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      PrivacyFighting and Preventing Corruption through LawPolitical ScienceSurveillance (Sociology)
Near Field Communication (NFC) is a special category or a case of RFID (RadioFrequency Identification) Technology. The modern age NFC was introduced in 2004 andsince 2014 after 10 years of invention it has picked popularity... more
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      RFIDRFID Security and PrivacyRFID TechnologyRFID Applications
Currently, vehicular cloud computing has appeared as one of the fast growing technologies in the globe. The cloud-based RFID merged with the VANET provide many advantages such as data storage and processing. This paper proposes an... more
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      RFID Security and PrivacyVanet SecuritySmart CityVANETs
Recent research has shown that using public-key cryptography in order to meet privacy requirements for RFID tags is not only necessary, but also now practically feasible. This has led to the development of new protocols like the... more
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      CryptographyRFID Security and Privacy
Cilj: Poizvedeti za najbolj primerno označbo za vodenje inventarja - prenosni računalnik. Namen: Analiza in ocena najprimernejše označbe za vodenje evidence inventarja. Pregledati ponudbo trga in ugotoviti, kje so prednosti in napake... more
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      Information SecurityRFIDSecurityComputer Security
This book presents the latest research on the challenges and solutions affecting the equilibrium between freedom of speech, freedom of information, information security, and the right to informational privacy. Given the complexity of the... more
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      Business EthicsInformation TechnologyLawPhilosophy
Consider this: nearly 12.4 million people in Shenzhen, China will have residency cards fitted with computer chips containing their name, address, work history, educational background, religion, ethnicity, police record, medical insurance... more
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      RFIDRFID Security and PrivacyRFID TechnologyRFID Based Structure Health Monitoring
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      Business EthicsComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyPhilosophy
Internet Privacy and Myths Third Edition 2016
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      PrivacyCommunication Privacy ManagementRFID Security and PrivacyInformation Security and Privacy
An Attendance Management System (AMS) based on TCP/IP protocol is designed and realized. This paper expounds the principle of the RFID reader device in AMS, its hardware and software design. The reader device takes ARM LM3S9B90 as the... more
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      RoboticsNetwork SecurityEmbedded SystemsRFID Security and Privacy
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      PrivacyRFID Security and PrivacyInformation Security and PrivacyPrivacy (Law)
RFID (Radyo Frekansı ile Tanımlama) teknolojisi; günümüzde çok çeşitli alanlarda ve sektörlerde yaygın olarak kullanılan kablosuz iletişim teknolojilerinden bir tanesidir. Bu kablosuz iletişim teknolojisi temel olarak okuyucu, etiket ve... more
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      RFID Security and PrivacyData SecurityCredit Cards
The purpose of this paper is to present a set of well-investigated Internet of Things (IoT) security guidelines and best practices that others can use as a basis for future standards, certifications, laws, policies and/or product... more
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      AlgorithmsInformation TechnologyTechnologyInformation Security
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      RFID Security and PrivacyRFID Technology
past researches. In this paper, historical perspectives used to establish the requi which, the idea of invention of technologies done related to project. Keywords Energy is nothing but the ability to do work. Power has turned into help... more
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      Advanced MaterialsRFID Security and PrivacyPower GenerationRFID Technology
ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines The ID2020 Alliance has launched a new digital identity program at its annual summit in New York, in collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh, vaccine alliance... more
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      Military IntelligenceHealth SciencesMedical SciencesSocial Sciences
Radiofrequency identification (RFID) technology is used in numerous applications and offers a plethora of interesting potential new applications. However, this potential raises issues that require addressing to achieve its widespread... more
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      RFIDRFID Security and PrivacyTechnology Adoption and Diffusion
Il trattamento dei cd. Big Data, per conformarsi al Regolamento europeo sulla protezione dei dati personali, richiede un'indagine preliminare volta a individuare quali siano le misure organizzative e tecniche idonee alla corretta... more
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      PrivacyCommunication Privacy ManagementRFID Security and PrivacyInformation Security and Privacy
The recent developments in technology that permits the use of radio frequency (RF) technology such as Bluetooth, and radio spectrum have enabled different devices to have capabilities of communicating with each other. Radio frequency (RF)... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringRFIDSecurity Studies
The goal of the book is to present the latest research on the new challenges of data technologies. It will offer an overview of the social, ethical and legal problems posed by group profiling, big data and predictive analysis and of the... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyFree Will, Moral ResponsibilityDigital Divide
On some campuses in Indonesia, student attendance at lectures is very important session to be recorded. Lecturer requires the presence of at least some (e.g. 80%) to be able to follow the final exams. Several other professors, often also... more
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    • RFID Security and Privacy
In the modern age, there is a constraint of a system with connected devices, persons, time, places and networks, which is completely integrated is called as Internet of Things (IoT). Internet of Things has become the vital building blocks... more
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      RFIDRFID Security and PrivacyRFID localizationrfid TRACKING
Ao analisar os comportamentos dos utilizadores através das mídias sociais, Hermida (2014) conclui que nestes ambientes observa-se claramente a natural predisposição humana para partilhar. Neste sentido, Rheingold (2012) discrimina cinco... more
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      PrivacyOnline CommunitiesOnline social networksCommunication Privacy Management
Radio frequency microchip technology is a new innovation in IT that sprang out of the invention of the microchip in the early 1950s and the advances this invention brought to (Radio-Frequency Identification) RFID technology that developed... more
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      RFIDRFID Security and PrivacyMicrochipRadio Frequency
This paper presents an overview of passive radio frequency (RF) energy reception and power harvesting circuits for isolated communications and computing systems lacking access to primary power sources. a unified understanding of the... more
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      RFIDRFID Security and Privacy
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has started to exert a major influence on modern supply chain management. In manufacturing, RFID changes the way objects are tracked on the shop floor and how manufactured goods interact with the... more
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      RFID Security and PrivacyRFID TechnologyInternet of Things (IoT)IOT
In library management system there always been a thing that library need to implement a new management system in order to remove the disadvantage of the previous management system. This project deals with the issuing of books using smart... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyTechnologyComputer Engineering
Privacy has been a sensitive question lurking over the head of Indian administrators who have been equally reluctant and ignorant about answering the same. The advent of Aadhaar Act in 2016 and Government's mandate of linking Aadhaar with... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceLawCriminal LawConstitutional Law
The term Internet of Things (IOT) describes an emerging global, Internet-based information service architecture for RFID-tagged items (Radio-Frequency Identification). In the vision of its proponents, this IOT will facilitate information... more
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      PrivacyNetwork SecurityRFID Security and PrivacyInternet of Things (IoT)
Abstract -- Annually, millions of Muslims embark on a religious pilgrimage called the “Hajj” to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Management of Hajj activities is a very complex task for Saudi Arabian authorities and Hajj organizers due to the large... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringHuman Computer InteractionInformation Technology
Objective of the Project The main objective of this project is to provide security to organizations like Schools, Hospitals, Office spaces, Industrial areas etc by limiting the access to a secured area only to the authorized personnel... more
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      RFID Security and Privacy8051 MicrocontrollerRFID Applications
Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan sebuah prototipe sistem absensi di lingkungan kampus yang memanfaatkan teknologi RFID yang secara otomatis dapat mengumpulkan data kehadiran mahasiswa dan dosen.Sistem absensi ini akan mempermudah proses... more
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    • RFID Security and Privacy
Nowadays, the RFID technology can be found in different sectors and implemented in a big number of applications and it is commonly accepted that its use has offered powerful benefits to its adopters. But, it has also caused intense... more
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      RFIDRFID Security and PrivacyRFID TechnologyRFID Applications
Patient information recorded in electronic medical records is the most significant set of information of the healthcare system. It assists healthcare providers to introduce high quality care for patients. The aim of this study identifies... more
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      PrivacyAccessibility (Computer Science)Electronic Medical RecordsGame Accessibility
—eHealth mobile technologies are becoming increasingly prevalent in both the personal and medical world, assisting healthcare professionals to monitor the progress and current condition of patients. These devices often gather, transmit... more
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      Personality PsychologyHealth PsychologyHealth SciencesHealth Communication
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is in wide deployment and has been used to many applications for decades. The principal advantage of this technology is that it automatically identifies objects using electromagnetic waves... more
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      RFID Security and Privacyrfid TRACKINGRFID Technologyradio frequency identification (RFID)
A complete UHF radio-frequency identification (RFID)-based system capable of localizing individual blood bags inside storage cabinet drawers is presented. It was developed to demonstrate the improvement possibility of current blood stock... more
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      AntennasAntennas & Radio Wave PropagationRFIDRFID Security and Privacy
While planning to introduce a new technology like RFID, it is important to understand the impact that this technology might have and what problems it might bring with. Risk assessment is a methodology for finding and emphasizing problems... more
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    • RFID Security and Privacy
Counterfeiting has always been a concern, costing a significant amount of money and 1 causing losses in international trading markets. RFID tag Anti-counterfeiting is a conceptual solution 2 that has received attention in the past few... more
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      RFID Security and PrivacyRFID Technology
The university system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is concerned with student attendance for lectures, and it is the responsibility of lecturers to monitor student attendance for each lecture. By the end of the semester, students get an... more
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      BioinformaticsComputer ArchitectureArtificial IntelligenceMonitoring And Evaluation
The Internet of Things (IoT) enables numerous business opportunities in fields as diverse as e-health, smart cities, smart homes, among many others. The IoT incorporates multiple long-range, short-range, and personal area wireless... more
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      RFIDThe Internet of ThingsInternet of ThingsRFID Security and Privacy
Neben dem Barcode etabliert sich zunehmend die RFID-Technologie zur Identifikation von Objekten aller Art. Die eindeutige Identifizierung in Verbindung mit der Möglichkeit, zusätzliche mit dem Objekt verknüpfte Informationen an jedem Ort... more
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      RFID Security and PrivacyRFID Technology
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    • RFID Security and Privacy
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksRFID Security and PrivacyTeknik InformatikaJurnal Teknik Informatika
The widespread implementation of RFID in ubiquitous computing is constrained considerably by privacy and security unreliability of the wireless communication channel. This failure to satisfy the basic, security needs of the technology has... more
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      Mathematics of CryptographyRFID Security and PrivacyAuthentication Protocols
Few would deny that monitoring employees is a necessary part of doing business. The very act of paying someone for services would necessitate, in a competitive environment, that the product produced or time spent working be observed.... more
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      PrivacyCommunication Privacy ManagementRFID Security and PrivacyInformation Security and Privacy
""Over a short period, new social media have changed both technological opportunities and communication patterns. This, in turn, has changed the conditions for personal and consumer protection. Users have become content producers, and... more
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      PrivacySocial MediaFacebookMedia
In this article, after a brief survey of various definitions, I will offer and defend a control over access and use account of privacy. My goal is to provide a normative definition of privacy although I will sketch a descriptive account... more
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      PrivacyRFID Security and PrivacyInformation Security and PrivacyPrivacy (Law)