Qur’an and the Sunna
Recent papers in Qur’an and the Sunna
Il Kitab ul-Qadr, qui tradotto come Il Libro del Destino, è parte della raccolta Sahih Bukhari e Sahih Muslim, che riporta gli Hadith del Profeta (pbsl) relativi ad un tema fondamentale nella religione islamica ossia la nozione di destino... more
―Abstract― What is the secret of happiness? What is the nature of love? What makes us good hosts or good guests? What traits should we seek out in friends and seek to embody as friends... more
Various approaches to the study of Islam; insider versus outsider; macro versus micro, etc.
Without a doubt, the Qur’an is beautiful, indeed, the most beautiful literary composition the Arabic language has ever known. It signified the divine presence itself and commanded the greatest honor. The proof that the Qur’an was the... more
العمامة في ضوء القران والسنة
و فهم سلف الأمة
و فهم سلف الأمة
This is an opuscule of forty hadiths by Imam Ibn Hajar which he narrates from forty different Companions through forty shuyukh in a myriad of places; from the old Salihiyya quarter of Damascus to the Riyad al-Jannah in the Prophets (may... more
“Under the cover of an islam that has been distorted by ignorantists, some fanatics, corruptors of the faith, who are at ease with ignominy, commit the worst crimes against God and humanity. By distorting Islâm and all the universal,... more
That Dr. Andrew Rippin would invite me to co-author an article on the Qur'an for the collection of articles he solicited and edited (Routledge 2008) is a sign of his generosity and ability to work with others from a wide range of personal... more
This study concerns the context of research pertaining to the methodology of approaching the Sunnah of the Prophet vis a vis the dilemma of modernism and postmodernism; a dilemma which has confronted the traditional Islamic system with... more
In this article it is argued that the Qiblah passages in the Qur’an, which are commonly understood as referring to the direction of the prayer, are directly engaging with and interpreting the Shema passages in Deuteronomy and their... more
Islamic finance is one of the fastest growing segments of global financial industry. In some countries, it has become systemically important and, in many others, it is too big to be ignored.Islamic finance is based on shariah, an Arabic... more
The metaphor of the camel passing through the eye of the needle is found in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew 19:24, Mark 10:25, Luke 18:25) and the Qur'an (7:40). The Gospels seem to suggest that it is easier for a camel to pass through the... more
Many scholars, both Muslim and Western, modern and contemporary, draw erroneous conclusions about the differences in theological flow in the context of the narration of hadith. One of the most crucial wrong conclusions is that the... more
The early Western studies of hadith-since Goldziher and Schacht, then G.H.A. Juynboll, and the following generation including Harald Motzki, Jonathan Brown, and Scott Lucas among othershave addressed the main question of the discipline,... more
The aim of this article is to trace the evolution in the meaning of the concept of Sunnah prior to its classical definition, which largely confluences it with the concept of an authentic ( ṣ aḥ īḥ ) Ḥ adīth as defined by the classical... more
Any endeavour to investigate into Muhammad‟s sīrah, in totality, cannot disregard one of the key events of his prophethood, namely: the nocturnal voyage; al-’Isrā’ and the heavenly ascension; al-Miʿrāj. The authenticity of the... more
The framing of Islamic law in the first four centuries of Islam is of great significance to scholars. During this period, the Islamic diaspora was in the earliest part of its development, establishing its identity and developing the... more
The dissertation explores the Qur’anic hermeneutics of Irfan A. Khan (b. 1931), a significant contemporary scholar of the Qur’an and modern western philosophy. It demonstrates that Khan’s Qur’anic hermeneutic is a paradigm shift as... more
Hadis hırsızlığı (sarikatu’l-hadîs) terimini kısaca, “Bir ravinin muteber olmayan bir yolla aldığı bir hadisi, çoğunlukla onda birtakım değişiklikler yaparak, bir başkasına rivayet etmesidir.” şeklinde tanımlamak mümkündür. Hadis... more
In the modern age, the conflict between science and religion manifests itself in the debate between evolution and creation. If we adopt a creationist's reading of the Qur'an, we discover an interesting anomaly. Reading the Qur'an... more
Muslims commonly refer to the beginning of Islam as the archetype golden era of their religion both in terms of piety and pre-eminence. This period comprised the career of the Prophet Muḥammad and the subsequent first four leaders of the... more
It seems that Muslims are able recite the Quran, but if we inquire if they know what they recite, not a few say “no.” Those who have memorised the Quran have accomplished a major feat. I recall attending a talk at the Islamic University... more
Spiritual tourism is not a new phenomenon, however, when the tourism became a global trend of religious expression, the perspective of the sociology of religion takes its role . In Indonesia, although Muslims perform hajj, visiting and... more
An excerpt from the classic of Islamic systematic theology by Abū Ja'far Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad al-Ṭaḥāwī (4thc. Hijrī / 10thc. CE), Al-Aqidah al-Tahawiyyah, translated into English in the style of Islamic didactic poetry to facilitate... more
review by S.Lucas of my book on sunna
References for Islaah and Da'wah
Il Kitab al-Sawm, tradotto in italiano come il Libro del Digiuno, riporta una serie di Tradizioni del Profeta Muhammad (pace e benedizioni su di lui) relative alla pratica cultuale del digiuno così come era praticato dal Profeta e dai... more
Türkiye’de cumhuriyetin ilanından günümüze kadar, Kur’ân meâli çalışmaları konusunda oldukça bereketli bir birikim söz konusudur. Bu çalışmalardan birisi de Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Peker tarafından kaleme alınan “Kur’an Meâli” adlı eserdir.... more
Certo pensiero islamico contemporaneo insiste sull'idea che il buon credente debba conformare il proprio comportamento al modello divino oltre che a quello profetico, dunque all'essere e al fare di Dio (cfr. la dottrina dei Nomi). A... more
The research is showing great interest towards the topic Qur’anic Composition because of the subtle differences and subtle connotations between similar expressions of the Qur’an, especially since these similarities address the structural... more
Bu makalede, ortaya koyduğu düşüncelerle Tasavvuf’un tarihî gelişim sürecine önemli etkileri bulunan Muhyiddin İbnü’l-Arabî’nin işârî tefsir anlayışının fikrî arka planı incelenmekte, onun Kur’ân yorumlarına ilişkin metoduna tesir eden... more
Son kutsal kitap Kur’ân insanların anlaması için gönderilmiştir. Bu ise ancak onda yer alan kavramların ve sözcüklerin iyi bir şekilde anlaşılmasıyla mümkün olur. Bu sebeple Kur’ân’da yer alan kelimeler ve kavramlar tam olarak bilinmeden... more
İnsan onurlu olarak yaratılmıştır. Hz. Muhammed, cahiliye döneminde çiğnenen insanlık onurunu korumak ve hak ettiği seviyeye yükseltmek için çok önemli kurallar getirmiştir. Hz. Muhammed, insanın gerçek onuruna kavuşması için... more
In this study, it was discussed why the Jews were cursed by Allah Almighty in the framework of the Qur'an. First of all, let us express that the Quran is a divine message sent by Allah for the guidance of humanity. It contains information... more
The aim of this study was to explore the ways in which the main texts in Islam, Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), contribute to understandings of oral health. The AHadith provide guidance for oral health-related... more