquer leur... more
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      MoroccoRabatForced EvictionsLandgrabbing
The Kasbahs of Chellah and Oudayas (world cultural heritage) are the most important archaeological Roman and Islamic sites of the imperial city Rabat (Morocco). Submitted to natural hazards and environmental aggressions, these monuments... more
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      GeologyMoroccoArchaeological SitesRecommendations
Ahiska turkleri, ahiska, turkler, surgun, ahiskalilar, vatan, mesxetiya, adigun, axiska turkleri, Qafqaz, deportasiya, turk folkloru, mitoloji, мифология, фольклор, кавказ, ахалцихские турки, месхетинские турки, фергана, turk halkbilimi,... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreTurkeyTurkish LiteratureTurkish Language
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      MaltaCatholic ArtRabatSaint Joseph
Pour télécharger cliquer sur "download"  pas sur l'image ou le texte du titre, ça ne marche pas! - see abstract p.12, published 2010 (380 p.)
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      MoroccoSocial HistoryAlgeriaRabat
Formation hôtesse de l'air et steward au Maroc
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      Training and DevelopmentMoroccoMaritime Training and EducationRabat
B’Tselem, located in Jerusalem, Israel, is a Non-profit NGO that documents human rights violations in the Israeli occupied territories. B'Tselem publishes, on their website, a database of individuals killed in the conflicts between Israel... more
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      International TerrorismHuman RightsHuman Rights EducationPalestinian-Israeli conflict
Cette recherche a porté sur l'intégration des activités agricoles au sein de l'aménagement de la vallée du fleuve Bouregreg. Méthodologie : Trois mois de terrain au Maroc, entretiens individuels et collectifs (Ministère, collectivités,... more
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      Urbanisme, aménagement, développement durableMarocRabatUrban and Peri-urban Agriculture
in Les Mondes Urbains, Le parcours engagé de Françoise Navez-Bouchanine, sous la dir. d’A. Deboulet et M. Jole, Kartala, Paris, 2012
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      RabatEspaces Publics
Nous explorons le role de la distance dans les systemes d’approvisionnement alimentaire de l’agglomeration de Rabat (Maroc) et les forces centrifuges expliquant la persistance de l’agriculture periurbaine. Nos donnees qualitatives et... more
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      Political ScienceDistanceMarocRabat
Nous explorons le rôle de la distance dans les systèmes d’approvisionnement alimentaire de l’agglomération de Rabat (Maroc) et les forces centrifuges expliquant la persistance de l’agriculture périurbaine. Nos données qualitatives et... more
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      Political ScienceDistanceMarocRabat
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      GlobalizationFilm StudiesFilm AnalysisRevolutions
In Moroccan cities, the problem of solid household waste has arisen with great sharpness in recent two decades. In particular, the management of leachates and the neutralization of their environmental impacts. The need for Morocco to meet... more
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      MoroccoPatrimoine ArchéologiqueMaghrebMaroc