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En muchas especies es imposible distinguir visualmente los sexos, si bien en algunas de ellas, machos y hembras muestran pequeñas, pero cuantificables, diferencias biométricas que pueden usarse para discriminarlos. Este es el caso del... more
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      StatisticsApplied StatisticsBiometricsBirds (Ecology)
Online PCA for multivariate and functional data using perturbation, incremental, and stochastic gradient methods.
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      Statistical ComputingPrincipal Component AnalysisR softwarStatistical Computing In R
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      Data MiningR softwar
This is designed to show how to conduct EFA in the R program (R Development Core Team, 2014) following Osborne's (2014) Best Practices in Exploratory Factor Analysis book.
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      R softwarR SoftwareExploratory Factor Analysis
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      Time series analysisR softwar
Urban growth, urban extension, and urban sprawl are sometimes used synonymously, even though they differ conceptually. Urban growth is an increase in the urbanized land cover. One possible means of urban growth is by urban extension.... more
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      Remote SensingSpatial AnalysisSpatial ModelingUrban Planning
Modul ini adalah pedoman atau panduan dalam Proses Belajar dan Mengajar yang merupakan penunjang Praktikum mata Kuliah Probabilitas dan Statistika menggunakan Microsoft Excel dan R-Software, bagi mahasiswa Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen &... more
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      StatisticsApplied StatisticsStatistical AnalysisProbability and statistics
My talk at the Department of Political Science of the University of Michigan about Data Visualization with R. I will talk about the packages and the methods that can be used in R for Data Visualization. I will talk about how we can... more
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyData MiningData VisualizationR softwar
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      Latent variable modelingR softwarExploratory Factor Analysis
A common question asked by researchers using regression models is, What sample size is needed for my study? While there are formulae to estimate sample sizes, their assumptions are often not met in the collected data. A more realistic... more
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      R softwarR SoftwareSample SizeMultiple Linear Regression
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      Data VisualizationR softwarMachine Learning Big Data
This paper aims to introduce multilevel logistic regression analysis in a simple and practical way. First, we introduce the basic principles of logistic regression analysis (conditional probability, logit transformation, odds ratio).... more
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      Multilevel Modeling of Educational DataSPSSLogistic RegressionMultilevel research
The mean function is a central object of inquiry in the analysis of functional data. Typical questions related to the mean function include quantifying estimation uncertainty, testing parametric models, and making comparisons between... more
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      StatisticsFunctional Data Analysis (Mathematics)R softwarConfidence intervals
The aim of this paper is to show how numerical and statistical methods can be used in order to price derivatives. In particular, the analysis is focused on the pricing of European call and put options of Amazon by means of different... more
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      Monte Carlo SimulationR softwarLevy processesBlack Scholes Model
Summary: dendextend is an R package for creating and comparing visually appealing tree diagrams. dendextend provides utility functions for manipulating dendrogram objects (their color, shape and content) as well as several advanced... more
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      Clustering and Classification MethodsR softwarClusteringData Vizualisation
Ecologically Valuable Areas play an important role in providing ecosystem services, however, human activities such as land conversion and urban sprawl pose pressures and threats to these areas. The study assessed the land use/land cover... more
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      Remote SensingSpatial AnalysisSpatial ModelingUrban Planning
Trois scripts R adaptés à l'utilisation comme traitement QGis permettent de modéliser directement les couches de données SIG contenant un attribut temporel. La modélisation utilise l'équation intégro-différentielle (IDE) et peut prendre... more
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      Statistical ModelingSpatio Temporal AnalysisR softwarIntegro differential equation and its applications
This article provides a summary of a selection of some of the high-performance parallel packages (libraries) available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) using the statistical software R. These packages can utilize multicore... more
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      Parallel ComputingParallel ProgrammingR (Statistics)R softwar
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      Physics EducationR softwarMental ModelsStatistical Methods
Introducción Tal como hemos señalado en otra ocasiones, la limpieza y procesamiento de datos es una de las actividades que más tiempo consume en el proceso de análisis de datos. En algunos casos toma hasta el 75% del tiempo total del... more
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      R softwarR-projectPlanificación EstratégicaAnalisis del Entorno
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      R softwarAnalisis estadísticosCamera Trapping
Data loggers that measure acceleration are regularly used to quantify the behavioural energetics of animals. Calculating dynamic body acceleration (DBA) by smoothing acceleration data using a necessarily long-running mean of e.g. ≥1 s... more
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      MetabolismInvasive species ecologyCrayfish EcologyInvasive Species
Ecologically Valuable Areas play an important role in providing ecosystem services, however, human activities such as land conversion and urban sprawl pose pressures and threats to these areas. The study assessed the land use/land cover... more
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      Environmental ScienceRemote SensingSpatial AnalysisSpatial Modeling
This is a case study that compares a number of spatial estimation models (such as ordinary kriging, block kriging, universal kriging, kriging with external drift and conditional simulation) to interpolate the total rainfall of 2009 for... more
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      StatisticsSpatial AnalysisSpatial ModelingOpen Source Software
We built a fuel price database from aproximately 20.000 Italian retailers and displayed the dynamic price distribution in 2014-2016. Price distribution over time results in a three dimentional graph allowing a quick grasp of fuel price... more
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      Energy EconomicsNon-parametric methodsR softwar3d Modeling
Diversity and activity patterns of medium and large mammals in La Encrucijada Biosphere Reserve, Chiapas, Mexico. In Mexico, wetlands occupy an important portion of the country, among them, mangroves are particularly diverse. La... more
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      Conservation BiologyEcologyR softwarAnimal ethology
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      Behavior GeneticsLatent variable modelingR softwarR Software