Quranic Studies
Recent papers in Quranic Studies
Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang buku Interpreting the Qur'an Towards A Contemporary Approach karya Abdullah Saeed yang menawarkan sebuah metodologi interpretasi konteksual, yang dia sebut sebagai contextual approach, secara lebih rinci... more
This paper discusses the Qurʾānic verses about the Jews and the people of Israel in terms of the naming and the content. Key questions to be addressed are: What is the purpose of the frequent mention of the people of Israel in the Qurʾān?... more
Quran translation into Western cultures is a high volatility intercultural act. In it many of the translator’s choices are not purely dictated by linguistic necessity alone, but, rather, are due to the Text’s shifting dynamic of... more
This translates Paul Casanova, "Mohammed et la fin du monde", collected and published in Paris, 1911. This is just the main section with footnotes; not the Complementary Notes. I have further corrected some typo's, and for the footnotes I... more
▶ L'authenticité du texte coranique repose sur l'efficacité de la tradition orale islamique, qui aurait permis de le transmettre à l'identique depuis la mort du prophète de l'islam ▶ La découverte de manuscrits coraniques anciens met... more
This study conducts a literary analysis of the traditions and comments of al-Tabari with regards to Muhammad's Night Journey and Ascension is undertaken within the context of al-Tabari's exegesis of Qur'ān, 17:1. The linguistic... more
This article contrasts techniques from non-narrative, poetic and Qurʾānic texts with the narratives of Qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʾ (the Stories of the Prophets) in order to interpret passages on Sulaymān/Solomon in pre-and early Arabic-Islamic... more
@BREPOLS PUBLISHERS. This is only the first page of this paper (title and 1st paragraph).
This work draws upon a host of late antique and medieval sources to examine selected Muslim exegeses of Moses in the Quran. The Muslim exegetical image o f Moses in the Quran is linked with ancient Sumerian stories o f Gilgamesh, var-... more
Employing the tools of postcolonial studies, this paper examines the manner in which the legacy of colonialism continues to influence the analysis of the Quran in the Euro-American academy. While Muslim lands are no longer directly... more
According to most classical Muslim commentators the Quran teaches that Jesus did not die. On the day of the crucifixion another person – whether his disciple or his betrayer – was miraculously transformed and assumed the appearance of... more
The past few decades have witnessed a proliferation of theories on the origins of Islam which have called into question long-held scholarly axioms. One such axiom is the traditional date of 632 CE for the death of the prophet Muhammad,... more
In his objective study of the texts, Maurice Bucaille clears' away many preconceived ideas about the Old Testament, the Gospels and the Quran. He tries, in this collection of Writings, to separate what belongs to Revelation from what is... more
A review article of Shahab Ahmed’s posthumously published monograph, Before Orthodoxy: The Satanic Verses in Early Islam (HUP, 2017)
Almost 75 years after the initial publication of Theodor Nöldeke's Geschichte des Qorâns, Abū ʿAbd Allāh al-Zanjānī (1892–1941), an Iranian religious scholar, made a brief reference in the final chapter of his Tārīkh al-Qurʾān to an... more
Au fil de sa lecture du Coran, de la tradition musulmane et de discussions avec des musulmans, Odon Lafontaine (dit Olaf) n’a pu empêcher la montée d’un sentiment diffus de malaise et d’incompréhension vis à vis de cette religion à mesure... more
The paper discusses the role that Islamic values can play in articulating Islam as an ethical tradition that can shape the international relations.
Opposition of the prophet Moses: killing Horus / Kadim Mısır, üç bin yıllık tarihi boyunca kutsanmış bir politik otoritenin yönettiği güçlü bir medeniyeti ifade eder. Binlerce yıl süren Mısır krallarının iktidarının temelinde, kozmogoni... more
This paper provides updated digital images of four Qurʾān fragments from Chicago's Oriental Institute Museum (OIM) that appeared in Nabia Abbott’s Rise of the North Arabic Script, and calls attention to features of their paleography and... more
يحاول هذا الكتاب استبطان التاريخ الحضاري للأمة والعوامل المؤثرة في مسيرتها والأبعاد الغائية في حركتها من أجل تفسير أسباب العجز والتصور في بناء مشروع الإصلاح. و قد توصل الكتاب إلى نتائج هامة من وراء تلك الأسباب، و منها غياب الطفل و ما... more
A Safaitic inscription accompanied by seven dots (NE Jordan). Photo: A. Al-Jallad 86 Rock art depicting a Demogorgon-like figure (NE Jordan). Photo: A. Al-Jallad 86 bess19 1 102 Location of bess19 1 near the bend in the wadi 102 Team... more
This thesis (1999) delves into Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd's hermeneutics of the Qur'an, which was, at that time, not yet systematically formulated. It tries to reconstruct his theories of text and interpretation based on his works, and gives... more
The study of Jesus in the Qur'an might profitably begin with the fact that there he is called not the expected Arabic Yasu' but rather the unaccountable 'Isa. From there the reader of the Qur'an may wonder to what extent the writer of the... more
Review by Brian Welter, Journal of Shi'a Islamic Studies, Volume 10, Number 2, Spring 2017, pp. 239-241.
The following article surveys a few treatises regarding the salvation of the Prophet Muḥammad’s uncle, Abū Ṭālib b. ‘Abd al-Muṭṭalib (d. circa 619 CE). The controversy concerning Abū Ṭālib’s place in the hereafter stems from a wealth of... more
ملحق (1): مصحف عبد الله بن مسعود - إعادة فحص
Appendix (1): The Mushaf of Abdullah ibn Masud: Re-Examined
صموئيل طلعت، تاريخ النص القرآني: استنطاق المخطوطات بتاريخ النص
Samuel Armanious, the History of the Qur'ānic text
Appendix (1): The Mushaf of Abdullah ibn Masud: Re-Examined
صموئيل طلعت، تاريخ النص القرآني: استنطاق المخطوطات بتاريخ النص
Samuel Armanious, the History of the Qur'ānic text
The utterance of “ahl al-kitap” (people of book) as a noun clause, is one of the words that Quran made it a term and uses for a special meaning. When we analyse the verses that contains “book” at Quran, we can see, the noun clause “ahl... more
"À première vue, les descriptions de Jésus que l’on observe dans le Coran apparaissent ambiguës. D’un côté, elles semblent adhérer à l’hagiographie chrétienne, de l’autre elles nient sa nature divine. Pour saisir les convictions... more
این پژوهش، مروری است بر ارتباط سیاق و اسباب نزول؛ ارتباطی متقابل که گاه به تردید در یکی از این دو قرینه منجر میشود. این نوشتار، به بررسی موقعیت سیاق و اسباب نزول و رابطهی این دو در تفسیر آیهی احصار میپردازد؛ گرچه معترفیم که بحث سیاق و... more
The Hebrew translation of the Quran by Uri Rubin, (1944-2021) was first published in 2005. In 2016, the translator after 11 years, published its edited version. The importance of this translation, regardless of linguistic debates, is the... more
This paper will discuss the differences between the characteristics of mushaf written with rasm ‘Uthmani (‘Uthmani orthography) and mushaf written with rasm al-imla’i (Arabic orthography). Even though there are only six basic differences... more
"A number of Islamic associations have put a quick end to their collaboration with a professor -- and trainer of people who are supposed to teach Islam in German high schools -- who has expressed his doubt that Muhammad ever lived. Islam... more
This is my review of Bigliardi's Islam and the Quest for Modern Science which was published in Pesian
Mark Durie's The Qur'an and Its Biblical Reflexes is a highly original work and a substantial contribution to the field of Qurʾānic Studies. He engages with a great deal of secondary literature, but his study is also based on extensive... more