Fenomena maraknya teori bumi datar di era modern khususnya di Indonesia memicu perdebatan yang melibatkan sudut pandang agama dan ilmu pengetahuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pandangan para pemuka agama dan ilmuwan terhadap... more
While viewing the al-Qur’ān al-Karīm’s inimitability literature, it’s perceived that scholars endeavor to find out some solutions about the meaning of i‘jāz, the nature of the challenge (tahaddī) and how this phenomenon occurs. They... more
One of the fundamental relationships between God and the human being is that the latter is a perfect and complete manifestation or the greatest self-disclosure of God. No other entity has the capacity to reveal all the Divine Attributes... more
Fatiha, Kur'anın mushaf sırasına göre ilk ve açıcı süresidir. İlahımızın okunmasını istediği ilk ayetlerdir. Fatiha çevirisnde ağırlıklı olarak Mukatil ve Taberî tefsirlerinden faydalanmış ve Mustafa Öztürk'ün Fatiha'nın ilk ayetler... more
Judaism is the oldest religion in the Semitic religions and its adherents in every age have tried to preserve their identity as well as their teachings to some extent but the circulation of the day has left its mark on these teachings.... more
Environmental pollution has sensitized the whole world in current times. Pollution is increasing day by day. Land pollution is a type of environmental pollution. Industrial and home wastes are not being disposed off wisely. Solid
This article wants to explain to readers the debate regarding Nasikh Mansukh's knowledge which is used as a basis or one of the methods of interpreting the Koran. The debate that emerged was that several interpretive figures did not... more
زآنجاکه سلبریتی، مفهوم و مسألهای نوپدید در جامعه به شمار میآید شاید برخی گمان کنند که در قرآن نمیتوان سخنی درباره سلبریتیها و آسیبهای اجتماعی آنها پیدا کرد. این در حالی است که قرآن کریم، حقیقتی جاوید و همیشه تازه دارد با حفظ قواعد... more
ّ الت بسیار مهم تفسیر قرآن کریم در دوره معاصر، پیدایش گرایشی از تحو جدید به نام تفسیر اجتماعی است. هدف این گرایش خروج قرآن کریم از انزوا و تبدیل آن به منبعی پویا برای رفع شبهات وارد بر دین در عرصههای جدید زندگی اجتماعی، پاسخگویی به... more
Öz: Ümniyye, Kur'ân'da insanın istek ve temennilerini ifade eden bir kavramdır. İnsan, olmasını istediği şeyleri zihninde tasarlayıp kurmakta ve bunlara inanmaktadır. Genel anlamda istek ve hayaller bir temele dayanıyorsa insanı motive... more
The exegetical literature which has been written since the era of its compilation exhibits various methodologies and approaches. An important methodology is the interpretation of juristic injunctions. The exegetes especially considered... more
Religious extremism is not only threatening integrity of our society but has also posed a serious challenge of law and order in Pakistan. It has also become source of terrorism involving international conspriracies.Thus it is dire need of... more
Understanding allegories, helps us to give a clear and accepted interpretation of complex and complicated thoughts, and this is said to be a cultural need. The purpose of this research is to find and recognize the allegories used by... more
Wasif Ali Wasif was a teacher, writer, poet and sufi intellectual from Pumjab. He was born in Khushab.He belonged to the new era of Urdu poetry, but his poetry and especially Ghazal is capable of classical not only in its subject theme... more
On the Traces of Elitism in the History of Tafsīr: An Attempt to Analyse in the Example of al-Ṭabarī
Qur'anic commentaries are texts in which subjectivity is manifested in terms of language, content and methodological differences. One of the most important factors determining the subjectivity of the exegete (mufassīr) is his biological... more
The glorious Qur’ān is a miracle of Allah in a number of ways. There are two prominent schools of thought among scholars regarding the nature of the Qur’anic Iʻjāz (inimitability of the Qu’ān); one is the Mutazilite school of thought... more
(A Study of Ibn Hazm’s Writing and Descriptive Methodologies on Judaism in “Al-Fisal fi al-Milal wa al-Ahwa’ wa al-Nihal”) Ibn Hazm’s monumental and polemical nature work, “Al-Fisal fi al-Milal wa al-Ahwa’ wa al-Nihal” serves as his... more
The followers of Companions are the ones who learned the knowledge of revelation from the Companions of Holy prophet (PBUH) and met them in the era of faith. The Companions conveyed to them what they had learned from the Holy Prophet... more
In the era of Tabi'īn, three major schools of Qur'anic exegeses were involved in the exegetical services. The first school of Makkah, in which high-ranking personalities like Saeed ibn-e Jubayr, Ikrimah Maula Ibn-e Abbas, and Mujahid... more
Calismamizda Kur’ân’da izzet ve mulk kavramlarinin nasil bir uslupla sunuldugu ve tefsir kaynaklarimizda izzet ve mulkun elde edilme keyfiyetine nasil yaklasildigi hususu ele alinmistir. Bu kapsamda mulk ve izzetin teminine dair âyetler... more
The Holy Qur'an has been translated by many scholars, both Muslim and orientalist. Latin was the first western language into which the Holy Qur'an was translated. In 1143, an Englisman, Robert of Ketton, completed his Latin translation of... more
Of a human, who is created in the world for exam and who wants to be successful on this exam, in order for living a righteous life needs some measures. In order to meet this need, Allah has sent prophets by choosing from the most elite of... more
Dr Shahida Sardar is a renowned poetess of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Her poetic excellence encompasses both Urdu as well as Pashto. The soul of her poetry unlike others isn’t only limited to romance and fairytales but it is a reflection of the... more
Research and critical review of Insha's experiments "Syed Insha is a famous Urdu poet and prose writer. He was born in Murshidabad, India. His father's name was Mir Mashallah Khan. Syed Insha's grandfather was Mir Noorullah Hakim.... more
This article discusses the verse of the Quran concerning iddah (waiting period after divorce or death of husband). The concerned verse is QS. 65:4. It stipulates iddah for menopause women, amenorrhea women, and pregnant women. Muslim... more
It is the perfection of the Islamic law that the rules and regulations based on its basic principles will continue to fulfill the duty of guiding human society in the changing world and bringing it to perfection. The texts and doctrines... more
There has been a difference in the organization and naming of Allah's essence, attributes, names and actions in the discussions of Iman-Billah. The two major schools of thought in Ahl-e-Sunnah, Ash'ira and Mataridiyyah, have also differed... more
Islam is a complete set of laws of life which guarantees success here and hereafter if acted upon in letter and spirit. If we adopt any other way than this, it will mislead because Islam is the only way that nears us to Allah. The... more
Lahiji, one of the great Iranian mystics of Noorbakhshia lineage, has spoken about his mystical revelations in the commentary that he wrote on Shabestari’s Gulshan-i Raz. Mystical revelations, as the specific experiences of mystics in... more
According to linguists, ancient Urdu (Deccani) has a special identity due to its linguistic, phonological, semantic, historical and cultural significance. A unique aspect of research on Deccan literature is lexicography. We have been... more
Islam is a universal religion and an advocate of world-wide peace and unity among people of different backgrounds. It preaches its followers about the unity of the whole humanity. In several verses of Qur’ān and in the sayings of Prophet... more
Urdu Dastan writing was started in 1635 and the first dastan was Subrus by Mullah Wajhi. The tradition of Hamd o Naat in dastan was also started at the same time. Previously, it was strongly traditioned in Urdu Masnavi. This article... more
Error-free printing of Qur’ānic Text is a collective duty of all Muslims. The fact remains that Muslims have performed this duty with devotion and rightly. They also arranged sittings to discuss "Rasm" and " Ḍabt"(رسم... more
Introduction to Time and Financial Contracts Connected Terms The result of human success is found in two ways, one is the guidance of God which is the most precious of the great blessings and the other is the correct and timely use of... more
Mohammad Nassir-a-din Makki Hosseini in his book Bahr al-Maani (The Sea of Meanings) pays considerable attention to epistemological issues. The purpose of the present article is to explain his the epistemological views and to examine the... more
An Overview of the Impact of the War of Independence and the Sir Syed Movement on Urdu Literature (Prose) After the freedom war of 1857, when the Hindus and Muslims became aware politically, the question of language arose with full swing.... more
While Hindi literature and many other South Asian literatures are awash with bucolic elements, Urdu seems to be an exception in this regard. Phanishwar Nath Renu's influential Hindi novel Mailā Ānchal broke the path for ānchalik... more
Sindh was the earliest region conquered by the Arabs and Islam was introduced there after 720 AD. Regarding the propagation and preaching of Islamic teachings in Debal and Mansora, the ruling classes gave great respect to the scholars.... more
Religion has always been playing a very important role in the lives of all humans since the very beginning of life. Historians believe that there has never been lack of divine guidance in any period of time ever since the existence of... more
Olahraga adalah sebagai salah satu aktivitas fisik maupun psikis seseorang yang berguna untuk menjaga dan meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan dan kebugaran. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis tentang (1) pengaruh senam... more
Contemporary education seems very far from Islamic ideology of education. Basically education plays a role to distinguish a man from animalistic life whereas man is going to adopt animalistic life like we can easily see greed, cheat and... more
Tolerance refers to dealing with all human beings fairly irrespective of differences in class, creed, religion, race, color, country and belief. We should accept the concepts and ideas of others and respect their feelings without taking... more
The Quran addresses the lesson of peace to the Muslims and People of the Book. Theory of Quran is based on love, sacrifice, ethics and peace. The People of the Book who spend their lives in the light of Quranic theory, they are softer... more
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) has emerged as one of the most popular byproduct of Assistant Reproductive Technology (ART) in our time. It has proven attractive to people across the globe for variety of reasons including infertility... more
Investigating the term ‘Tatbigh’ in interpretation of Kashani The mystical experiences formed based on the austerity struggle (spiritual meditation) give rise to a new intuitive and mystical commentary interpretation in this regard.... more
Both Islamic and western laws try to facilitate their followers in different ways. For the above mentioned purpose both have formed several Legal Maxims which assist each and every individual to enjoy these facilitations provided to them... more
Islam gives the idea of collective life and tries for human development. The basic idea of the teaching of Islam is that the individual must be true and active worker of society. He must have moral values and principles clearly. In... more
The most important scientific feature of the modern era is understanding the necessity of retrieving and regenerating human knowledge, including Qur’anic Interpretation and Qur’anic Sciences. The scholars who have studied the Qur'an since... more
اسوہ حسنہ اورمغربی ذہن کے اشکالات....استشراقی فکرکے تناظرمیں تحقیقی و تنقیدی جائزہ Western mind always remains muddled to fathom the Islamic belief “Prophethood” but it is grand reality that the West has contributed a lot in “Sirah... more